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Land Mafia wants their control in Karachi

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ok pak marine....here you go AGAIN.....

F7tJKplKSzA[/media] - MQM Terrorism 12 May Geo

Situation Karachi :

Ful of drugs , bombs , guns and millitia same is happning as swat.. there are 2000 madarsass in khi + a million afghans

and MQM....since 1980's.....the video shows the true terrorists and wepeaons users of karachi

More than 10 million people voted for mqm from last several elections and most of them are mohajirs

yes because poor URDU speaking people are terrorised by ALTAF

The Major Kaleem Case was the bedrock of many Pakistani governmental and military operations against the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM),

Altaf Hussain and several other MQM leaders and workers were accused of being involved in the kidnapping and torture of Pakistan Army Major Kaleem in 1991.

On February 6, 1998 the Sindh High Court found all defendants innocent and found the case as one "of almost no legal evidence". [2] [3] However, on February 20, 1998, Major Kaleem appealed the decision to the Supreme Court and contended that "the High Court erred by acquitting the accused who did not surrender themselves before the trial court. He argued that there was sufficient evidence against the respondents to prove their guilt."[4]

On Monday, August 13, 2007, the Sindh government withdrew its appeal [5]

Yes this is the same judicary that give NRO to ZARDARI....and the lawyer who went to fight the case for 12TH MAY was shot outside Sindh HIGH COURT...

Well to add some more info for you since you are feeling so sorry about the jews and what hitler did!! try and look at the bigger piture Hitler was used succesfully to get a land for Jewsih people, They got them all out from Europe. And Hitler was at the ground with his people try and work this out.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:give this logic to the JEWS in ISRAEL hahahaha

ehh..... what can Altaf do by long march ....so as the whole khi we thought our army is there to protect us ... but by looking at swat today ..... they might wake up when its too late , infact its already late the damage is done the worst will come ...! mqm guys wont let him come nor he himself will come look what hapned to benazir! mqm has stood up against this garbage and they have my full support so as rest of khi. Rest can do whatever they like its our city and we know now for sure there is no help what needs to be done , has to be done now .. and we rather do it our selves. LONG MARCHES ARE OF A POLITICAL NATURE AND ARE CONDUCTED AGAINST POLITICAL FORCES NOT AGAINTS FOREGN INVADORS"""" I hope some one like you is not a part of ARMY no way man...!

ALTAF and MQM can't do anything that is what i am saying so why support them....and i thought you HATED THE ARMY....blamed the ARMY for all the problems in PAKISTAN....i say let BRITISH BOY ALTAF come back and then talk until then tell ALTAF to wear "CHURIYAN"

Indeed khi belong to al and so as rest of the pakistan to every one ....... i have said this in a different context again please dont confuse your self and other people! & FYI khi main there is a huge number of sindhis inside out! where exactly are you from ?? u dont have a clue about khi ....do u???

please can you give me a % of SINDHIS in karachi??? because liek you said "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING"

1)how does MQM get its funds

Ans ::
i dont represent them, my answer is i dont know for sure....but my wild gues is as its a political organisation , certainly and people and businesses fund it...... & before you come up with some thing more silly again FYI this is how it works out all over the world. Hope you are happy and satisfied now.

LAND MAFIA is a better answer given the facts already put up my friend.....

2)what is MQM doing besides just "condemning"

What can they do they more they are not an armed force are they ??there is certainly a limit to what a political party can do ..i support them cause i see them doing every thing in their capacity... Most important of all some how they do protect khi and they have developed khi a lot in last few years ...which was neglected badly from last two decades..... have u heard about Mustafa kamal ... ? look ask ur uncles or friends who go there frequently and let them tell you what mqm has done...

YES MUSTUFA KAMAL is a good man and his done alot lekin.......

UnSgFGsUPu8[/media] - MQM Mustafa Kamal Getting furious on reporter

i still respect mustafa kamal i wish he leaves MQM....or better become the head of MQM and then maybe i mgiht support MQM....atleast a PAKISTANI would be running MQM not some british national like TONY BLAIR(ALTAF HUSSAIN)

you asked what can MQM do....answer is if they can't do anything then stop complaining.....if PML,PPP,ANP,JAMAT complain as well they atleast have leaders in pakistan to condemn it while MQM is all talk and no action except ofcourse TERRORISING KARACHI....and saying PAKISTAN was a mistake ARMY is a mistake ANP is a mistake everyone EXCEPT MQM seems a mistake to them....and they do politics of ethnicty....punjabi,pathan...provincial politics is only done by MQM.... MQM should RESIGN from government as a SIGN OF PROTEST....but they won't do that either....

3)why is Imran Khan being stopped by MQM??

Imran khan is a hero i still have a lot of respect for this guy ..... Yar bhai sun i am not their representative lol ! why are you bombarding me with this irrelevant rubbish lol ! he was stopped in lahore not khi ? now are you going to say that mqm mafia came to lahore airport.

ok he was stopped in lahore why did the PUNJAB government stop him from leaving punjab??? why is MQM calling IMRAN ZANAI....because he doesn't have anything ele against him no killings no terrorising....

The reason is nizam e adal its against the constitution what kind of a hipocratic national assembly it is which passes a law in contradiction to the state constitution!!

I t was passed by PPP & ANP....ALLIES of your MQM...so MQM should resign as a sign of protest....!!!!! but no SIR MQM will never resign....

stop blaming ARMY,PML,PPP,JAMAAT & ARMY....for the mess that MQM has created....your leader who is a BRITISH NATIONAL....has 300 cases against him....tell him to either comeback or leave the presidency....for god save to save karachi stop doing ETHNICITY politics....

MQM get's its funding from land mafia business except for SHORAB GOTH AREA.....MQM buys illegal weapons and the leader says BUY GUNS & LEARN JUDDO KARATE.....ALTAF calls pakistan a mistake....MQM tortures an ARMY MAJOR.....MQM blames everything on punjabis,pathans,sindhis....

i think i have given you enough videos links and proof however being a typical MQM SECTOR boy....you will never think it is enough what more proof do you want.....
here is the reflection of pakistani unity we will not let MQM dogs and their troll suppourters divide us with ur lies and hatred and please do reply instead of more lies pak marine
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MQM gave 48 hour notice to remove IG & CCPO or they would resign it has been 4 days and still MQM hasn't resigned...hahahaha...MQM will never resign

MQM marti hai phir janazee koo kandaa bhi khud deti hai!!!
it shows how thick you are ANP signed it because of the lack of options because peace and our citizens are more important now that the army is in a position to act ANP isnt complaining and it got the presidents approval.
You said the "Govt signed it"" and now you are saying ANP signed it.. lol my question is does ANP has any principles ! or do they just not think and sign up what ever they are pushed to do..... they are bunch of cowards they couldnt stood up infront of the enemy so they are using the Pukhtoons as human sheilds against Taliban. And suddenly they realised what a **** up they have made so now they want to make it up to the pukhtoons to make peace, Look its proven by the act of ANP that they are nothing more except cowards... they gave up the people just for some pennies and they will fail them again.

ok now u sound so stupid mujahideen and refugees were given free hand by zia then the taliban were given all the arms and supplies in the world by our army u cant deny it how do u expect a civilian govt to disarm them ANP has spoken against it but were not thugs like MQM

Yes here you go u silly cow..! zia and the army gave mujahideen free hand ANP never stood up when they were in power , Call it sheer stupidity , criminal negligience or just pure greed for money ...! You call them civilian govt they are loaded with weapons they are in the weapons trade........ look at the whole nwfp today 500000 people will be displaced and God knows how many will get killed. I will call it a great account of political stupidy which will cost the pakhtoons dearly and to all pakistan as a nation. Thats what MQM is avoiding they are not like your ANP they are standing up to these Talibani rats and if the Army or police wont do any things they will crush these rodents them selves. Call them a thug or whatever u like .....!

look at lebanon they cant disarm hezbollah because its a civilian govt. who was MQM been alarming in 1992 asking for jinnahpur who have they been alarming all these years of criminal behaviour who have they been alarming on 12 may dont u feel ashamed u didnt reply to any of my points dont u feel ashamed having a coward for a leader.
Hezbollah defeated the Israelis to their baracks , they did lebonan a favour thats why military dont mess about with them forget disarming. And why will they do it Israel is scared of them , and lebonon knows disarming Hezbollah and the next thing they have is Israelis messing about again. Jinnahpur is a political scandal no even in mqm has the guts to think about another state its pure rubbish ..... the khi ppl will crush them like any thing forget that ..... 12th of May a very sad day and innocent blood was shed and to be very honest every one have their own version and evidence , I have seen videos ANP and MQM both showing off weapons and shooting .... They both say it was defensive .... but truly its a sad and shamefull event and there is no way in the hell i am proud of seeing innocent blood , no what ever cast ,creed and race he or she is from. Leader is some one who knows what the problems are and who can speak up & most importantly in control,,,,, Altaf H is more of a leader than any ones we have presently , And he is right in staying abroad mqms leader ship doesnt want him to come back. Look what happened to Benazir! Cold blooded murder , now dont come back to me saying it was mqm who did this...!lol
i am only a suppourter of ANP because theyre secular and i do not have any links or connections with them however i will be the first to admit that im anti mqm becaue only of their actions unlike u i have nothing against any race . can u show me anytime in paks history where we have accelerated hatred and caused racial tension i pity ur brainwashed brain u didnt reply u openly lied. MQM has been causing hatred for many many years now. your racist brand of politics will fail badly just as ur attempt to lie on this forum has failed and ur attempt to look neutral. its obvious ur another brainwashed die hard MQM suppourter and so i no its hard for u to accept those thugs as they are but as pakistanis we cannot let u spread lies about other pakistanis we cannot let u create tensions between other ethniticities that is the only reason i reply to ur utter rubbish

what else you want me to reply ? on a personal note please use commas ,full stops and paragraphs so that its clearer for everyone to read. Please copy and paste clearly your Genius argument the one you said i didnt reply !!! I fully support the mqm on their stance on Taliban did u want to hear that..! Where did i attemted and claimed i am "Nuteral "i wont be here writing to a rag head like you of i wasnt supporting mqm...... This time i say to you please do you research and read your to ensure other wise you will get nothing except emabracement and shame.
MQM gave 48 hour notice to remove IG & CCPO or they would resign it has been 4 days and still MQM hasn't resigned...hahahaha...MQM will never resign

MQM marti hai phir janazee koo kandaa bhi khud deti hai!!!

funny how there was never a problem between members on the forum before these MQM trolls its shows the tensions theyre party is so good at causing
It is fascinating how this thread has made everything black and white. There are some brave people like Zob, rokhanyousafzai, and bane blade who have become ideological partners rather than anything else. I have no idea where they are posting from and neither have I ever communicated with them.

But, pak-marine please notice how your posts have changed their opinion through out this thread. Now, you have finally said that 1- million people in Karachi voted for MQM. This is an outright lie first of all. According to government figures, only 30 percent usually vote out of which we all know that is also an exxageration.

However, let us assume around 3 million voted and out of that I am sure that MQM did not win by 100. Now, if we assume at MQM even got 2 million votes in the best case scenario. We need to understand what goes in the election booths:

Now, please remember that this is JUST ONE BOOTH where we got the video. I am not sure if the person who made this video is even alive today. However, that is not the point. Now, MQM itself has unit sectors in all the areas of Karachi. They are all armed with immense amount of weapons and 'bhatta' is literally taken from all MQM operated areas in Karachi. Now, is this the VOICE OF KARACHI? Is this the voice of the people of Karachi who have always been one of the most educated people of Pakistan? The working class of Pakistan !

Please refer to your elders and you will again find out how much blood the mohajir community has given for the creation of Pakistan. Please remember that. Today, MQM is head by a BRITISH national. And, I hope that soon Karachi will be disarmed and I am sure that Pakistan Army is aware of the situation.

Pakistan Army Zindabad!

Pakistan Zindabad ! Inshallah !
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MQM gave 48 hour notice to remove IG & CCPO or they would resign it has been 4 days and still MQM hasn't resigned...hahahaha...MQM will never resign

MQM marti hai phir janazee koo kandaa bhi khud deti hai!!!

When you are in Rome do what the Romans do ....... Heard this one...? i guess thats what they are doing .. .. get it !?
MQM gave 48 hour notice to remove IG & CCPO or they would resign it has been 4 days and still MQM hasn't resigned...hahahaha...MQM will never resign

MQM marti hai phir janazee koo kandaa bhi khud deti hai!!!

Really? Well, I think it is highly unlikely that this will ever happen. If we look at history, before MQM came to power again the Musharraf era, they were all not even in opposition. All their leaders were underground for 8 years until they got back to power. Why is it that when the Grand All -Parties Conference took place in London, a unanimous decision was passed that no party will ever form alliance with MQM. Yes, today the case is not the same because as I said Pakistan is facing a corrupt leadership. But, that is not the point.

We need to understand that we have to de-politicize our youth for a better future and a better Pakistan. The tribal people are the sincere people of Pakistan and please do not get them involved. I have visited Swat several times and find their hospitality unending. I have seen the stars of the Mohajir Community. The Father of the Atomic Bomb, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan was a mohajir. May Allah always shower His Blessings on him. We have seen infinite bankers and engineers who have pioneered their fields from this community. Please revive our people; the people of Pakistan.

Pakistan hamesha Zindabad ! Ameen
When you are in Rome do what the Romans do ....... Heard this one...? i guess thats what they are doing .. .. get it

hahahaha this is the best you can say to all my arguments THANK YOU PAK MARINE

what else you want me to reply ? on a personal note please use commas ,full stops and paragraphs so that its clearer for everyone to read. Please copy and paste clearly your Genius argument the one you said i didnt reply !!! I fully support the mqm on their stance on Taliban did u want to hear that..! Where did i attemted and claimed i am "Nuteral "i wont be here writing to a rag head like you of i wasnt supporting mqm...... This time i say to you please do you research and read your to ensure other wise you will get nothing except emabracement and shame.
ok again ill reply to all ur posts and on a personal note every1 is sick of ur trolling and no1 here suppourts ur racism and lies :tup: just a personal note
1the deal was signed by the elected govt which was the ANP and all of its allies suppourted it and heres why because the taliban came in and beheaded police the army could not act at the time and u dont no people from swat i have friends and u dont no the horrors that went on so if they were cowards they would of sed were not signing it even if people are going to be slaughtered like sheep instead they signed it to allow the army time and stop the slaughter of innocents and in swat ANP members have been pulled out of their houses and shot so once again unlike that altaf dog they didnt run. wat pennies did they get while the taliban are openly killing them u sound so stupid its a proven fact u say that ANP are cowards even tho no1 ran away they are working for the people even tho they are being pulled out of thier houses and killed yes thats ur defination of cowards well altaf hussien has criminal cases against him hes a foriegn national and hiding like a coward and if the leader is a criminal well it doesnt take alot of imagination to figure out wat the suppourters are like
2ANP did stand up are u actually mentally retarded they stood up but remember its a political party and they cant stop wat the army does abroad now can they and once again give a link that they are in the weapons trade and the displacement is because of the armies bad policies. ur thugs are using taliban as an excuse for ur terrorist and criminal activities
3hezbollah will always have a problem in politics because they are armed and while its not fair to compare a pure and brave group like them to some *** loooking thugs my point is wat party has a militia and everyone knows MQM is responsible for 12 may. its shameful that a fat watermelon looking pig is sitting in another country causing trouble in my homeland and unlike u i dont come back with lies and on a personal note please stop posting baseless crap give actual facts and try to talk with a little manners dont feel so proud knowing english swear words we can all get personal but were not all trolls like you and dont write ur answer within my post write it seperate
Really? Well, I think it is highly unlikely that this will ever happen. If we look at history, before MQM came to power again the Musharraf era, they were all not even in opposition. All their leaders were underground for 8 years until they got back to power. Why is it that when the Grand All -Parties Conference took place in London, a unanimous decision was passed that no party will ever form alliance with MQM. Yes, today the case is not the same because as I said Pakistan is facing a corrupt leadership. But, that is not the point.

We need to understand that we have to de-politicize our youth for a better future and a better Pakistan. The tribal people are the sincere people of Pakistan and please do not get them involved. I have visited Swat several times and find their hospitality unending. I have seen the stars of the Mohajir Community. The Father of the Atomic Bomb, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan was a mohajir. May Allah always shower His Blessings on him. We have seen infinite bankers and engineers who have pioneered their fields from this community. Please revive our people; the people of Pakistan.

Pakistan hamesha Zindabad ! Ameen

zindabad brother but we never had a problem on this forum before these MQM trolls came on i have absolutely no problem with mohajirs and i consider pak marine my brother but there is no need for these divisions they are creating and on a side note AQ Khan is pashtun but pakistani none the less:cheers: also i agree we need to depolitise the youth but i think our country would b better if the masses suppourt Imran Khan hes an oxford grad and hes a man of principle
Indeed very fascinating , i have noted your admiration for all the Bravos , Also Ahsan you dont need to clearify that you "dont know" where they are ... its a forum right ...!? every body can express their opinions !!

But, pak-marine please notice how your posts have changed their opinion through out this thread. Now, you have finally said that 1- million people in Karachi voted for MQM. This is an outright lie first of all. According to government figures, only 30 percent usually vote out of which we all know that is also an exxageration.

Just how exactly has it changed i support mqm , i wouldnt have been here if wasnt .... thats what i told your budies as well i am sure you have read it by now.. for the fact and numbers i will post some figures here tomorow! i am sure i can find much realistic evidence. In the mean time here is a rally for you its a working day afternoon,

.....just look at the number of people here ,,,, In elections 80% of the khiets go voting , you have no idea about the ground reality ... i will say because of your sheer hate of support given to mqm you are overly exaggurating by posting this non - sense video "where the women very much sounds like she is from another ethinic background and most importantly it doesnt prove any thing I hope you havnt lost the plot !! and are still with us!

Now, please remember that this is JUST ONE BOOTH where we got the video. I am not sure if the person who made this video is even alive today. However, that is not the point. Now, MQM itself has unit sectors in all the areas of Karachi. They are all armed with immense amount of weapons and 'bhatta' is literally taken from all MQM operated areas in Karachi. Now, is this the VOICE OF KARACHI? Is this the voice of the people of Karachi who have always been one of the most educated people of Pakistan? The working class of Pakistan !

In Presense of ppp , pml & anp mqm is the definatly the better one and indeed the only voice of khi and will stay untill there is a revolution and all the crap is ousted once in for all.

Please refer to your elders and you will again find out how much blood the mohajir community has given for the creation of Pakistan. Please remember that. Today, MQM is head by a BRITISH national. And, I hope that soon Karachi will be disarmed and I am sure that Pakistan Army is aware of the situation.

My Elders have told us their part and sufferings from partition till 70's , we have witnesed a lot afterwards ....thats why we are and we will remain keen on supporting mqm.... Did u managed to find out from your elders exactly what they were doing when creation of Pakistan was in process?? I have the wishes for all Pakistan to be disarmed and cleaned of all the mess! But very honestly confused and not sure who can do this!!??
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I am no symphitiser to any political party nor i give a monkey about them i just care about my country & thats it

remember these lines my NEUTRAL friend who now admits he is an MQM supporter...i got them from page 6...!!!

In the mean time here is a rally for you its a working day afternoon,

Ofcourse...every SECTOR has to get a number of people by FORCE...otherwise we all know what happens to them.....

just look at the number of people here ,,,, In elections 80% of the khiets go voting , you have no idea about the ground reality

ofcourse 80% people go to vote in LINES area,NAZMABAD 100% people go to vote or...again being a KARACHI citizen you know what will happen....

where the women very much sounds like she is from another ethinic background

i thought MQM was MUTHAIDA QUAMI MOVEMENT...but again you raise the question about ethnic background....hmmm...i thought every PAKISTANI was your brother..then why the ethnicity..i thought MQM was a secular party and not a party of only one ethnic group....

In Presense of ppp , pml & anp mqm is the definatly the better one and indeed the only voice of khi and will stay untill there is a revolution and all the crap is ousted once in for all.

Why is it the better one because it has a BRITISH NATIONAL as a leader....or because the leader says PAKISTAN was a mistake...

My Elders have told us their part and sufferings from partition till 70's , we have witnesed a lot afterwards ....thats why we are and we will remain keen on supporting mqm.... Did u managed to find out from your elders exactly what they were doing when creation of Pakistan was in process??

what suffering might that be....that they faced till the 70's and how did that suffering end...and if MQM ended it how did they do it....and if MQM did it how is it a SECULAR party representing karachi people because not all are URDU SPEAKING...!!

as for my elders well they were welcoming everyone coming with open arms....until ofcourse MQM came and said punjabis,sindhis,pathans,balochis are bad!!

ZIA-UL-HAQ came from india...MUSHARRAF was urdu speaking these two people controlled PAKISTAN....urdu is the national language of PAKISTAN...not pashtoo,punjabi,sindhi or balochi...how are urdu speaking people deprieved?? they have jobs education and are chosen on merit.....

alot of people migrated from india into punjab but became a part of it....but people in karachi were a part of pakistan until MQM came and started "MOHAJIR" politics...MQM first called the people MOHAIR no one else did before that....no one looked at anyone living in karachi through the spectrum of ETHNICTY...but now it has become an ethnic issue....thanks to MQM....if you want PAKISTAN FIRST....then stop looking at everyones ethnicty look at everyone through the spectrum of a PAKISTANI....but that my friend you can't do until you support MQM...because MQM always has someone to blame.....punjabis,pathans,balochis,sindhis
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