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Land seizures in China's Kashgar fuel anger among Uighurs

At least in India, in Kashmir, no non Kashmiri is allowed to buy property or take citizenship of Kashmir and change the demography.

If the Indians had applied the Han experiment, Kashmir would have been non Kashmiri!

But then India cares about the singularity of all!
I guess the fact that Southern Xinjiang is composed mostly of Uyghurs completely went over your head, or you just choose not to see it to suit your flawed argument. Didn'y you dingbats accuse of China of limiting population movement? Now that Hans are moving to Xinjiang for the economic incenctives, you apply a different standard?

On Kashmir India acts as a police state, not as a democracy | Mirza Waheed | Comment is free | The Guardian

How about dem Sikhs huh?

Don't throw stone in a glass house.
Considering there are more mosques and muslims in the Uyghur region,

It's Ramadan by the way. Oh and not allowing Muslims to fast? You're fast becoming a pathetic little liar.


My good Han man,

What is the good of edifices, if what goes on inside them is regulated by the Han Chinese State?

Here it is on Fasting during Ramzan from a Muslim link.

I rather believe a Muslim site than any other.

Chinese Muslims banned from fasting in Ramadan

Amid fresh arrests, restrictions on fasting and prayers at mosques, Uighur Muslims are suffering under the latest episode of Chinese government crackdown on their ethnic minority in the northwestern region of Xinjiang.

“If any religious figure discusses Ramadan during the course of religious activities, or encourages people to take part, then they will lose their license to practice,” Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the Munich-based World Uighur Congress, told Eurasia Review on Friday, August 5.

“The more serious cases will result in arrests for incitement to engage in illegal religious activity,” he said.

A day before the start of the holy fasting month for China’s Muslims, at least 11 people were killed in a series of attacks in the north-western region of Xinjiang.

Chinese authorities blamed the attacks to the ethnic minority, after which the Chinese police shot dead two Muslims last Sunday.

The attacks came less than two weeks after 18 people were killed in an attack in the restive Xinjiang region.

Following the unrest, more than 100 uighurs were detained by Chinese authorities.

Most of those detained as suspects were committed Muslims who attended mosque and whose wives wore veils, residents say.

Xinjiang’s capital, Urumqi, was the scene of deadly violence in July 2009 when the mainly Muslim Uighur minority vented resentment over Chinese restrictions in the region.

In the following days, mobs of angry Han took to the streets looking for revenge in the worst ethnic violence that China had seen in decades.

The unrest left nearly 200 dead and 1,700 injured, according to government figures. But Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority, say the toll was much higher and mainly from their community.

China’s authorities have convicted about 200 people, mostly Uighurs, over the riots and sentenced 26 of them to death.

No Fasting

Beijing slapped severe restrictions on Chinese Muslims as the holy fasting month of Ramadan started.

As for Muslim members of the government throughout Xinjiang, the government forced them to sign “letters of responsibility” promising to avoid fasting, evening prayers, or other religious activities.

“Fasting during Ramadan is a traditional ethnic custom, and they are allowed to do that,” an employee who answered the phone at a local government neighborhood committee office in the regional capital Urumqi said confirming the restrictions.

“But they aren’t allowed to hold any religious activities during Ramadan,” she added.

“Party members are not allowed to fast for Ramadan, and neither are civil servants.”

As for private companies, Uighur Muslim employees were offered lunches during fasting hours.

Anyone who refuses to eat could lose their annual bonus, or even their job, Raxit added.

Officials have also targeted Muslim schoolchildren, providing them with free lunches during the fasting period.

A Uighur resident of Beijing said students under 18 are forbidden from fasting during Ramadan. Moreover, government campaigns forced restaurants in the Muslim majority region to stay open all day.

More restrictions were also imposed on people trying to attend prayers at mosques.

Everyone attending prayers has to register with their national identity card, he added.

“They have to register,” he said.

“[After prayers] they aren’t allowed to [congregate and] talk to each other.”

In Ramadan, adult Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking and sex between dawn and sunset.

The sick and those traveling are exempt from fasting especially if it poses health risks.

Muslims dedicate their time during the holy month to be closer to Allah through prayers, self-restraint and good deeds.

Chinese Muslims banned from fasting in Ramadan | MuslimVillage.com

Now, guess who is a liar!
On Kashmir India acts as a police state, not as a democracy | Mirza Waheed | Comment is free | The Guardian

Op eds are not really worth the candle!

Just compare Xijnaing with Kashmir.

Kashmir has great economic potential. Yet non Kashmiris cannot exploit it!

Kashmir has it own Penal and Civil Code, Xinjaing is under Chinese law!

Kashmirs continue to have their demographic status quo. xinjiang does not have this privilege.

Foreign media is allowed all the time in Kashmir, Xinjiang is not allowed foreign media nor is Tibet, once the crackdown happens/

Hanman, I could enumerate many more.

But what of it?
Imagine not allowing a Muslim to fast during Ramzan, apart from other indignities and making them a minority in their own land!

At least in India, in Kashmir, no non Kashmiri is allowed to buy property or take citizenship of Kashmir and change the demography.

If the Indians had applied the Han experiment, Kashmir would have been non Kashmiri!

But then India cares about the singularity of all!
Yea, look at the hundreds of insurgency happening around in INDIA right now, it seems that India is doing very well with this "racial harmony" thing.
My good Han man,

What is the good of edifices, if what goes on inside them is regulated by the Han Chinese State?

Here it is on Fasting during Ramzan from a Muslim link.

I rather believe a Muslim site than any other.

Now, guess who is a liar!
You are. You lied about China wants a all Han nation, when the percentage of Han in Chinese population is declining every year since the 1980's. You lied about Uyghurs being wiped out, when they are the fastest growing group in China. You lied about Ramadan fasting being banned in China due to security restriction in Xinjiang, which is false since majority of Chinese Muslims are not actually Uyghurs.

How would you like to lie more? Next you're going to tell me India is the most peaceful country in the world?
Yea, look at the hundreds of insurgency happening around in INDIA right now, it seems that India is doing very well with this "racial harmony" thing.

Don't you know part of what India considers religious freedom is the ability of the government to stand aside and watch Hindus slaughter people of different religions.

You got your Sikhs as S10 said

1984 anti-Sikh riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you got your Christians


You got your Muslims

The 1947 partition of India led to a bloodbath - Newspaper Article @ The Spark

you got your Christians again

India asked to investigate Hindu massacre of Christians - Telegraph

You got your Muslims again

2002 Gujarat violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and on and on...
You are. You lied about China wants a all Han nation, when the percentage of Han in Chinese population is declining every year since the 1980's. You lied about Uyghurs being wiped out, when they are the fastest growing group in China. You lied about Ramadan fasting being banned in China due to security restriction in Xinjiang, which is false since majority of Chinese Muslims are not actually Uyghurs.

How would you like to lie more? Next you're going to tell me India is the most peaceful country in the world?

Can't you read?

What does the Muslim site have to say?

We are talking of Kashgar and so of course all Muslim have the same treatment.

Don't try to obfuscate you truth economiser!

As far as changing demography in Xinjaing, there is enough evidence, and I have given it many a time.

Let me tell you one thing that you Han imperialist must know - Islam cannot be wiped out. Read their scriptures and you will realise that they are not easy ones to just lie down and take it. So, yes you can play with the demography, but you can never wipe the Uighurs out. They are Muslim and they will ensure that you are kept active in a delicate part of your posterior!

No India is not the greatest country.

It is still not been invaded by Han culturalism that is based on invasion and assimilation through humiliation as you are trying in Tibet and Xinjaing as you have done throughout history wherein you assimilated all beyond your little cubby hole North of the Yellow river!!
Don't you know part of what India considers religious freedom is the ability of the government to stand aside and watch Hindus slaughter people of different religions.
and you wonder why there are so many Sikhs asking for independence there in Canada.
You are. You lied about China wants a all Han nation, when the percentage of Han in Chinese population is declining every year since the 1980's. You lied about Uyghurs being wiped out, when they are the fastest growing group in China. You lied about Ramadan fasting being banned in China due to security restriction in Xinjiang, which is false since majority of Chinese Muslims are not actually Uyghurs.

How would you like to lie more? Next you're going to tell me India is the most peaceful country in the world?

Uighirs are Uighirs because they are ethnically and most importantly religiously different than Han Chinese...

When you culturally dominate a group and put restrictions on their cultural and religious lifestyle, they fail to be "unique".....ie. Like the rest of the Chinese majority....

I think thats what my man Mr. Tam is trying to convey....I could be wrong though...
Don't you know part of what India considers religious freedom is the ability of the government to stand aside and watch Hindus slaughter people of different religions.

You got your Sikhs as S10 said

1984 anti-Sikh riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you got your Christians

Manipur Govt ignores anti-Christian attacks « India Minorities

You got your Muslims

The 1947 partition of India led to a bloodbath - Newspaper Article @ The Spark

you got your Christians again

India asked to investigate Hindu massacre of Christians - Telegraph

You got your Muslims again

2002 Gujarat violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and on and on...

And yest each of these communities thrive (in numbers) and are allowed to practice their religion as well as cultural identity....

One of the asssumptions you make here is that the GOI or lets say the people ruling the country consists of only Hindus....

PM = Sikh
Chief of Congress = Christian
Defence Minister = Christian
Minister of Law and Justice = Muslim...

Again...what is the point you're trying to make?
Can't you read?

What does the Muslim site have to say?

We are talking of Kashgar and so of course all Muslim have the same treatment.

Don't try to obfuscate you truth economiser!

As far as changing demography in Xinjaing, there is enough evidence, and I have given it many a time.

No India is not the greatest country.

It is still not been invaded by Han culturalism that is based on invasion and assimilation through humiliation as you are trying in Tibet and Xinjaing as you have done throughout history wherein you assimilated all beyond your little cubby hole North of the Yellow river!!
I can read perfectly fine. It's you that should start reading. You dismiss the source I posted, and yet you expect me to accept your two-bit source as factual. Hypocrisy much?

Is Kashgar the only place with Muslims in China? No, and yet you claim all Muslims have the same security measures imposed which is a blatant lie. Ramadan is actually going quite well outside of Southern Xinjiang. But knowing your nature, you never let reality get in the way of your lies. Uyghurs are the fastest growing group in China, while Han percentage has been steadily declining. If China wanted to wipe out Uyghurs, then it has done an incredibly poor job seeing their population doubled in 50 years.

Maybe if you Hindustan didn't purge every other religious groups and killed hundreds of thousands of them, you'd have some moral high ground to talk about human rights. Maybe you should talk about getting out of Kashmir and Sikkim you illegally annexed. You're like a lying fat kid covered in poop complaining the other kids just stepped on poop.
And yest each of these communities thrive (in numbers) and are allowed to practice their religion as well as cultural identity....

One of the asssumptions you make here is that the GOI or lets say the people ruling the country consists of only Hindus....

PM = Sikh
Chief of Congress = Christian
Defence Minister = Christian
Minister of Law and Justice = Muslim...

Again...what is the point you're trying to make?

lol at the old 'we have a half-black president ergo there is no racism against black people in the US.' fallacy.
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