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Kuwait Times: Israel is not our enemy

Its words vs action you can claim to love people but could despise them, For my judgement i see how things are on ground and sad to say that a talented nation like Israel have blood on their hand and lots of it. As long as Palestine/Israeli issue will be there trust deficit will exists. I have interacted/worked/trained with some brilliant Israelis sad to see most of them despise Palestinians especially the one in GAZA. Give me a proof about any Muslim country/govt/king/sultan watever now or in past had a policy of JEWS to be stoned to death. You see how you are using and playing with words" stoned to death" just to smear at Muslims. Give me a single statement from any muslim leader who said that even Arafat Israels worst enemy never said that and you come here and lie. But again lying is also an Israeli thing sorry for personally attacking you but i was so offended by the lie "Jews stoned to death". Don,t paint Muslims with something that European did to you not Muslims .

As far as I know, Pakistan killed much more people than Israel ( as for blood on their hands)
Policies against jews?
here u go
Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry you have wrong information...
1947: Partition of India and Pakistan (1 million)
1965: second India-Pakistan war over Kashmir (?)
1971: Pakistan-Bangladesh civil war (500,000)
1995-: Pakistani Sunnis vs Shiites (1,300)
2007-: Pakistan vs PAkistani Taliban (38,000)
Arab-Israeli wars

I (1947-49): 6,373 Israeli and 15,000 Arabs die
II (1956): 231 Israeli and 3,000 Egyptians die
III (1967): 776 Israeli and 20,000 Arabs die
IV (1973): 2,688 Israeli and 18,000 Arabs die
Intifada I (1987-92): 170 Israelis and 1,000 Palestinians
Intifada II (2000-03): 700 Israelis and 2,000 Palestinians
Israel-Hamas war (2008): 1,300 Palestinians
GCC Warms up to Israel..no issue..
Pakistan make overtures to Israel..Kafir infidel country..
UAE is Israeli embassy soon!
Which is why you live in Orlando and not the West you hate...right?........

This is how it turns out a fair few times. Vocal Muslims talking about Islam this and Muslims that, how their Islam and Prophet are superior, how liberals and the West ruin their way of life.

But ask him where they live well and guess what? Quite a few live in the same West they condemn.

Ask them why they're living in the West, their answer is standard- well my Prophet said Muslims could go to China to improve yourself/ get education (or something like that) so here I am.

Ask them to relocate back to their home land, Pakistan or wherever they may originate from, and improve conditions there, and they'll start dancing around really quickly! Most of them will claim they're studying, or too busy earning a living or something, Inshallah soon,- but they'll never go back.
Then where are u gonna construct the Solomon (as) temple? isn't supposed to be underneath of the mosque ?

You should do some reading about what Jews actually believe, other than what your leadership tells you.

The generally held belief amongst Jews is that we won't build the Temple. The most messianic-minded Jews believe that it was/is already built in Heaven and is waiting to be dropped down from the firmament in the end of days. Others believe that only the Messiah can build it. If Jews had any intention of attempting to build the Temple themselves, they would already have done so in the 50 years they have controlled the site.

A funny postscript is that although the outstanding halakhic opinion is that Jews cannot build the Third Temple, there is an opinion that we can build the fixtures. So there are currently frum workshops competing to build all the tapestries, vestments, light fixtures, implements of sacrifice, etc, etc, etc, that are sitting in boxes waiting for the Temple to drop from the sky. Strange but true!

Ask them to relocate back to their home land, Pakistan or wherever they may originate from, and improve conditions there

That would be unreasonable. All we ask is them to do what the Persian-Americans do and be more interested in changing political conditions in their own country than bringing their garbage here. It's not a coincidence that Persian-Americans are comparable to Jewish-Americans in their penchant for social mobility.

\Give me a proof about any Muslim country/govt/king/sultan watever now or in past had a policy of JEWS to be stoned to death. You see how you are using and playing with words" stoned to death" just to smear at Muslims. Give me a single statement from any muslim leader who said that even Arafat Israels worst enemy never said that

You can very easily Google up quotes both spoken and written in which Arafat called suicide bombers "the salt of the earth".

You can also very easily Google 19th century British commentators remarking on the conditions of Jews in the Arab world, using phrases like "ritual humiliation". The British historically hated Jews much more than Arabs for reasons that have to do with British culture, so their eyewitness accounts are as objective as they come. The stoning of Jews in Israel today is an eccentric behavior culturally connected to the stoning of the devil at Mecca. There is no other people and in no place in the world who throw stones as a means of actioning disputes.

But let's get back to OP....

Is Israel Kuwait's enemy? No. Ultimately, and this is the aspect of Jewish culture that is perhaps hardest for what we at my synagogue always call "our Semitic cousins" to understand, it isn't the Jewish way to hate an enemy forever. In practical terms, we can't...a culture of 15 million can't afford to hold grudges against each and every nation that has at some point done us wrong.

Not that Kuwait was ever really Israel's enemy so much as a victim of intra-Arab political and cultural nonsense. The invasion of Kuwait by Saddam at the same time he hurled Scuds at Israel (who were told to sit down and shut up by the US, lest the Arab-NATO coalition be fragmented) proves as much.

What the Islamic world really fails to grasp is that the reason for Israel's glee about an alliance with the Arabs against Iran and other radicals is not because they wish to use Muslims to destroy Muslims, but because they like the idea of finding common cause that could lead to a general peace in the future. Talk to any Jew or Israeli and you will swiftly realize that, as a class, that is what they really believe.
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1947: Partition of India and Pakistan (1 million)
1965: second India-Pakistan war over Kashmir (?)
1971: Pakistan-Bangladesh civil war (500,000)
1995-: Pakistani Sunnis vs Shiites (1,300)
2007-: Pakistan vs PAkistani Taliban (38,000)
Arab-Israeli wars

I (1947-49): 6,373 Israeli and 15,000 Arabs die
II (1956): 231 Israeli and 3,000 Egyptians die
III (1967): 776 Israeli and 20,000 Arabs die
IV (1973): 2,688 Israeli and 18,000 Arabs die
Intifada I (1987-92): 170 Israelis and 1,000 Palestinians
Intifada II (2000-03): 700 Israelis and 2,000 Palestinians
Israel-Hamas war (2008): 1,300 Palestinians
Figures are too distorted.. very far away from truth..
1947 partition..It was hindu vs muslim ... cause was britishers who create divide and rule policy and incite differences between hindus and muslims... so fault were only and only britishers not pakistani...
Kashmir freedom in on its way and people are dying each day by Indian forces..
Pakistan-Bangladesh civil war was actually incited by India by creating Mukti Bahini who were nothing but a tool for mass murder.. and the figure is in thousand and that also innocent biharis who shifted to east pakistan during 1947 partition..

I can say that behind all was it was foreign force which created differences between innocent asian people. Time has come to evaluate the problem that we innocent people are not prepared till date to tackle the conspiracy invented by forces such as MOSSAD and CIA...
It is the need of hour to spread awareness that we should be united in every condition...otherwise our land too will follow Syria and Libya condition...

Just see the mirror what zionist have done since 1946..
As far as I know, Pakistan killed much more people than Israel ( as for blood on their hands)
Policies against jews?
here u go
Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First thing first Pakistani didn't scramble jets into Afghanistan to bomb cities or community of Afghanistan even after the attackers went back into Afghanistan and even legally using hot pursuit Pakistan can do that but we respect Afghan sovereignty Now on the other hand one rocket fired from Gaza you lay waste to whole block whole neighborhood just to get even and that too not in your territory. So no need to lecture us we respect sovereignty and boundaries of other countries. Never send army to invade or bomb someones territory. In Pak/Ind case well Pakistan crossed line of control of disputed territory of Kashmir whenever they ventured into India.
Figures are too distorted.. very far away from truth..
1947 partition..It was hindu vs muslim ... cause was britishers who create divide and rule policy and incite differences between hindus and muslims... so fault were only and only britishers not pakistani...
Kashmir freedom in on its way and people are dying each day by Indian forces..
Pakistan-Bangladesh civil war was actually incited by India by creating Mukti Bahini who were nothing but a tool for mass murder.. and the figure is in thousand and that also innocent biharis who shifted to east pakistan during 1947 partition..

I can say that behind all was it was foreign force which created differences between innocent asian people. Time has come to evaluate the problem that we innocent people are not prepared till date to tackle the conspiracy invented by forces such as MOSSAD and CIA...
It is the need of hour to spread awareness that we should be united in every condition...otherwise our land too will follow Syria and Libya condition...

Just see the mirror what zionist have done since 1946..
View attachment 275863

I would advise u'll read the history about Israel.
The image u showed of 1946 is not true at all - I'll advise ull search again about the british mandate on Israel.
Before Israel was formed, it was under british mandate.
under the UN resolution 2 countries should've been formed in Israel - Arab and Jewish.
the jewish population accepted the plan, and the arab didn't and declared war on the jewish population.
the jewish population declared Israel and fought 5+ arab armies and the arabic population within Israel ( or "Palestine" - Roman name that they gave Israel) and won.
in 1967 the arab armies declared they gonna push jews to the sea and made threats and moved armed forces to the borders. Israel declared war, fought them and won in 6 days war(the 6 days war)
Also u failed to show the sinai which Israel won in the war and gave back for a peace treaty.
For a summary : The arab world thought it could win all the land of Israel or Palestine and lost, You can't have your cake and eat it (too)/have it both ways.
they took a risk, and lost.
You can defend Pakistan wars as much as u want, but fact remains that human loses in Pakistani wars outweight by far all the casualties in Israeli wars ( both arabs and jews )
You should do some reading about what Jews actually believe, other than what your leadership tells you.

The generally held belief amongst Jews is that we won't build the Temple. The most messianic-minded Jews believe that it was/is already built in Heaven and is waiting to be dropped down from the firmament in the end of days. Others believe that only the Messiah can build it. If Jews had any intention of attempting to build the Temple themselves, they would already have done so in the 50 years they have controlled the site.

A funny postscript is that although the outstanding halakhic opinion is that Jews cannot build the Third Temple, there is an opinion that we can build the fixtures. So there are currently frum workshops competing to build all the tapestries, vestments, light fixtures, implements of sacrifice, etc, etc, etc, that are sitting in boxes waiting for the Temple to drop from the sky. Strange but true!

That would be unreasonable. All we ask is them to do what the Persian-Americans do and be more interested in changing political conditions in their own country than bringing their garbage here. It's not a coincidence that Persian-Americans are comparable to Jewish-Americans in their penchant for social mobility.

You can very easily Google up quotes both spoken and written in which Arafat called suicide bombers "the salt of the earth".

You can also very easily Google 19th century British commentators remarking on the conditions of Jews in the Arab world, using phrases like "ritual humiliation". The British historically hated Jews much more than Arabs for reasons that have to do with British culture, so their eyewitness accounts are as objective as they come. The stoning of Jews in Israel today is an eccentric behavior culturally connected to the stoning of the devil at Mecca. There is no other people and in no place in the world who throw stones as a means of actioning disputes.

But let's get back to OP....

Is Israel Kuwait's enemy? No. Ultimately, and this is the aspect of Jewish culture that is perhaps hardest for what we at my synagogue always call "our Semitic cousins" to understand, it isn't the Jewish way to hate an enemy forever. In practical terms, we can't...a culture of 15 million can't afford to hold grudges against each and every nation that has at some point done us wrong.

Not that Kuwait was ever really Israel's enemy so much as a victim of intra-Arab political and cultural nonsense. The invasion of Kuwait by Saddam at the same time he hurled Scuds at Israel (who were told to sit down and shut up by the US, lest the Arab-NATO coalition be fragmented) proves as much.

What the Islamic world really fails to grasp is that the reason for Israel's glee about an alliance with the Arabs against Iran and other radicals is not because they wish to use Muslims to destroy Muslims, but because they like the idea of finding common cause that could lead to a general peace in the future. Talk to any Jew or Israeli and you will swiftly realize that, as a class, that is what they really believe.
First thing we need to establish is that Is Israel a Jewish state or a democratic republic? Because if we criticize Isreal as a govt as a country for its policies we mean to criticize all those who are responsible may it be a Jew Israeli Arab Israeli or Christian Israeli but Israeli always try to play it both ways, you criticize state for actions they turn it into we criticized Jews. Back to my original question I need a statement from any muslim leader in history who specifically stated or implemented a state policy of "Stone the Jews" if you cant bring one statement then all of those who rant about" stone the jews" are lairs and ignorant.
Israel will be welcomed in Muslim world any day if they resolve the Israel/Palestine issue. I personally do believe that Isreal can do wonders in desert compare to what Arab have done and i hope and pray that all of us can get along and i will finish it with the quote from Muslim Caliph and cousin of Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) who was taught by prophet Muhammad himself his name is Imam Ali and the quote is "Our enemies are not the Jews or the Christians, our enemy is our own ignorance".
Figures are too distorted.. very far away from truth..
1947 partition..It was hindu vs muslim ... cause was britishers who create divide and rule policy and incite differences between hindus and muslims... so fault were only and only britishers not pakistani... Kashmir freedom in on its way and people are dying each day by Indian forces.. Pakistan-Bangladesh civil war was actually incited by India by creating Mukti Bahini who were nothing but a tool for mass murder.. and the figure is in thousand and that also innocent biharis who shifted to east pakistan during 1947 partition..

India is the most diverse country in the world. Pakistan exists because its leadership didn't want to be a part of that diversity. Simple as that.

I can say that behind all was it was foreign force which created differences between innocent asian people. Time has come to evaluate the problem that we innocent people are not prepared till date to tackle the conspiracy invented by forces such as MOSSAD and CIA...

The underlying premise of this claim is the inherent inferiority of the Islamic world such that the ISI and company get walked all over by Western intelligence agencies - which hints at the real problems here.

Just see the mirror what zionist have done since 1946.. View attachment 275863

You realize most of Israel was and is desert?

That map betrays the real issues here. It's not about land, in the sense of the ownership of property by individual Arabs. It's about political control of territory by the Ummah. The premise of that stupid map is that Jews should only ever be a minority in Arab countries, but Arabs who are a minority in a land under the political rule of another nation are being treated unjustly.

Your arguments with both India and Israel exhibit the Islamic "what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine" mentality that makes the conflict unsolveable. You have a country for your people next to India, but you're not happy with that and instead find fault with your neighbor. Another people have a country next to your people, but you're not happy with that either and want them to give it up.

Until political Islam outgrows this childish mentality, there can't be a peace, or prosperity in the Islamic world.
First thing first Pakistani didn't scramble jets into Afghanistan to bomb cities or community of Afghanistan even after the attackers went back into Afghanistan and even legally using hot pursuit Pakistan can do that but we respect Afghan sovereignty Now on the other hand one rocket fired from Gaza you lay waste to whole block whole neighborhood just to get even and that too not in your territory. So no need to lecture us we respect sovereignty and boundaries of other countries. Never send army to invade or bomb someones territory. In Pak/Ind case well Pakistan crossed line of control of disputed territory of Kashmir whenever they ventured into India.
LOL,first of all, if we'd bomb whole neighborhoods over 1 rocket ratio whole gaza would be diminished.
Secondly, Israel is our territory, whether u like it or not.
thirdly,I just showed u facts with numbers about casualties, the casualties of your wars are in millions, so look in the mirror before even lecture about stuff that u don't even know the basic facts and the history of the war.
Clarification - if someone shoots missiles toward ur countr(declaration of war) u have every right to defend your country and respond as u see fit. ur statements are just absurd "Never send army to invade or bomb someones territory." comedian
First thing we need to establish is that Is Israel a Jewish state or a democratic republic? Because if we criticize Isreal as a govt as a country for its policies we mean to criticize all those who are responsible may it be a Jew Israeli Arab Israeli or Christian Israeli but Israeli always try to play it both ways, you criticize state for actions they turn it into we criticized Jews.

Antisemitism is the only reason that a Jewish secular ethnostate is strange or unacceptable. No one finds fault with the Church of England or Islam or Hinduism or any other religion having statutory status in countries that guarantee human rights to minorities - which Israel also does.

Back to my original question I need a statement from any muslim leader in history who specifically stated or implemented a state policy of "Stone the Jews" if you cant bring one statement then all of those who rant about" stone the jews" are lairs and ignorant.

CAMERA Snapshots: Where’s the Coverage? Hamas Official Calls for Attacking Israeli Embassies Overseas

There are many more such statements etc on MEMRI. The very fact that you have to lie (and so you are) and bank on the ignorance of your audience betrays volumes about the real problems here.

Israel will be welcomed in Muslim world any day if they resolve the Israel/Palestine issue. I personally do believe that Isreal can do wonders in desert compare to what Arab have done and i hope and pray that all of us can get along and i will finish it with the quote from Muslim Caliph and cousin of Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) who was taught by prophet Muhammad himself his name is Imam Ali and the quote is "Our enemies are not the Jews or the Christians, our enemy is our own ignorance".

Now on the other hand one rocket fired from Gaza you lay waste to whole block

Don't fire rockets. Problem solved!

The latter remark makes it clear why "solving" the problem by your standards is impossible. The concept of mutual relations between sovereign equals (which includes right to self-defense against aggression by the other side) is antithetical to Islam and Islamic culture. You think that Jews should only ever be minorities under Muslim rule, but it's unjust if Muslims are a minority under Jewish rule.

The Mizrahi exile was the coldest and hardest of cold hard proof of this basic attitude. Your attitude that Jews today have no right to strike back against those who struck them reinforces this prejudice. Muhammed himself invented the entire Islamic style of using violence against people living in peace, then falsely claiming to be the aggrieved party when they fought back.

The Jews will not go back to being dhminni. They will be sovereign equals with an unquestionable right to their tiny strip of land. Islam must reform its ideology to accept this or remain backward and at the mercy of Israel and the West - not because we will kill you all, but because the ideology itself prevents economic and political progress. It is that simple.
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LOL,first of all, if we'd bomb whole neighborhoods over 1 rocket ratio whole gaza would be diminished.
Secondly, Israel is our territory, whether u like it or not.
thirdly,I just showed u facts with numbers about casualties, the casualties of your wars are in millions, so look in the mirror before even lecture about stuff that u don't even know the basic facts and the history of the war.
Clarification - if someone shoots missiles toward ur countr(declaration of war) u have every right to defend your country and respond as u see fit. ur statements are just absurd
Israel is your territory not Gaza and this is exactly the point we make that in your heart you don't believe that Palestinian land is their land but belongs to Israel. Did Israel declared war on USA when you guys bombed USS liberty? And lets be honest big boy without my tax $$ and the support of my country you would not stand a chance you know that do you?
Israel is your territory not Gaza and this is exactly the point we make that in your heart you don't believe that Palestinian land is their land but belongs to Israel. Did Israel declared war on USA when you guys bombed USS liberty? And lets be honest big boy without my tax $$ and the support of my country you would not stand a chance you know that do you?
Let me make it simple for u.
Israel don't want gaza territory, but if gazans will shoot missiles toward Israel, Israel will bomb them back.
USS liberty was a mistake and Israel apologized for the accident, again, u only say half truths.
Before the 70s USA barley helped Israel, so again, false statement
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