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Land mafia knocks over historical Sikh temple in Mardan Pakistan

Well with 20-30% of the British Indian population Muslims successfully implemented partition. India now have around 14% Muslim population. Wait till it reaches the tipping point of 20% or so and there is a good chance that we will have partition 2.0

Time has come to launch the next Shuddhi movement because this time there would be no partition but instead there would be complete takeover of India by Islamist.
Time has come to launch the next Shuddhi movement because this time there would be no partition but instead there would be complete takeover of India by Islamist.

Not any movement is needed. Just implement the partition to the last line.

What's the rationale between a temple destroyed by criminals in Pakistan with Muslims of India?

Read the full thread and the post to which the particular answer was made.
What's the rationale between a temple destroyed by criminals in Pakistan with Muslims of India?

A very valid point. We have no grudge against IM but their growth rate and their militant attitude towords their faith and things like marrying within their clan(marrying with in first cousin, a taboo not just indian standard but also western standard) and not letting anyone convert out of Islam. All these things makes Islam totally uncompatible with Hinduisim.
A very valid point. We have no grudge against IM but their growth rate and their militant attitude towords their faith and things like marrying within their clan(marrying with in first cousin, a taboo not just indian standard but also western standard) and not letting anyone convert out of Islam. All these things makes Islam totally uncompatible with Hinduisim.

Muslims as a community was never compatible with majority population anywhere in the world.
Its very sad but the conditions of minorities in pakistan are deteriorating day by day.

Solidarity for the minorities of pakistan. :tup:

Shame on the bullies and govt./authorities. :tdown:
Indian muslims are as good as other Indians... it is a false notion that being one religion country is good... so its good India has all the religions... its the source of strength of India...

i dont see another partition in India coz of muslims... are maoists muslims? khalistanis Muslims ? So groups with separatist tendencies can come from any part of country... its got nothing to do with religion but more with politics of some bad scums....
Indian muslims are as good as other Indians... it is a false notion that being one religion country is good... so its good India has all the religions... its the source of strength of India...

i dont see another partition in India coz of muslims... are maoists muslims? khalistanis Muslims ? So groups with separatist tendencies can come from any part of country... its got nothing to do with religion but more with politics of some bad scums....

Maoists are fighting against Indian democracy, not Indian nation. They are not asking for a separate state. Khalistan was dead from the start..as one poster pointed out there are atleast a million Punjabis in Delhi alone, not to mention every other major city in India. Muslims on the otherhand already successfully implemented partition.

Individually Muslims may be good samaritans but as a community they are incompatabile with any major community in any part of the world..the number of Hindu-Muslim riots including Godhra is a testament to this.
Saudis treat muslims from non arab countries like slaves and donot even allow their women to be married to muslims from Pakistan and India. If they can be thekedar of Muslims of then why not India.
Do you think BBC, CNN, Guardian would be bothered about the plight of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangldesh. It was only after christain started getting attacked in Pakistan these western media outlets took notice. I saw a BBC documentay on the recent Pakistan floods were in reporter instead of saying Hindus were being disriminated in Sindh(relief distrubtion) used the word religious minority to descibe Hindus. Certainly that BBC reporter would not have used word religious minority to describe a Muslim in India. Have you ever come across a western article regarding the plight of Hindus in Pak and Banladesh where in their number has greatly dwindled.
Saudi's are not thekedar of muslims
khyber pakhtunkhuwa government is responsible for negligence the temple should be rebuilt on government expenditure
As a Sikh I find this news utterly sickening, I would love to travel to some of my religion's holy sights in Pakistan but this news shows me the true face of tolerance to other faiths in Pakistan and means I shall stay away. All this BS talk on this site saying Pakistan is a haven for Sikhs and they support Indian Sikhs blah blah blah just goes to show.


stop bein an ***......
the title says "Land mafia" demolished the temple...not police or GOP...
Why are you blaming the whole country for something a bunch criminals.

In addition to that its pretty obvious that the temple was not being used for worship and none of the sikhs went there for very long time and it was just an abandoned old building sticking out like a sire thumb.

If our "not so religious" sikh community had used the place for the purpose it was built ...none of this had happened...as worshipers would have noted suspicious people and demolition machinery...
Now Should't Sikh and Hindus India go and knock down some Mosque in India. Fair game. Just as what happened in Pakistan and Bangladesh after Babri masjid demolition. Mind you this was no ordinary gurudwara.

Please refrain from this kind of comments. Pun intended or not, it's sickening.
and here we are rebuilding theit moskes...this is why sikhism is superior to islam.
I think you meant their mosques.But are the Pakistanis coming in here to Pray :cheesy:

About Sikhism being better than other religions :hang2: Looks like someone isn't clear about the basic teaching's of Sikhism.

In addition to that its pretty obvious that the temple was not being used for worship and none of the sikhs went there for very long time and it was just an abandoned old building sticking out like a sire thumb.

If our "not so religious" sikh community had used the place for the purpose it was built ...none of this had happened...as worshipers would have noted suspicious people and demolition machinery...
All I can say is decreasing number.....why they are decreasing that be off-topic
Like I said before, ANP's militants already destroyed their khyber pakhtoonkhwa.. Kidnapping, Bombing, Rapes, Murders.. Involved in everything , Same way they do in Karachi ,Under the flag of ANP they are killing and targeting minorities too .. and Because of Government support no one can stop them..
This is all happening bcs our first PM Nehru in all his wisdom(if he has any) didn't push through partition 100%. There should been a 100% transfer of population, with all Muslim population going to Pakistan and all non-Muslim population coming to India.

I understand news like often touches a raw nerve and brings about a knee jerk reaction. But things always goes the other way as well. No doubt religious minorities are persecuted in Pakistan. But it is just one form of persecution among many. Is it an accident that all Maoists in India today are tribal minorities? You and I in our right mind won't even dream about harming anybody from a tribal background. Yet urban India's insatiable demand for raw materials has pushed these people to brink. Remember only a completely desparate person with nothing left to loose picks up guns against the state.

As for Indian Muslims I am not even going into Babri demolision or Gujarat. Simply living under a constant suspicion of a beligerent majority (an overwhelming majority, mind you) is enough to push a whole minority into desperation which is exactly what is happening today in India.

What Nehru did he did because he saw the threat of dividing a society on the basis of religion. Minorities will suffer but it's the majority who will suffer even more. And if we indeed start implementing your plan we will end up with such a devastating holocaust that even Hitler will shiver.

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