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Lahore Should Be Developed Like Delhi: Pak Minister

Looking ahead to 2025, the study sees the rise of the emerging economy cities continuing. Shanghai, Mumbai, Beijing, Delhi, Guangzhou, Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul and Cairo are all expected to rise significantly in the global city GDP rankings as the attached table shows.

John Hawksworth, head of macroeconomics at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP said:

“If you look at the projected percentage GDP growth from 2008 to 2025 of the top emerging and the top advanced economy cities, the comparison is stark. Cities such as Shanghai, Beijing and Mumbai, for example, are projected to grow at around 6-7% per annum in real terms, whereas cities such as New York, Tokyo, Chicago and London grow only at around 2% per annum on average. In absolute terms, the projected rise in Shanghai’s GDP between 2008 and 2025 is greater than the combined GDP increase for London and Paris together.

Lahore is no way near to Delhi in most social parameters....
we should follow the Istanbul/Turkish model,

a Provincial government with THREE things in mind:

BUSINESS. TOURISM (even if it means just regional, not international). OPTIMAL PUBLIC PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM.
34 in Los Angeles or Delhi
LA of course.........

BTW they are very few for both cities.

Delhi is getting two 80 floor and 100 floor skyscrapers.....not lahore
Brys Buzz 81 floor


Supertech Supernova


About Airport, Metro rail, BRTS discussion is done.

What discussion??
Delhi collects 26500 crores - roughly 5 billion in personal taxes - can we have Lahore's tax collection figures?
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one 60 floor and many clusters of 50-40floor underconstruction.....Delhi is also getting three 80 floor (site preperation,site preparation and proposed)and a 100 floor skyscrapers(site preperation)


Can you tell me about some?

Skyscrapercity link will also work if you do not want to discuss here.
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. . . .
Is NCR region really 33578 square kilometers?

do you hate google?? :lol:

The National Capital Region (NCR) in India is a name for the conurbation or metropolitan area which encompasses the entire Delhi as well as urban areas ringing it in neighbouring states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. With a total area of about 33,578*km2 (12,965*sq*mi), it is the world's second largest urban agglomeration by population and the largest by area

National Capital Region (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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