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Laos Says China to Finance $7 billion Rail Link

That's why I always say China should give low interest soft loan to friendly governments who are in needed and appreciated rather than put them in Obama's pocket, with same low interest, and gets bashed in return.

Hell, money is the boss and you better be nice me when you owe me money. That's the oldest rule in the book, DO NOT FORGET!
That's why I always say China should give low interest soft loan to friendly governments who are in needed and appreciated rather than put them in Obama's pocket, with same low interest, and gets bashed in return.

Hell, money is the boss and you better be nice me when you owe me money. That's the oldest rule in the book, DO NOT FORGET!

Getting verbally bashed is OK, if in return you get some leverage on that bigger economy. As you said, money is the boss!
Getting verbally bashed is OK, if in return you get some leverage on that bigger economy. As you said, money is the boss!

But the problem is, China get less than 2% plus a lot of intimidation (Asia pivot and multiple drills with China neighbors) and bashing.

LOL if you're super rich what do you do? You probably withdraw all your money and lend to your friends instead, no? :tup:
But the problem is, China get less than 2% plus a lot of intimidation (Asia pivot and multiple drills with China neighbors) and bashing.

LOL if you're super rich what do you do? You probably withdraw all your money and lend to your friends instead, no? :tup:

Hard to comment on that. Continuing to indebt US seems good policy to me!
In any case, Chinese govt can probably still afford to finance many projects in many different countries.
Hard to comment on that. Continuing to indebt US seems good policy to me!
In any case, Chinese govt can probably still afford to finance many projects in many different countries.

to indebt US causes outsourceing of US industriy, you can imagine what will happen if we stop indebting in the future. it's more cheaper than to conflict with US face to face. Compared with US spending money on wars, we still hold a pile of IOY.
The thing is US is bashing its banker period. I agree with ahfatzia that lending cash to friendlier countries would create mutual benefits. US just keeps overspending their budget on military defence and wars.

China will help connect the missing link in ASEAN?
I always like to ride with hi-speed bullet trains.

how long does it take from Kunming to Bangkok? 4 hrs?
take this for reference: wuhan-guangzhounan(total distance 1069km)

Train number.......Time-consuming ............Average speed
G1103.................... 4:10...........................257
G1005.....................3:41.......................... 292
D2103 ....................7:18...........................146
btw,i don't think the Kunming-Bangkok train will be very fast due to its topography
its a low interests loan not a free given, and the project will be done by a chinese company.
Bold this 7bil Chinese get most of it $$ back when the project completed, leaving Loas with the big 7bil IOU. this project are not helping Loas economy. Loas have to sell it raws material to China to replay the loan, that Same raws material go through that same rail they just build. so it come to Loas trade it raws material for rail road. China can use that same rail to invade ASEAN at it most convenience, win win situations for China, lose lose situation for Loas.
Bold this 7bil Chinese get most of it $$ back when the project completed, leaving Loas with the big 7bil IOU. this project are not helping Loas economy. Loas have to sell it raws material to China to replay the loan, that Same raws material go through that same rail they just build. so it come to Loas trade it raws material for rail road. China can use that same rail to invade ASEAN at it most convenience, win win situations for China, lose lose situation for Loas.

how about vietnam-japan highspeed railway game?
win win situations for vietnam, lose lose situation for japan?

The Kunming-Singapore High-Speed Railway began construction on April 25.

The railway will shorten the travel time between Kunming and Singapore to only a little more than 10 hours in the future.

The Chinese government expects the railway to be put into operation by 2020. The line, starting from Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province; passes Mohan, a border town with Laos; and Wangrong, a popular Chinese tourist city; and ends in Vientiane, capital of Laos. Construction of the Mohan Railway Logistics Center has already started.

According to the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network, the Kunming-Singapore High-Speed Railway, which is in fact the central line of the southeast part of the Trans-Asian Railway Network, will also pass Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur, and end in Singapore, with a total distance of 3,900 kilometers. Once completed, it will take passengers a little more than 10 hours to travel between Kunming and Singapore by train.

Chen Tiejun, a researcher at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies under the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, said that the Trans-Asian Railway Network has a far-reaching impact on countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) occupies an increasingly important strategic position due to the acceleration of ASEAN integration. The ASEAN-China Free Trade Area has removed man-made trade barriers, but the removal of natural barriers will require the construction of the Trans-Asian Railway Network and other infrastructure.

After the Trans-Asian Railway Network is completed, Vietnam and Cambodia will be linked with Thailand and Myanmar by train, and China will have a closer political and economic relationship with countries in the Mekong River Basin where the total population has reached 300 million people.

Furthermore, energy and goods that Japan and South Korea need can also be transported to both countries through this railway network of global significance.

The railway network will facilitate the movement of goods and people, improve the efficiency of economic activities, and help create a more peaceful and stable geopolitical environment.

By People's Daily Online

This is piece of last year news, old but meaningful:


the red one and the green one is under constructure and will finish as planed, there is no other obstacles. however, the blue one is unknown.

then in 2020, there will be :

hige speed railway will connect these cities, the economic and political meanings donot need to say here.


in fact, there is plan to build a railway connecting Gwadar port to westnorth China. when all these railway finished, the oil, gas, and other cargo can be transported directly from india ocean to west China.

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