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Lack of Action on Kashmir - What Are We Waiting For?

You want Pakistan to be like Syria, Yemen etc???
I proved you that war is not always dependent on just money. There are many other factors too. And you know very clearly that Pakistan in no syria. If we would've even a tiny bit worried about money then we would have never shot down abhinandan. Don't worry, God forbid if a war starts between Pakistan and india then money is the least of ours/yours concern bcz both parties will get the money somehow from somewhere.
They say nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. Pakistan might never have a better chance again to resolve/retake J&K than it has presently but the time is running out.

Up until now many concerns/excuses are presented by the powers that be for their lack of action. Some are listed below;

USA Intervention: With the USA we have a case of misplaced fear because a believer is supposed to fear only the Almighty but let’s call spade a spade; we do fear the USA a lot. For now, the USA is busy putting out fires on the Homefront.

Chinese Support: China has advanced on Ladakh. Indians are dumbfounded and don’t know what to do, yet.

Local Insurgency: There is resistance in J&K from within, albeit very small, but the fire is still burning and only needs more fuel.

Western Border: The release of Taliban captives by Kabul government indicates that enemy proxies are ready to yield, and the friendlies are a shoo-in for a power grab.

Considering all the above I cannot imagine what is Pakistan waiting for? If this is not the time, then when will it be. Provided that the status quo of the past 73 years holds its course, Pakistan will always remain outgunned and outnumbered against India as they have higher purchasing/manufacturing power and population therefore the plan of recovery cannot be put off forever, assuming there is a plan in the first place.

Surely Pakistan cannot be waiting for India to withdraw unconditionally by some miracle so that it can liberate J&K without firing a single shot because hoping for miracle requires faith in the One Almighty who dispense miracles which, honestly speaking, we do not have. The conception of Pakistan was based on the Idea of faith in the Almighty Creator. But we have a case of misplaced faith in weapons, numbers, economics, strategies, compromises etc. I would dare say that calling the country ‘Islamic” at this point feels hypocritical.

When Islam was nascent many battles were being thrust upon believers. Despite being always outnumbered and outgunned they achieved victories. The underlying reason for this success was complete faith in Almighty and the consequential attitude of no hesitation and no excuses.

Let us hope that apart from other obvious reasons, the year 2020 will not be remembered for the biggest opportunity missed by Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir issue.

I don't have access to all sections hence I posted it here. MODS can move this to the appropriate section if they deem necessary.

We need exactly ppl like OP to run Pakistan.. Let me Assure you kindly feel free to attack India. We ain't going to use Nukes... rest our Missiles, Planes and soldiers are worthless as per PDF since long time and 27th Feb was live example of that. so wht more you want. don't you know the calculation 1 Mard-e-Momin == 210 Hindus and what.
already one parakeet gave you NATO lvl integration with PLA.I think Job is all done. you just need have B A L L S enough to cross into India and unfurl your national flag.
This man has courage. He speaks from his heart. He knows , the world knows, the Chinese know and ALLAH knows he has presented Pakistan what it always wished for. That PERFECT MOMENT, THAT GOLDEN OPPORTUNE GIFT FROM ALLAH FOR THE FAITHFUL TO BELIEVE AND STRIKE AT THE HEART OF THAT EVIL KUFFAR NATION AND WITH ONE STROKE BEHEAD IT FOREVER.


Brother All I want is Allah's Mercy for myself and my brothers. I dont want this materialistic life, I dont want Money, I just want to Please Allah and return to Him from this world fighting in His cause.
This man has courage. He speaks from his heart. He knows , the world knows, the Chinese know and ALLAH knows he has presented Pakistan what it always wished for. That PERFECT MOMENT, THAT GOLDEN OPPORTUNE GIFT FROM ALLAH FOR THE FAITHFUL TO BELIEVE AND STRIKE AT THE HEART OF THAT EVIL KUFFAR NATION AND WITH ONE STROKE BEHEAD IT FOREVER.

Lol... sarcasm is ok.. but u hitting him below the belt. this will make OP to hide.. we need him atleast till sunday here
Brother All I want is Allah's Mercy for myself and my brothers. I dont want this materialistic life, I dont want Money, I just want to Please Allah and return to Him from this world fighting in His cause.
Control yourself Hindu.
Brother All I want is Allah's Mercy for myself and my brothers. I dont want this materialistic life, I dont want Money, I just want to Please Allah and return to Him from this world fighting in His cause.
This guy have all the qualities to be suicide bomber... Plz visit Pulwama asap to get your career much needed BOOST.
Control yourself Hindu.

83.30 Jalal - Al-Jalalayn
and when they, the believers, passed them by, they would wink at one another, the guilty beckoned with their eyebrows and eyelids towards the believers in mockery;

He (Allah) will say: "Remain you in it with ignominy! And speak you not to Me!'' Verily there was a party of My servants, who used to say: "Our Lord! We believe, so forgive us, and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of all who show mercy!'' But you took them for a laughing stock, so much so that they made you forget My remembrance while you used to laugh at them! Verily, I have rewarded them this Day for their patience: they are indeed the ones that are successful.) (23:108-111)
No money is needed to be killed in the Cause of Allah so we can return home as Martyr and be amongst those who would have attained Allah's pleasure and Mercy!!
Why bring GOD-PBUH into your war- He/She has nothing to do with humans stupidity.
Lol... sarcasm is ok.. but u hitting him below the belt. this will make OP to hide.. we need him atleast till sunday here

You are mistaken. This is not sarcasm. I mean what I say. I am immensely impressed by the posters honesty and faith. The time is perfect and ALLAH has given as clear a signal as he possibly can.

It is up to the faithful to understand this clear message from ALLAH and act as he is clearly indicating.

Those who fail ALLAH now will for all eternity be doomed
This guy have all the qualities to be suicide bomber... Plz visit Pulwama asap to get your career much needed BOOST.

Not a suicide bomber, Im a Believer in Allah. I will fight you face to face and wont show you my back! Soon sanghis, Allah's Wrath is coming upon the disbelievers.
You want Pakistan to be like Syria, Yemen etc???
I guess you need balls to be like them?
Why bring GOD-PBUH into your war- He/She has nothing to do with humans stupidity.

He has given us Divine orders to protect the oppressed. To fight in His Cause against evil corrupters of this world.
Do you look both ways when you cross the road?
Why should he?- I am not scared of dying- God will protect me!
Seems like the liberals and the disbelievers dont want to die. Surprise surprise, blind sheep thinking they control this dunya.

Deaf, Dumb, and Blind!!
Only condition is the faith of a Man for His Creator

In the victory of Allah . He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful

Why do you need army to do the rightful, you purest of Muslim? Why not start marching toward Kashmir, the oppressed needs you.

Allah almighty will give you victory if he find you worthy !!
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