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Land Mafia wants their control in Karachi

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New Recruit

Dec 12, 2008
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Its a well known fact, that Karachi contains a large number of Land Mafias. The land Mafia has its influence on multiple areas inside the city as well as the exit areas of Karachi.
Land mafia is involved in drugs, illegal weapons, kidnaping for ransom, bank roberies and many other crimes. This land mafia group has maked the city a living hell for common citizen.
Today when i was near gulshan chowrangi, i came to know that rangers have started an operation against these drug dealers and land mafia situated at Al-Asif and Ajmer nagri, a thought came to my mind that its not for the first time, and last time when it happened, we witnessed a blood shed in Karachi and now the same situation. Last time my bike was burnt, and i simply can't afford it once again, so i tried my best to reach home safely. I faced many problems and saw many people who look like afghanis, they all were heavily armed and were ready to destroy anything which comes to their way. My 3 colleagues have lost their bikes today, The Gangs and Mafia burnt their bikes in front of their eyes. The same pain and hatred i m feeling today what i felt on december 2008.
What happened today, was it for the interest of the people of Karachi, or was it a pre-planned setup to allow these Land mafia gangs to once again show their power, i have no doubts that they have the support of ANP (a hypocrite), JI (an Extrmisits) and Imran Khan (Anti Karachi).
These all are the real culprits behind these bloodsheds, they have their stake in all this scenario, and they are the one who gain their political advantages by creating such situations in this economic hub of Pakistan.
I, as a common citizen, knows that these terrorists have a very strong network in Karachi, and if one group is effected, the other comes into the action, but our govt. does'nt know such things, they just started the operation against them in 2 areas, without keeping any security arrangements in other sensitive areas of the City, and the time when the operation started, all the gangs of land mafia came on to the streets and started their activities, they burnt many cars, shooted many citizens, attacked homes, mis behaved Ladies and looted houses and shops.
Once again the people of Karachi are victimized by these elements and there is no one to stop or counter them.
May Allah save this City, AMEEN
First of all "Thanx GOD" that you are safe. We all know that these land mafia gangster are no good for Karachi and for Pakistan, they are just a money seeker and they are protecting themself in the shell of "ISLAM" but they can only fool those peoples those who don't know much about "ISLAM" actually those peoples who are agree with them, they don't even know the meaning of ISLAM.

This is not only these land mafia ppls who are trying to make disturbance in Karachi and in Pakistan, there are few political parties who claims themself that they are "PRO Pakistan" political parties for example "Tehreek-e-Insaf" is one of them. All we can see that Mr. Imran Khan come on T.V and claims that that political party do that, those political peoples do that BLAH BLAH BLAH ... what is he doing? Just come up and start talking and try to prove that he can write a better speech?

I guess we need "PRO" Peoples in Pakistan Politics and we have few of them but unfortunately we are ignoring there recommendations and suggestion.

Shehryar Ahmer
Land Mafia is not the new thing in Karachi, its the political and financial backing they are getting is the biggest problem. We all know that Al asif square at sohrab goth is the epic centre of all their activities, you can easily get all the latest ammo, drugs anything you want.

First off all we need to throw out all the afghanis, they should be thrown back to their $-hit hole (Afghanistan) with a stamp on their ***** that I was a trouble maker.

ANP is fully involved with whatever is happening in karachi today and they must brought to justice as well. All pashtoons are our brothers and they are here to make their livings but we need to solve this once for all otherwise it would be another hell like FATA here.
Where are u Yousuf zai and ZOB??
U didnt posted here!!
Ok you are telling me IMRAN has any power in KARACHI LAND MAFIA....??? and yes i say BRING ANP TO JUSTICE and bring MQM to justice.....and you are telling me MQM is in government and all this is happening without MQM consent...and i don't understand why does every karachi boy come here and say my brother bike got burnt and his mobile got stolen....let me also make up stories like this...my CAR GOT BURNT...and my COW was stolen.....please land mafia is only and only PPP and MQM...in KARACHI....
MODS please close this thread it is pointless useless and just infamatory...!!!
Creed, these situation of all over the world and even in indian cities if a well know fact, bcoz where there is planty of money (black money)to earn there are these kind of ppls ready to take advantage. :tsk:
Karachi tense after fatal clashes

Thursday, 30 April 2009

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Karachi tense after fatal clashes

Paramilitary troops are out in force in the Pakistani city of Karachi, with tension high a day after ethnic clashes killed at least 24 people.

A security forces spokesman said the situation was under control but there was concern of more violence when funerals of victims are held later.

The clashes were said to be between Urdu-speakers and ethnic Pashtuns.

Separately, President Asif Ali Zardari called for national unity in tackling militants in the restive north-west.

Pakistani troops this week launched operations in the Lower Dir and Buner regions to remove Taleban militants who had spread there from their stronghold in Swat.

Obama's concern

In Karachi, a spokesman from the Pakistan Rangers paramilitary force told Reuters news agency: "We have heavy deployment of troops across the city, and they have been told to go to any extent to control the situation, including shoot at sight orders for miscreants."

He added: "The situation is under control now, but keeping in view the incidents of yesterday, traffic is pretty thin."

About 25 people have been arrested in connection with the shootings.

There is reduced public transport and schools are closed.

Karachi has a history of ethnic violence.

It is dominated by Urdu-speakers, but there is also a growing population of ethnic Pashtuns.

The clashes were said to be between Urdu-speakers and ethnic Pashtuns

Officials said the fighting was between members of the two groups, and started after an unidentified man opened fire, killing three members of the Urdu-speaking Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM).

Most of the dead in the violence were Pashtuns.

Police said 16 cars, 20 shops and eight hotels were set on fire on Wednesday.

In the north-west, the military is continuing its operations in Buner, less than 100km (60 miles) from the capital, Islamabad.

On Wednesday it said it had taken control of the key town of Dagar.

The army said hundreds of Taleban fighters had spread to Buner after a peace deal.

The peace deal sets up Sharia law in parts of the region in return for an end to the Taleban insurgency.

However, the Taleban have not laid down their arms.

The army says fighting in Lower Dir has ended.

On Wednesday, Mr Zardari said Pakistan was facing a "critical hour" in tackling the militants.

"The time has come for the entire nation to give pause to their political differences and rise to the occasion and give full support to our security forces," a presidential statement said.

Also on Wednesday, US President Barack Obama again said he was "gravely concerned about the situation in Pakistan".

"I'm more concerned that the civilian government there right now is very fragile," he said.


Now hasnain most of the dead are pathans so you are telling me ANP is killing pathans....
Most of them were pashtuns bcoz they were fighting against police!! Police has done millitary operation!!
Ok you are telling me IMRAN has any power in KARACHI LAND MAFIA....??? and yes i say BRING ANP TO JUSTICE and bring MQM to justice.....and you are telling me MQM is in government and all this is happening without MQM consent...

MQM is in government and Nizam-e-Adal got improved!!
And dont forget ANP is also in govt!!
Ok if MQM is so bad and ANP is so god then why they didnt won single MNA seat from karachi??
Even they didnt have candidate of elections!!
And why govt made alternates for the peoples where pathan lives??
Do u know what is sohrab goth?? People try not to pass from that road!!
Tell me govt made 5 alternate for the people so they would not have to pass from sohrab goth??

And why govt has to make the road after cutting of mountain??
Most of them were pashtuns bcoz they were fighting against police!! Police has done millitary operation!!

Ok police is not in control of MQM...POLICE IS NOT IN CONTROL OF GOVERNMENT OF SINDH....who controls police then.....??
Ok if MQM is so bad and ANP is so god then why they didnt won single MNA seat from karachi??
Even they didnt have candidate of elections!!
And why govt made alternates for the peoples where pathan lives??
Do u know what is sohrab goth?? People try not to pass from that road!!
Tell me govt made 5 alternate for the people so they would not have to pass from sohrab goth??

And why govt has to make the road after cutting of mountain??

HAVE YOU BEEN TO LINES AREA....LINES AREA IS A KILLING GROUND IF YOU ARE NOT MQM SUPPORTER....and who made roads to bypass SOHRAB GOTH....government who is in the government of SINDH...MQM....who controls land authority and POLICE government...so basically everything points towards your beloved MQM!!!! bypasses have been made to isloate ANP areas... and i never said ANP is good...but if you insist the reason they didnot win any seat because of MQM DESHAAT....but yes ANP is a fedearation party it won in diffrent provinces while MQM only won in KARACHI....but PLEASE I DON'T SUPPORT ANP....stop arguing without a reason and just admit it MQM is a MUTHAIDA QATAL MOVEMENT!!!
ANP IS MESSED UP....and my point is ANP is not a ghadar party there leader doesn't have british nationality and says PAKISTAN was a mistake....MQM does this so i am sorry MQM is wrong...lets not about bathaa and mobile theft and all that MQM does!!
Ok police is not in control of MQM...POLICE IS NOT IN CONTROL OF GOVERNMENT OF SINDH....who controls police then.....??

I think u dont know Home Minister controls police!!
And Zulfiqar Mirza is home minister!!

And when i get time, i will show u video in which MQM nazim taliking against police, and saying that they are not listening us, i have sent three letters to police to start operation against land mafia but they didnt replied!!
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