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LCA Tejas Falls Short of Earlier Expectations

To all those who think LCA has been a waste of time and money; please watch these two videos to realise what this program has achieved for the local combat aviation tech!

Please go through these videos with a microscope!

You will have a new opinion about this program!
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It does nt matter if its not completed at all. consider it as a a costly experiment/research if u like.:smokin:
Lol research!!!!!!!!!!!! are you serious about research part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Whats the use of wasting huge sum on such a research which has no use.which is a failure.india like developing country cant afford to waste such a huge sum on such failed white elephant research.
True Rome was not built in a day but that was rome.This Rome(LCA ) the white elephant,the way its being going on for past 30 years ,seems will not be built.And by some miracle it will get completed in next 3-4 decades then the most proper place to adorn it will be come museum or some public square..coz by that time it will be a obsolete tech.oh btw its still is obsolete tech.

Forget about all the hokum about knowledge obtained and research skills gained.

First of all the IAF still has the MiG-21, MiG-27 and Jaguar in service and will continue to do so for a while. Even the underpowered Tejas MkI is aerodynamically superior to say nothing of the avionics or RCS.
Equipped with the Elta EL/M-2032 based MMR, R-73, R-77 its not something any opponent would take lightly. Especially not when data-linked with force multipliers like the Su-30MKI and Phalcon AEW&C.

At under $30 million a pop, its better value for money than most western or Russian aircraft which are all in the $70 million+ category including it appears the Su-30MKI from recent orders.

Secondly, the first two squadrons are a stepping stone. Its been confirmed that the Tejas MkII will be fielded with an AESA and its max thrust will increase from 82kN to 110kN+. That should comfortably solve every issue the IAF has with it. You can calculate the difference in the thrust to weight ratio. Heck even supercruise will a possibility if the air intakes can be redesigned(the Gripen NG did it with a heavier aircraft). And if they can integrate it with the Meteor or R-77M, it'll will be able to go toe-to-toe with the best.
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Lol research!!!!!!!!!!!! are you serious about research part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Whats the use of wasting huge sum on such a research which has no use.which is a failure.india like developing country cant afford to waste such a huge sum on such failed white elephant research.
By the way r u paying the tax to indian govt...??
We r paying the tax and we know,that the experience gained from will help tejas mk.2..
Why are u so worried to or r u pissed off that tejas is getting IOC in 1 month..?
And how can u say that its failed,it's getting IOC on december 2010..
Failed projects won't get IOC..
For example:-YF-23 didn't get IOC or not inducted...
THis post tell that how much pissed off ur
Lol research!!!!!!!!!!!! are you serious about research part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Whats the use of wasting huge sum on such a research which has no use.which is a failure.india like developing country cant afford to waste such a huge sum on such failed white elephant research.

Guys I think he is some kind of sick person like to troll on every Indian forum.So just ignore him and do not respond.
I also think that he is not Indian.
It's not anything new, it's a known fact that Tejas wouldn't meet the IAF requirement at the time of induction.

Exploration of Angle of Attack is scheduled between IOC and FOC.
Guys I think he is some kind of sick person like to troll on every Indian forum.So just ignore him and do not respond.
I also think that he is not Indian.
Everyone knows that
AJTR's is
The Tajas project started in 1980 and if India is realizing that 31 years later it still has issues, will this program be scrapped for a fresh one.
Lol research!!!!!!!!!!!! are you serious about research part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Whats the use of wasting huge sum on such a research which has no use.which is a failure.india like developing country cant afford to waste such a huge sum on such failed white elephant research.

lol Research of no use!!!! Why trolling without any reason? Your BS not adding anything to the discussion. Your arguments are funny!!!
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The Tajas project started in 1980 and if India is realizing that 31 years later it still has issues, will this program be scrapped for a fresh one.
hahaha,ignorant post...
Tejas is getting IOC in December 2010..
30 days to go..
And failed project won't get IOC....
The Tajas project started in 1980 and if India is realizing that 31 years later it still has issues, will this program be scrapped for a fresh one.

First of all
Its not tajas its TEJAS.
You will see TEJAS getting IOC next month.
We have already ordered 100 engines.
Do you still think that it will be scrapped for fresh one?
hahaha,ignorant post...
Tejas is getting IOC in December 2010..
30 days to go..
And failed project won't get IOC....

Tejas was, is and will be 'failed project' for many people if when it is added in number. Don't ask them why? Because the can't answer, they told something same for all other Indian systems. :)

Developing something new from base takes time.
Tejas was, is and will be 'failed project' for many people if when it is added in number. Don't ask them why? Because the can't answer, they told something same for all other Indian systems. :)

Developing something new from base takes time.
Even Brahmos is a"failed project*",because it has Indian Guidance systems....for many people..u know who..
By the way r u paying the tax to indian govt...??
We r paying the tax and we know,that the experience gained from will help tejas mk.2..
Why are u so worried to or r u pissed off that tejas is getting IOC in 1 month..?
And how can u say that its failed,it's getting IOC on december 2010..
Failed projects won't get IOC..
For example:-YF-23 didn't get IOC or not inducted...
THis post tell that how much pissed off ur
yes my family pays tax,my parents do pay tax to indian govt.i do contribute to indian tax collection.

The way LCA mk-1 has been going for past 30 yrs there is no doubt that IAF is gonna reject mk2 and amca too.first perfect mk 1 on time and deliver it rather than showing building castle like mk2,mca,amca in air. here u cant even perfect lca mk1 and wasting inordinate amount of money and time on it which is a criminal waste to the poor indian masses who in order to satisfy some egos of drdo scientists sacrifice its development money.its a cruel joke being played by drdo scientist/MOD on those poor masses.

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