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Lady Cadets of Pakistan:VICE

Mr you are a kafir .. mister i bumb you.

With female soldiers n ... enemies we cant afford it.. sorry bro.. the world is a cruel place and not as rosy as it seems..
yush just like i am very much worried about the women in my pic
It will

excellent first targets should be two Khawaja sara's inside the current parliament

they are bringing a bad name to the person in the picture.

yush just like i am very much worried about the women in my pic
how many "women" are there in your picture?

@Zarvan 's typical response:
Sir i don't understand Sir. Sir i am telling you this is against Islam Sir. Mister i know this one woman who couldn't even pick a rock mister. Sir trust me Sir. Sir the kafirs are weak sir. This is kafir ideology to have women as equal sir. Sir please don't laugh at me Sir. Mister im very serious. You are a kafir Sir you wouldn't understand Islam Sir.
this was haram post mister
how many "women" are there in your picture?

Women participated in war in time of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW but mainly serving water and doing medical work but in Islam if the Muslim land is attacked every man and woman and children has to protect it but women should maintain their Hijab and by the way most of the are doing office work not front line job
they should TRY TO, it shouldn't be like you are being fired upon and your drop your head scarf and like "oh shoot, gotta get it" BAAAANG, you get what i am trying to get at

Pakistan’s military is the country’s most stable and powerful institution. It has waged four wars against India, staged three successful military coups, guided the country back to civilian rule, and, since 9/11, received $17.2 billion in US military aid. However, despite having the seventh-largest military in the world as measured by the number of active-duty personnel, inhospitable parts of the country like the mountainous Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (formerly known as the Northwest Frontier province) remain under Taliban control—and remnants of al Qaeda still lurk near the permeable Afghan border.

Highly factual reporting.
Same goes for the female fighter pilots.. they wont be flying over enemy territory..
Damn! That sucks!! :(

Ok, jokes apart, are female fighter pilots to be deployed only for counter air ops and CAPs over own territory? That I think would not be an ideal utilization of air assets.

Call me a male chauvinist pig, but I still feel women pilots are best suited to fly transport aircraft and choppers.
No need of them .. waste of money .. just to show the world that we treat men and women equally.
I bet you know alot about paratrooping?the source details,duration etc etc ... right.. bet you havent fired a rifle in your entire life (18+? years)..
You are right brah, the only civilians who could probably do anything close to that are army brats or the ultra rich, and given that he is neither he is trolling.....
You are right brah, the only civilians who could probably do anything close to that are army brats or the ultra rich, and given that he is neither he is trolling.....

If you're living abroad para-jumping is quite inexpensive. A tandem costs you around $150 in Canada. You can start your solo course with $350 for the first jump and then around $90 for every subsequent one. Takes around 11-14 jumps to get your certification. If you go with your uni's para-jumping club/society it'll cost you even less. If I remember correctly then the rates in UK were a little less.
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