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Legislation underway: Minorities to have their own marriage laws


Jul 20, 2010
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I know this article is almost 10 days old but I don't think any one posted it so I decided to share

The government has referred a draft of “Minorities Protection Bill” to the Ministry of Minority Affairs to legislate on the Marriage Act for Hindu, Sikh, Parsi and Bahai minorities. The decision has been taken in response to the pleas submitted by Hindu community representatives in the parliament secretariat last year for registration of marriages of minorities.

Sources inside the minorities’ ministry said that the new bill adopts almost all suggestions proposed by the Hindu community representatives, with only minor changes. Under the proposed bill, every marriage solemnised under the Hindu religion will be registered.

The 1998 census showed over one million Hindus in Pakistan, while currently the population has increased to over 4 million, making it the largest minority in the country. Currently, marriage registration facility is provided to Muslims in the form of a”Nikah Naama”, and to Christians in the form of “Certificate of Marriage”. All other communities are deprived of this right of registration of marriages. To pursue their demands for marriage registration bill, representatives of the Hindu community had recently threatened to hold a sit-in before the parliament to push the government to introduce the much-awaited bill in the parliament.

The Ministry of Minority Affairs, in its written reply, confirmed the development and said that efforts are being made to assist the minorities in every possible way. The ministry said during the last three years, a total of 40,387 needy individuals belonging to minorities have been granted financial assistance, while a total of 4,142 students from minorities have been granted scholarships. It said the government has approved to set up a hotline to address grievances of minorities, which will operate around the clock.

The ministry informed that for the upkeep of religious places, the government has approved 222 Small Development Schemes for the welfare and uplift of minorities since April 2008. It said that the present government has also increased the development and scholarship funds for minorities from Rs75 million to Rs172 million. Moreover, the government will construct prayer rooms for minorities in all jails of the country, while an Interfaith Complex will be established in Islamabad. It said that that remission in the punishment for minority prisoners involved in minor crimes is also under consideration.

According to the minorities’ ministry officials, ten religious festivals of minorities are celebrated officially in Pakistan.

These festivals include Christmas and Easter for Christians, Holi and Diwali for Hindus, Biasakhi and birth anniversary of Guru Nanak for Sikhs, Nauroze for Zoroastrian, Eid-e-Ridvan for Bahai’s, Festival of Lights for Buddhist community, Chelum Jhost for Kalash people.

Legislation underway: Minorities to have their own marriage laws – The Express Tribune
The 1998 census showed over one million Hindus in Pakistan, while currently the population has increased to over 4 million, making it the largest minority in the country.

Interesting, I always thought Christians made up the largest minority group in Pakistan!
The Ministry of Minority Affairs, in its written reply, confirmed the development and said that efforts are being made to assist the minorities in every possible way. The ministry said during the last three years, a total of 40,387 needy individuals belonging to minorities have been granted financial assistance, while a total of 4,142 students from minorities have been granted scholarships. It said the government has approved to set up a hotline to address grievances of minorities, which will operate around the clock.
:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
Good effort by the GoP to bring people from other religions at parity. This was a long standing demand from many hindus and hope to see it addressed soon.
When is the next Census of Pakistan going to be held?
Same year India held it's census

But i find it hard to believe from 1998 only there was 1 million hindus now there is 4 million? thats like 3 million increase in just over 10 years does not make sense unless in 1998 there more than 1 million??
Interesting, I always thought Christians made up the largest minority group in Pakistan!

yeah, and you know somehow it only appeared to have happened in 20 years !
An accurate census of all Christians in Pakistan does not exist to my understanding, due to great and valid fear of reprisals and murder/assassinations of Christians by terrorists today.

In my day living and working in Pakistan, 1963-65, Pakistan then had many "secret" Christians, some Roman Catholic, some Protestants. I would suspect that there are a few million "secret" Christians in Pakistan, in addition to the estimated 6 million Christians there.

In any event, Yes, Christians of all denominations would most likely be the largest minority religious grouping in Paksitan.

These figures are the more serious because of the relatively small size of the Christian communities in Pakistan whose numbers in total have officially been estimated to be around 2-3 % of the population of Pakistan, in other words a community approximately 4-6 million in size4, split approximately 50-50 between Protestants and Catholics. However many Christian sources within and outside Pakistan estimate the Christian community in Pakistan to be at least twice that5. Approximately 80% of Christians live in the Punjab, with around 14% in Sindh, 4% in the NWFP, and 2% in Balochistan6.
Good job by GOP. I'm no PPP lover but they are one of the more secular parties of Pakistan. Infact Rana Chandra Singh, a Hindu was one of the founders of PPP.

An accurate census of all Christians in Pakistan does not exist to my understanding, due to great and valid fear of reprisals and murder/assassinations of Christians by terrorists today.

In my day living and working in Pakistan, 1963-65, Pakistan then had many "secret" Christians, some Roman Catholic, some Protestants. I would suspect that there are a few million "secret" Christians in Pakistan, in addition to the estimated 6 million Christians there.

In any event, Yes, Christians of all denominations would most likely be the largest minority religious grouping in Paksitan.

The Christian population isn't the only one that is marginalized in the census. Even the population of urdu speakers was understated in the last census. According to some NGO's the Christian population is around 20 million which is possible.
An accurate census of all Christians in Pakistan does not exist to my understanding, due to great and valid fear of reprisals and murder/assassinations of Christians by terrorists today.

In my day living and working in Pakistan, 1963-65, Pakistan then had many "secret" Christians, some Roman Catholic, some Protestants. I would suspect that there are a few million "secret" Christians in Pakistan, in addition to the estimated 6 million Christians there.

In any event, Yes, Christians of all denominations would most likely be the largest minority religious grouping in Paksitan.

I would ask Karachiite about how Christians are living in Pakistan. He could give you a pretty accurate picture.
Didn't get that sorry?

the increase in number of hindus. I meant to say dramatically multiplied.

however, in this consensus punjabi population is going to be marginalized for sure, as pppp wants to have more resources reserved for sindh in the next NFC award. we are expecting to see equal or nearby population of sindh and punjab.
An accurate census of all Christians in Pakistan does not exist to my understanding, due to great and valid fear of reprisals and murder/assassinations of Christians by terrorists today.

In my day living and working in Pakistan, 1963-65, Pakistan then had many "secret" Christians, some Roman Catholic, some Protestants. I would suspect that there are a few million "secret" Christians in Pakistan, in addition to the estimated 6 million Christians there.

In any event, Yes, Christians of all denominations would most likely be the largest minority religious grouping in Paksitan.

What do you mean by "secret Christians" ?
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