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Lahore Bar Dance Mujra - This is so called ISLAMIC STATE

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............and that hairy ape knows nothing about dancing either :omghaha:
LOL.......Honey Singh is quite famous!!

Uncle's going bonkers!! :cheesy:

Almost all of them looks old enough & married.

I think OP is more pissed because she is dancing on Indian Songs.

Nothing New!

Whole pakistan dance on Indian songs, be it their marriage functions, reception parties or college fests.
Our nation is realy f**** up :(

Come on man...this kind of dance and Mujra exists in Islamic society since the time of Islamic rulers in South Asia..Why you are so particular about it..And also if some of them exists..it does not mean that your entire society is bad....I mean this is unfair..
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What's the big deal??!!
Boring dance though..
The dancing seems fine, although they have this lawyery look to them and are wearing suits, so it does beg the question WHERE was this happening?

If OFFICIAL resources are being spent on this then there is cause for concern. Islami issues? Pehle jhoot, chori, makari, katlogharat bandh karo phir iski fikar karo.
Our nation is realy f**** up


I am confused. What's wrong here? They show a lot more in Indian movies than this and from my understanding, everyone watches Indian movies in Pakistan.

Second, what someone does, is their personal business. If there was a violation of code of conduct, that's a professional issue. But from a personal or religious perspective, you can't issue a 'fatwa' on someone just because you didn't like what they did. Religion is a matter of personal belief and faith. It shouldn't be DICTATED on others. What one does is between him and whichever higher power or no power he believes in. It's not a matter of public debate.
I'd suggest closing this thread. When people put these small things online and write strict 'fatwas' on these things, it gives everyone reading it, a bad taste in their mouth about Pakistan, forcing to believe that the country is hell hole crawling with religious extremists who want their way of religion or the nothing else. Tolerant societies ignore personal things such as this one and move on towards the future. Humans and humans and they'll do what they'll feel like doing, whether you or someone else consider them good or bad. It's a matter of personal choice and no one has to consider public opinion into minor things like these.
The problem is not with the mujra .. its with the guys watching it possibly being the same ones throwing roses on a murderer who would be happy killing all of them in one go.
now Nawaz Shareef providing entertainment to his lawyer supporter ? Saudi and Taliban will be made at him ...lolllzzzz
I thought the OP was an Indian but then.......
This is funny.:lol:
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