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Law and order: ‘Launch Swat-style action against TTP’


Feb 2, 2007
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LAHORE: The Sunni Tehreek has written to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif asking that he order a Swat-style military operation against the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

The Taliban’s “revolt against Islam and the Constitution” must be put down by force, ST President Sarwat Ejaz Qadri wrote in the letter. The Taliban’s violent actions had defamed Islam and ulema, he said.

The killing of innocent Pakistani citizens was not justified by US drone attacks, he said, adding that Islam did not sanction “private jihad”. The ST considered it an obligation to cooperate with the government and all stakeholders for the establishment of peace, he said. He also urged the prime minister to block NATO supply lines through Pakistan.

Earlier this month, the Sunni Ittehad Council, which includes the Sunni Tehreek, wrote letters to various politicians and religious leaders calling on them to unite in support of military action against the Taliban. The SIC is a conglomeration of various Sunni Barelvi groups. The Taliban, Qadri wrote in his letter, follow Deobandi leaders.

Qadri said that law enforcement agencies should act against seminaries which taught “terrorism, sectarianism and racism”, he said. “We appeal to the Government of Pakistan to consider the national aspirations and not to be blackmailed by a handful of terrorists,” he said.

Attacks on mosques, seminaries, tombs, schools and non-Muslim worship places were against Islam, he said. With the Taliban refusing to come to the dialogue table, he said, the government should “carry out an action against the terrorists like in Swat”.

“Mr Prime Minister, we invite your attention to the lawlessness, sectarian killing and terrorism in the country. No government has taken a strong line of action to uproot these evils. Representative scholars and influential persons of all sects should sit at one table to resolve conflicts and controversial issues,” he said.

Qadri said the soldiers who had given their lives fighting terrorists were martyrs and national heroes. Those who kill the nation’s protectors cannot be called martyrs, he said. JI chief Munawar Hassan had failed in his attempt to convince the nation otherwise, he said.

Law and order: ‘Launch Swat-style action against TTP’ – The Express Tribune
Finally Real Sunni Muslims have woken up better late then never Sarwat Ejaz Qadri we are with you 100%.:pakistan::smitten:
so here is the difference....

JI calls these terrorist 'martyrs' and Sunni call for military action against the terrorist.. JI/wahabi/salafi are the enemy of the state and Islam & Sunnis like Qadri sahib are speaking for the country & Islam

Important point from the article:

Qadri said the soldiers who had given their lives fighting terrorists were martyrs and national heroes. Those who kill the nation’s protectors cannot be called martyrs, he said. JI chief Munawar Hassan had failed in his attempt to convince the nation otherwise, he said.
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All I know is that the Taliban need a permenant end. They should be punished for their bigotry and severely punished for their evil actions. Down with the Taliban, down with terrorism.

We need to model our operations on Rah E Raast but we must increase efforts too to target Taliban Commanders and eliminate them.
how about a killing rampage in Punjab, the mother of terrorism and extremism ?
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