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Leaked NATO Report Breaks News of Afghanistan's Incapable Army

That's the mentality of a sectarian or war-lord. An interesting perspective which will either lead to endless war as each foreign or minority group tries to carve out its own little fiefdom and impose its will on the surrounding majority; or lots of peaceful little swiss statelets all working hard to make a better kind of cuckoo-clock. Of course you are assuming that the Afghans would accept such a division of their country by foreigners.

Iran has far greater ethnic divisions than any of its neighbors. It's fortunate for the sectarian theocracy ruling Iran that the wealthy gulf arabs until the past year haven't really put much effort into helping those ethnic groups seek independence.
I'm certain that in the next Afghan civil war there will be calls for secession, from the various ethnic groups. The alternative is to live under a brutal Taliban theocratic regime and that is not popular with the non Pashtuns, for obvious reasons. In such a situation, Iran would be very interested in helping groups who share a common identity. I'm not worried about my country because we have created a religion that unites all the minorities, since the 1500s by the Safavids.
just 30 years ago Afghanistan was one of the most open minded and Progressive Muslim country in the World....
now look at "haal" of this country, West completely destroyed it.

That was BS.. South and rural north was rural and conservative.. The only exception was Kabul which was held by a westernised/communist govt which itself had the blood of the afghan monarchy at its hands (Saur revolution and massacre of King Zahir Shah).. A govt not accepted by most of its own people...

I'm certain that in the next Afghan civil war there will be calls for secession, from the various ethnic groups. The alternative is to live under a brutal Taliban theocratic regime and that is not popular with the non Pashtuns, for obvious reasons. In such a situation, Iran would be very interested in helping groups who share a common identity. I'm not worried about my country because we have created a religion that unites all the minorities, since the 1500s by the Safavids.

The successive govts of Afghanistan make Taliban look like angels much like the warlords (who formed northern alliance).. It was the sole reason people were more pragmatic and accepting of the Taliban.

As for religion.. Is Shiaism a sect or another religion altogether ? Also Shiaism itself was imposed by Safavids on Iranians.

And till today people are being divided in the same of secterianism..
I'm certain that in the next Afghan civil war there will be calls for secession, from the various ethnic groups. The alternative is to live under a brutal Taliban theocratic regime and that is not popular with the non Pashtuns, for obvious reasons. In such a situation, Iran would be very interested in helping groups who share a common identity. I'm not worried about my country because we have created a religion that unites all the minorities, since the 1500s by the Safavids.

What is the difference between living under Taliban zealot rule or the Northern Alliance women hating child molesters? They are all the same and to an ordinary Afghan it makes really no difference. All these militant and tribal groups have certain things in common. One of them is to kill and destroy peace among the people. They just happen to be rival factions. That is the only thing which divides them fiercely.
Which military you are talking about a escape goat designed by USA to get rid of Afghanistan a military black hole. They are poorly trained and facing well trained guerrilla fighters.
Not only that, they don't get paid for months!
Not only that, they don't get paid for months!
And above all they joined armed services just for Job and on that they don't get paid. Sheikh Saadi said in his poetic book How can soldier fight for the country when his equipment on mortgaged.
I'm certain that in the next Afghan civil war there will be calls for secession, from the various ethnic groups. The alternative is to live under a brutal Taliban theocratic regime and that is not popular with the non Pashtuns, for obvious reasons. In such a situation, Iran would be very interested in helping groups who share a common identity. I'm not worried about my country because we have created a religion that unites all the minorities, since the 1500s by the Safavids.

A religion that unites all the minorities? Are you suggesting the Persian Sunnis, Kurdish Sunnis, Ahwaz Sunnis, Turkmen Sunnis, Baluchi Sunnis and others follow the Safavid faith? :-)

I quite agree that the Taliban were a brutal regime. However they didn't sexually molest and rape men, women, boys, and girls in their prisons--something for which the Iranian theocratic regime is infamous. Unfortunately, it's evident that you support brutality so long as it's carried out by members of your own sect. Have you considered moving to south Lebanon and staying there permanently?

Afghans have created and destroyed several empires throughout their history, I've no doubt they will rise again as they have again and again throughout history. The Safavids created nothing but destroyed the proud Persian culture which produced world famous figures such as Mevlana Rumi; and replaced them with a gang of drug-dealing 'ghulati' witch-doctors from Lebanon. I have yet to meet an Iranian living outside Iran who associates their thousands of years of culture with that of the theocratic medieval fanatics ruling Iran, that sort of thing is the preserve of the sectarians in Pakistan and India.
i am worried about the training of Pakistani army officers now -

Training depends upon students own thirst also. In this case military professionalism.

Pakistan SSG has been trained by US Army GreenBerets and Rangers. SSG (N) by US Navy SEALs. The operational capabilities of both SSG and SSG (N) are excellent.
Give 2 years and the Taliban will take over Afghanistan.

I doubt theyl be able to take over Afghanistan, as NATO will ensure the safety of major urban centres like Kabul (as they showed with airstrikes on Kunduz recently for example), but certainly the countryside is a different matter, and the nation as a whole will remain paralyzed till the Kabul government takes the Taliban seriously and engages with them. Ghani seems like a person genuinely trying to improve the situation but he is surrounded by warlords and hawks like Dostum (Dasht-i-Leili massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , Abdullah Abdullah and Amrullah Saleh. Afghanistan and the Afghan people will keep suffering as long as chest thumping idiots like these exist around Ghani.
A religion that unites all the minorities? Are you suggesting the Persian Sunnis, Kurdish Sunnis, Ahwaz Sunnis, Turkmen Sunnis, Baluchi Sunnis and others follow the Safavid faith? :-)

I quite agree that the Taliban were a brutal regime. However they didn't sexually molest and rape men, women, boys, and girls in their prisons--something for which the Iranian theocratic regime is infamous. Unfortunately, it's evident that you support brutality so long as it's carried out by members of your own sect. Have you considered moving to south Lebanon and staying there permanently?

Afghans have created and destroyed several empires throughout their history, I've no doubt they will rise again as they have again and again throughout history. The Safavids created nothing but destroyed the proud Persian culture which produced world famous figures such as Mevlana Rumi; and replaced them with a gang of drug-dealing 'ghulati' witch-doctors from Lebanon. I have yet to meet an Iranian living outside Iran who associates their thousands of years of culture with that of the theocratic medieval fanatics ruling Iran, that sort of thing is the preserve of the sectarians in Pakistan and India.
95% of Iran is Shia, I think that conversion is well done. The most important thing is that Iran is not enslaved any more by Sunni Arabs, or Sunni Turks. Shia religion is a necessary evil to stamp out unwanted foreign influences. On the contrary, it preserved Persian culture.

What is the difference between living under Taliban zealot rule or the Northern Alliance women hating child molesters? They are all the same and to an ordinary Afghan it makes really no difference. All these militant and tribal groups have certain things in common. One of them is to kill and destroy peace among the people. They just happen to be rival factions. That is the only thing which divides them fiercely.

The ordinary "Afghan" wants to be ruled by a person of his own clan, tribe or ethnic group. It's the same concept everywhere in the Muslim world: an Iraqi Sunni wants his president to be Sunni, even if that person is corrupt or violent.
Training depends upon students own thirst also. In this case military professionalism.

Pakistan SSG has been trained by US Army GreenBerets and Rangers. SSG (N) by US Navy SEALs. The operational capabilities of both SSG and SSG (N) are excellent.
Boss couple of days ago according to Afghanistan - Pakistan army captains attacked indian consulate- and afghanis managed to killed them - i was referring to that-
Where US army herself couldn't succeed against those terrorists, left Afghan army in jeopardy. Same happened in Iraq in the name of liberation. The same happening in Afghanistan so will be in Libya and so on. Words and places could be different but the results would be same as always and that's what they are going to succeed.
95% of Iran is Shia, I think that conversion is well done. The most important thing is that Iran is not enslaved any more by Sunni Arabs, or Sunni Turks. Shia religion is a necessary evil to stamp out unwanted foreign influences. On the contrary, it preserved Persian culture.

The ordinary "Afghan" wants to be ruled by a person of his own clan, tribe or ethnic group. It's the same concept everywhere in the Muslim world: an Iraqi Sunni wants his president to be Sunni, even if that person is corrupt or violent.

Shia religion is a necessary evil? That doesn't sound like a great vote of confidence in your own beliefs! :-) How did it preserve Persian culture? The ruling Ayatollahs do not even claim to be Persians let alone Iranians. In fact they explicitly claim to be descended from an Arab tribe. That was the whole basis of their overthrow of the Shah of Iran.

If the 'ordinary Afghan' wants to be ruled by a person of his own clan; why did the 'ordinary Afghans' overthrow Najibullah who was a Pashtun?
too much opium drinking smoking eating smelling snorting goin on across the border. cut the opium and afghan problem is solved. lol
Shia religion is a necessary evil? That doesn't sound like a great vote of confidence in your own beliefs! :-) How did it preserve Persian culture? The ruling Ayatollahs do not even claim to be Persians let alone Iranians. In fact they explicitly claim to be descended from an Arab tribe. That was the whole basis of their overthrow of the Shah of Iran.

If the 'ordinary Afghan' wants to be ruled by a person of his own clan; why did the 'ordinary Afghans' overthrow Najibullah who was a Pashtun?
I don't think I ever said I'm religious. But it's a valuable instrument to advance your own interests. Muhammad for example made 1.5 billion people bow their head towards Saudi Arabia, on a daily basis.

Current Ayatollah is Azeri, not Arab. Afghan Soviet regime wasn't overthrown, more like funding stopped by the Soviet Union.
Most of them are already serving in ANA.. When the desert... They try shooting their own or NATO troops n grab all weapons they can.

ANA is real tough when it's facing shepherds and little boys...

If the troops don't .... Boys what else they gonna do-- afghan "general".

I was a stamp collector as a child and always wonder why Afghan stamp says "Da Afghistan da pusht" i was wondering
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