So... we know the last prophet was Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas)... and then his REPRESENTATIVE or otherwise known as "VARIS" in both in Arabic and Turkish, a total of 33 of them (first one being Hz. Ebu-Bekir Siddique), which we call these VARIS as Mursid-i Kamils..
The Last Mursid-i Kamil, Hz. Suleyman Hilmi Tunahan served until 1964 on earth.. he is my grandfather from my mothers side. He had two options given to him, "Ya hicret, Ya Olum", meaning, either death, or migration to serve more for the deen of Allah.. He chose the 2nd.. After 1964, he was taken to the planet Mars, or otherwise known as Merih in Arabic by the CHIEF of the angels Hz. Cebrail a.s. He didn't die.. thats not his grave in Istanbul.
The question is.. is there really a MEHDI? NO.. The terminology of Mehdi and the whole entire concept was FABRICATED, Planned, and written and IS STILL preached by Feytullah Gulen, or the HEAD HONCHO of FETO terrorism group, going back 450+ years ago.
So, there are NO real MEHDI's... There's TALIBIN, the ABSOLUTE and VERY LAST..
Kuran-i Kerim is of course 1274 pages.. when the Khalifate was placed on PAUSE, that's when the false books came into printing. Why was there a pause? The masses on/in the borders Devlet-i Alliye Osmaniyye prefered to adopt KUFFUR into their lives, such as gambling, alcohol, drugs (hashashi's), discos and brothels.. they rebelled against the last Sultan my grand father from my fathers side Hz. Abdulhamid II.. hence, peoples wishes were granted. Just like our beloved prophet Hz. Muhammed MUSTAFA (sas) said, the masses/humans will be LEAD by those WHO THEY DESERVE, hence Kamal Ataturd, who was CAPAULTED into two pieces by my grand father Hz. Suleyman Hilmi Tunahan by his own uniquely crafted sword.
Listen to the lyrics of our beloved brother Osman Oztunc..
Bağrımdaki kurşunlarla çık peygamber katına
Ol mübarek avucun içini birer birer say oğul
Bet yüzler kem gözler hor bakarmış vatana
Biz tükenip yok olmadan olmaz böyle şey oğul
He says "çık peygamber katına" meaning, come to the status/leadership of a prophet... can these words be uttered to an ordinary person? Or one who deserves it..
Who's the VERY LAST, after Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas) and his 33 Mursid-i Kamil REPRESENTATIVES.. Resul-u Ekber-i Eshad
Resul (a book given prophets and messenger)
Ekber-i (the GREATEST created SOUL in Kal-u Bela)
Eshad (the Sultan of 18 thousan worlds)
inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH cc, will transform this track in to each persons native language as he sees best fit.. if i have any short comings since i have begun this thread, inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete it.