I'am not speaking you of killing ismalistes or not I don't care, I'm talking you about the methods used by the Algerian DRS, several former senior officers in the Algerian army report those methods:
You are just like a bovine, chewing the cod...The Algerian DRS are blamed for a lot of things, the Mossad too
Who killed Boudiaf? Who is the man who threw a grenade under his seat, and subsequently was passed for a "crazy" men .
his killer is in jail..case closed
Former senior Algerian officers, refugees abroad, have asserted that Djamel Zitouni was a DRS agent. This same Zitouni, who was in prison, and was out of the prison and sent to slaughter women and children . Are they liers ??
None of the MOAL was a senior officer, or had a key position in our army organigram...All what you read come bearded islamists, written by Geze ( un de vos force de securite larbin , lavishly paid by the makhzen..If you were in the army, a sarge or a corporal don't know much...
Zitouni, was cornered and killed in Boufarik..In fact during the Mohamed Lamari years as a chief staff, the life of a terrorist chief, rarely pass the 5 month tresh hold
Bentalha massacre ( 400 victims in 3 hours Ya rab ! slaughtered coldish )
Sadly Bentalha happened...That's the fall out of Islam in the hand of zealots, helped by the Makhzen , the arab states, Iran and the west..
The algerian army is directly accused of organizing the massacre .
The army is blameless all that BS of "who kill who" was debunked..
Although I am not Algerian, when I see videos of these massacres, I want to cry , anu human in the world will be hurt by this . Algerian here in France who lived in Algeria during the civil war saw with their own eyes during massacres, military vehicles leave the premises or place where these massacres were commited , Wallah that I don't lie , Algerians told me this word by word. Not to mention the soldiers who disguised themselves as terrorists to attack civilians...
Stop the bullshiet! If you don't lie you must be freaking blind or illiterate! Everybody knows who was behind the massacres...
read the following , from Afriqueasie
Alors qu’elle faisait face au « péril vert » dans les années 1990, au milieu d’un océan d’indifférence arabe, africaine et internationale, l’Algérie a été la première à planter le premier clou dans le cercueil de l’islamisme politique. Elle a fait barrage à un processus électoral suicidaire, dont l’issue aurait été la destruction des institutions, l’asservissement de la société à un dogme religieux dévoyé et la dissolution programmée du pays dans un ensemble politico-administratif fantasmé : la oumma et le califat.
Il s’en est fallu de peu. En 1992, les dirigeants islamistes étaient assurés de la victoire électorale aux législatives qui les aurait propulsés au cœur du pouvoir, dont ils occupaient déjà les antichambres à travers leurs nouveaux élus aux municipales et leur proximité avec un nombre important de pontes du parti unique, le Front de libération nationale (FLN), que l’on désignait par le sobriquet imagé de « barbéfélènes ». Ils pouvaient compter sur le louvoiement du président Chadli Bendjedid, qui prônait « le respect du choix du peuple » et « donner une chance au Front islamique du salut (Fis) de constituer son gouvernement ». Il était sur la même longueur d’onde que le roi du Maroc Hassan II, qui, regrettant l’arrêt du processus électoral, affirmera abruptement : « Dommage que les autorités algériennes aient interdit le Fis, sinon c’était un laboratoire pour tester l’efficacité de l’islamisme. » Le Qatar était lui aussi de la partie, sur la même ligne que la France de François Mitterrand, alors que prospérait parmi les intellectuels français de la « gauche caviar » la théorie de la « régression féconde ». Celle qui, à quelques années d’intervalles, rappellera la théorie du « chaos créateur » des néoconservateurs américains, qui permit en 1991 et en 2003 la destruction de l’Irak.
Le scrutin par lequel l’horreur est arrivée n’avait pourtant pas la pureté de l’eau de roche. De l’aveu du premier ministre d’alors chargé de l’organiser, Sid Ahmed Ghozali, qui promettait des élections « transparentes et honnêtes », elles ne furent ni l’un ni l’autre.
To save you from being shamed from participants of this forum...I am not going to translate it
You have the nerve to lie and say that it is the Arab countries, Morocco etc.
Yes and I repeat that... Save Tunisia,Your country , Iran and the rest of the arab world, Syria's included were culprit and you were in deep. And you are doing the same to the Syrians after you disemboweled Lybia!
I find that you're very violent in your words, I'd moderator, I would punish you.
Violence beget violence...You started it...Now deal with the fact and truth...
You insult people, personalities, chief of state, a little respect would not hurt
I didn't insult anybody...I stated facts that the whole world know..There is no secret, that M6 is homosexual like most of the Arabs dignitaries, That the Makhzen instituted and informally legalized prostitution for the European smicar , to abuse your children. The last was pardoned by your king and left to Spain where he was imprisoned due to the fact he embarrassed the state he was serving...King of Jordan, is known to be , like his dad before him on the CIA payroll...Where did I lie...? And for moderators, I become very famous...Each one of them give me one time or another , a paid leave...To quit the Saudis, the Pakistanis, 3olaya the Jordanian queen and now I am dealing with a makhzeni drag queen...Eh Fatima, why don't you use your key board and argue, instead of acting like a virgin that has just lost her hymen.
This thread I created to show that forgotten part of Africa is in quest for independence from Morocco...I would like for you, to argue your country position , so other participants can understand the Sahrawi problem...
Don't bring Algeria's army or generals in the foray...They have nothing to do with the Polisario kicking your ***...Americans and French among others trained your troops, supplied you with equipments and Arab states finance it for you..We did the same with the Sahrawi, we trained them, we equipped them, we financed them, we gave them a voice in the world arena
and we won't stop until a referendum is taking place and a solution is found to their problem...So deal with it...I will be civil with you as long as you are civil...its your choice!