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Lal Masjid cleric wants enforcement of Shariah

I have seen Iran, It's same banking system which you say is Islamic by name
Our's is Islamic by name. Iran's is different, I've lived there and in the UAE for some time. The banking system here and there is completely different. By there, I mean Iran, not UAE
Our's is Islamic by name. Iran's is different, I've lived there and in the UAE for some time. The banking system here and there is completely different. By there, I mean Iran, not UAE

Dude i have worked in SA, UAE and currently working in Iran.
dont tell me the episode of lal masjid being repeated all over again:hitwall:
dont tell me the episode of lal masjid being repeated all over again:hitwall:

Listen, if 83% pakistanis want stoning of adulterers, 80% chopping off hands of thieves, 78% death for apostates then white washing it will (unfortunately) lead to more lal masjids. This is what the pakistanis want, why can't the Islamic republic of pakistan give it to them???

Its all OK to look at this lunatic and paint the whole popular demand as something crazy, but popular demands can not be forever suppressed.
Sorry to say but religious element cannot work in Pakistan. First of all Pakistan became 'Islamic republic' years after independence. Mohammed Ali Jinnah himself was not religious.

Our people are 'begharat'. Look how we misintrpret quran and hadees to oppress our women. Just look at how Taliban works to behead people in the name of Allah. Look at number of haj our peope perform. You guys talk about people giving taxes? If they cannot do that then they can't give zakat. Look at us as the only ones calling Saudis 'brothers' in the Muslim world.
we have made islamic country but there is no rules and laws according to islamic ways ..once we follow these laws ..every thing will be better ......the future of pakistan will be the real islamic republic of pakistan
we have made islamic country but there is no rules and laws according to islamic ways ..once we follow these laws ..every thing will be better ......the future of pakistan will be the real islamic republic of pakistan
The whole world is waiting to see "real" islamic country. it seems there is not a single country which is "real" islamic country.
First of all, we don't need any Mullahs to tell us what to do, especially Kharijis like TTP and this Lal Masjid terrorist.

Now coming to the issue of enforcement of Sharia'ah, it is very easy, and yet difficult at the same time, there's no big hurdle in enforcing Sharia'ah, there's no difference of opinion between any sect in Pakistan on that, leading scholars of all the sects gathered in 1951 and passed 21 points on which they all agreed and then they asked Government to enforce Sharia'ah based on those points. There was and stll is complete consensus!

Problem comes at the part of government, we need to understand, first we have to make a environment for Sharia'ah law, I mean, you can't blame the youth for going towards adultery if you're already providing them with enough resources to be attracted towards it, first of all, the environment must be made suitable, that too slowly, not immediately, like the TTP and even Afghan Taliban. That's a grave mistake.

I heard Zaid Hamid talking about this issue, he raised some valid points, we can start from implementing Islamic economic system first, the main thing Quiad e Azam M. Ali Jinnah wanted, then Islamic Judicial system, social changes can then follow etc etc.

Basic is the Justice and equality, the main principles of a Islamic system.
Sorry to say but religious element cannot work in Pakistan. First of all Pakistan became 'Islamic republic' years after independence. Mohammed Ali Jinnah himself was not religious.

Our people are 'begharat'. Look how we misintrpret quran and hadees to oppress our women. Just look at how Taliban works to behead people in the name of Allah. Look at number of haj our peope perform. You guys talk about people giving taxes? If they cannot do that then they can't give zakat. Look at us as the only ones calling Saudis 'brothers' in the Muslim world.

Plus not everyone in Pakistan is Muslim nor does everyone follow the same Islam. One cannot put the view of one certain group over a country with diverse religious beliefs.
Plus not everyone in Pakistan is Muslim nor does everyone follow the same Islam. One cannot put the view of one certain group over a country with diverse religious beliefs.

So Pakistan is made up of various diverse religious nations that clash from time to time? Also Sharia can not be implemented where there is even 1 non muslim? (for example 83% wanting stoning of adulterers is not enough, it has to be 100%?)

All these principles are very new to me and add to my knowledge of ideology of nation(s?) of pakistan.

My point is, agreed this guy is a terrorist, but if pakistani rulers keep ignoring public desires then public - some of them - will be high-jacked by such wrong guys due to lack of any other legit representation. Atleast do we agree on this?
Mohammed Ali Jinnah himself was not religious.
We have put forward the demand for Pakistan, not to obtain a piece of land but as a laboratory to test Islamic Principles
Whose sharia btw wahabi , deabandi , barelvi , sunni ,shia or 67 others
The OP did not post any links..
A google search shows only three sources of this news....

None is reliable...and all three are known for being propaganda machines.
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