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Lahore is 'Paris of Pakistan,' tweets William Hague

most of the pictures that are being posted here are of historical buildings and venues that were part of lahore from centuries and for which Lahore is mostly known for in the world and PMLN Government has nothing to do with it so by taking all the credit and ignoring the remote areas where much development is needed so urgently (dont forget the cities outside of lahore which also COMES UNDER PUNJAB and have always always been ignored by them) and putting the ugly things under the carpet would not help them in anything other than gaining cheap publicity....

sorry to hurt anyne's feelings but i have a Right to give my Opinion!:police:
Ring road is the project of last government ..it is not shahbaz sharif government project ...

The project was conceived in 1992, the cost of the six-lane road with a length of 177 kilometres was estimated to cost Rs 117 billion. Now the ring road, with six lanes stretching out to 443 km, comes at the cost of Rs 185 billion while the same road with 177 km will cost approximately Rs 1150 billion. Changes in government caused delays and changes in the project and the total cost estimates shot up due to increased land acquisition, improvement the standard of existing roads being used in the project, shifting of utility installations, crossing over commercial and residential areas and improvements to junctions.

The Lahore Ring Road was originally conceived 25 years ago and a few studies were carried out on it over this period. The road, touted as an alternative transport route to ease the traffic load within the city, was designed and redesigned with a few alterations, keeping in view the political and economic interests of many in the ruling party. In 1991, JICA, an institution of Japan, proposed a road-loop in the city and the World Bank prepared a feasibility report on a 60 km ring road. In 1995, the Lahore Development Authority presented its Ring Road scheme. At that time, Daewoo and other foreign companies had signed a memorandum of understanding with the LDA. However, then prime minister Nawaz Sharif wanted the Ring Road to include Raiwind Road where his family had built its farm houses. As a result, the amended road design proposed a length of 75 km. The feasibility of the Ring Road project was finalised in 1997 during prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s period but the project could not begin due to lack of funds. After the construction of the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway, bids were invited on a built, operate and transfer (BOT) basis. The project was delayed again when a multinational company, which had showed interest in the project, said it would undertake the project only if its loans for the Motorway project were refinanced. Another delaying factor was the unavailability of foreign assistance after Pakistan’s nuclear tests in May 1998.

In 2003, President Pervez Musharraf directed the Punjab government to implement the project when he inspected the FC College and The Mall underpasses in 2003. The Lahore Ring Road Project was launched on December 22, 2004 at a ground-breaking ceremony attended by President General Pervez Musharaf.

most of the pictures that are being posted here are of historical buildings and venues that were part of lahore from centuries and for which Lahore is mostly known for in the world and PMLN Government has nothing to do with it so by taking all the credit and ignoring the remote areas where much development is needed so urgently (dont forget the cities outside of lahore which also COMES UNDER PUNJAB and have always always been ignored by them) and putting the ugly things under the carpet would not help them in anything other than gaining cheap publicity....

sorry to hurt anyne's feelings but i have a Right to give my Opinion!:police:

These historic buildings look nice because someone has been renovating them. Government created Dilkash Lahore Project and the Lahore Walled City Authority . :azn:

Sorry mate it was also PML-N who established PHA (Parks and Horticulture Authority) and the LWMC (Waste Management Company) ;)

Cities outside Lahore received more development then ever it did. After all people voted for them.
Most of those Chinese, Indians working for MS are Americans by citizenship. UAE has no such rule, therefore there is a difference.

It doesn't make any different though lol..

Majority of these Chinese/Indians/Koreans/Pakistanis/Europeans/Japanese etc working in top U.S firms are not American educated, American born people..yes, they do get citizenship eventually..but I'm failing to see what difference it makes?


Dubai is an important city in terms of finance (self-proclaimed), trade and export (rather re-export) and tourism. But Dubai can not be associated with culture.

-- RazorMC

How can one city be associated with "culture"?
Does Dubai have THAT much area?! :unsure:


Search "Falcon City of Wonders" ...

They are pretty much building a whole new city! lol...

The cost of the project is around $40 billion!!!!!! Very ambitious project indeed....

I wish them best of luck for this though....

This is another low point in Lahore, which collects rain water from various roads and it takes 1 hour before the water discharge.
It is parallel to Mall... which is 10 yards away from the point in photo above and never is immersed in water.
Other point is this part of Lahore was built almost 2 centuries ago, there is a limit to fix all problems.
People shall also understand that rains in Lahore are heavy... not like European rains.
You can read at the bottom of same picture.. word 'Tufani'
How can one city be associated with "culture"?

The country has nothing unique about it. Mostly desert, underpopulated (by the real locals) and losing the traditional values of hospitality. Their culture is the basically the same as the one in the rest of the GCC. And it's mostly bland and colourless imo.

Btw, in the UAE, each city is also a separate state/province.

-- RazorMC
Sarcasm at its best. He trolled the entire nation and people are taking it as a compliment.
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