It's quite sad that Pakistan has so much talent and resources, yet we haven't built our first engine for autos field. Pakistan may not have all the technologies available but we can't wait for a very long time to start acquiring a technology that's now centuries old (literally).
We can work on setting up a plan for engine manufacturing in Pakistan and will see on the way if yes we can for sure build an engine in Pakistan. It will more of analysis of current scenario, available and required resources, and able players for manufacturing.
To achieve this feat in the shortest amount of time, Pakistan should start a program just like X-Prize. But there is no X-Prize style organization in Pakistan, so Pakistan Army can take the lead (through Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC)) and offer project startup funding and any help with imports of machinery, and a huge order of engines to the winning companies in multiple categories (simple car engine to a heavy loader truck engine). Toyota, Suzuki etc. can take part in the heavy-engine category and in light- engine to mid-engine category will only be for Pakistan origin companies. All winning engines will be co-owned by HMC.
Manufacturer = Any company that can/want to be part of the competition
Able Manufacturer = Any company which fulfills the minimum requirements of Manufacturing an engine (of course these requirements should be based on the level of tech available in Pakistan, rest of the technologies can be built by HMC and/or imported so that not affecting the whole progress)
01. First and Foremost building a governing body to run this project, from Government/Army/HMC, and project and project strategy overview department to overview the governing body.
02. Preparation of final plan (Project Strategy),
03. Requirement Analysis for the selection of (able) Manufacturers - criteria: Knowledgeable personals, Tech strength, production strength etc.
Step 2 and 3 can proceed at the same time
04. Marketing of the project
05. Review of final plan (after completing the study of step 2 and 3)
Step 4 and 5 will proceed in parallel for the enhancement of plan and provide manufacturers ample time to analyze their capabilities and start preparations if willing to compete.
06. Providing consultancy to the companies to help understand the required capabilities
07. Analysis of Able Manufacturers
08. Invitation to Local and/or International tech companies for the technical support and consultancy. (this Tech Consultancy Group will be paid by companies who want to consult for any tech issue they can't resolve or want more know-how about. The government can award some funding for the companies to get consultancy for a limited time, they will have to pay for more support, Government can then offset some amount after that but it will depend on available funding for the whole project, consultancy group will strictly have no connection to any competitor).
09. Start Date to get applications from Manufacturers
10. Setting up of different bodies in the organization aside from the governing body, (Funding & Support dept., Monitoring & Audit dept., General Support dept., Tech Support dept., Manufacturing dept., International Consultancy Tech dept., Tech and Non Tech knowledge gathering departments, Patents filing department, Project review and overview boards etc.), some of these departments can be independent, and some can be under the governing body of the whole project, but a close collaboration mechanism should be planned, setup, monitored and maintained by the main body. Other departments of government can be asked to facilitate the main project, like IPO of Pakistan, can provide support for Patents, Auditor General of Pakistan for Auditing and so on. If a government department is not strong enough then a sub-department under the main body of this project should be setup.
11. Inviting able Manufacturers which haven't applied yet after the mid-date of application submission duration, and providing consultancy if needed. (some companies may have reservations on the program or on the outcome of program)
12. Setting up industrial level 3D manufacturing facilities to provide support or invite big international companies to provide such setup locally for the competition.
13. Start Date of Main Project (Building a made in Pakistan Engine)
14. This will also bring in a huge amount of talent from outside of Pakistan (Pakistanis and Non-Pakistanis), so there should be a side plan of HMC to absorb that talent during and/or after the project completion.
15. During this period if a part can be manufactured in Pakistan, then start manufacturing it, (we will have all the talent gathered in Pakistan, so if someone knows what they want, they will go to the Tech support department of HMC and give exact requirements, Knowledge will be gathered and Tech support will analyze, if it can be manufactured within a certain time or should just be imported.
16. Aside from made in Pakistan engine, this will give rise to local manufacturing of different parts and machines within Pakistan, the knowledge gathered can be converted to textbooks, a whole governing structure of x-prize style to keep initiating more projects, that are the need of time.
17. Winning company/team will get winning amount and a huge order of engines. Rights to the manufacturing of Engine can be distributed among government and winning companies, and better, patented technologies (by different companies (winner/loser)) can be later utilized to enhance the winning engines (Company that owns the patent, to be paid some share of the profit).
18. Initially, Army can procure some vehicles built using those engines, give feedback, and re-try the ones with enhanced engines.
At this point, the winning company will need a whole lot of maintenance centers for their engines after full throttle production starts, so they can start hiring inexperienced and experienced youth to work with them.
19. PA needs a huge number of vehicles and if we can build the whole thing in Pakistan including engine, it's not going to cost that much, and we may be able to secure huge numbers for the winning companies. Government departments own different types of cars/trucks etc., and they need even more but can't afford, so the government can order a huge number of different types of vehicles for different departments.
This is just a dream that I see for Pakistan and have put together as I want to see this happening, but there may be mistakes in this text/plan/strategy, so everyone of us on PDF can contribute to improve this and hope that someday someone will realize the possibilities of this dream and do something like this, maybe after reading this
I am hoping for positive responses to help improve this strategy, so please invite anyone on this forum with better knowledge in the fields of Autos, Planning, and Strategy development etc. thanks.
@Imran Khan,
@Muhammad Omar