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Kurdish PKK co-founder Sakine Cansiz shot dead in Paris

I didn't know there were some many hain in this forum. Turkey needs a big clean up of terrorist. We need coup ASAP.

By the way, is non-english language also not allowed if a translation is given?
Yeah hain, anybody who is not stupid as much as you is hain, how easy is to use that word right ?
Yeah hain, anybody who is not stupid as much as you is hain, how easy is to use that word right ?
Okey, what is your definition of it?

Second question: from which part of Turkey are you?
More importantly what is your definition of it ?

Person says truths about country ? hain

Person suggests realistic solution about country's bad situations ? hain

I guess your definition of hain is real patriots instead of big mouthed fanatics that contributes or suggests nothing to country's problems.
Deno if you can see mehmet also used Turkish and only it was a small part of Turkish mine. Please delete he's aswell if you deleted ours.

We should first build a fence and walls all along Iraqi border. Protect it with outposts and many UAV to check border, satellite and then send soldiers and jets as soon as detected.

We should hang their leader straight away and deport every terrorist to Iraq to live in their heaven (mountains) . We should bring our Türkmen brothers and brothers from Turkish nations giving free housing and education to fill population gap. Considering not all Kurds are pkk only a few million.

There should be hanging back.
More importantly what is your definition of it ?

Person says truths about country ? hain

Person suggests realistic solution about country's bad situations ? hain

I guess your definition of hain is real patriots instead of big mouthed fanatics that contributes or suggests nothing to country's problems.

PKK terrorism first needs to stop before any progress can be made. Kurdish can be spoken at home but the original language is Turkish. Even in the US this is like this. If you live in that country, work there, pay your taxes, etc, you will speak the language of that country. Simple as that. By the way you didn't answer my second question. Which part of Turkey are you from?

Deno if you can see mehmet also used Turkish and only it was a small part of Turkish mine. Please delete he's aswell if you deleted ours.

We should first build a fence and walls all along Iraqi border. Protect it with outposts and many UAV to check border, satellite and then send soldiers and jets as soon as detected.

We should hang their leader straight away and deport every terrorist to Iraq to live in their heaven (mountains) . We should bring our Türkmen brothers and brothers from Turkish nations giving free housing and education to fill population gap. Considering not all Kurds are pkk only a few million.

There should be hanging back.
I don't think Turkmen should get different treatment than other people but we do have to protect Kirkuk which is a Turkmen city.

I do agree capital punishment should return to Turkey. Only in special cases should as hainler or mass-murder, it is justified to use.
They have a different language and culture. We all should understand that.

This is what I don't agree with most of the people in Turkey about Kurdish problem. People are too politially correct now a days that they expect us to respect other ''cultures''. Kurds in general are radically religious to a degree of sectarianism and violance is percieved as normal. You can just look at the numbers of Kurdish girls who can't go to schools because of their parents backward ideologies or Kurdish women/girls who are murdered on daily basis for ''honor'' or disgusting traditions such as men trading their sisters for marriage.

I don't support discrimination based on ethnicity but I will never accept such ridiculus and disgusting practices as part of Türkiye. Kurdish mindset needs to be changed in so many social and economical ways that I sometimes find integrating rural Kurdish areas with Turks, specially Turks from costal areas impossible. It is debatable wheter possible for us to remain as one nation specially after looking at educated Kurdish population of Turkey. Although they are a minority among university students there is a significant number of Kurdish students who wants nothing to do with Turks or Turkey and even though majority does not agree with them they are still stay silent either from fear or from sympathy for their own ethnic citizens.

Edit: And many people may think that this seperatist thoughts only resides with Kurds but I start to realise that although they don't show their opinion with violance, Turks are starting to differ themselves from Kurds as well. You wouldn't find a Turk who would think any different when regarding a Turk and a Kurd two decades ago but it is not the same as it was back then. I doN't know what future holds for our nation or country but I hope it is a good one :)
You're saying you can speak your language only at home and expecting them to say ok ?

Everyone had to know Turkish but there is no point on restricting Kurdish, it should be given regional semi-official status, and no, English is not the only language of USA, English is not even the official language of USA, just the common language, its accepted as official language in around half of the states, alongsides with other official languages, for example Hawaiian is the second official language in Hawaii, Samoan in Samoa, Spanish in Puerto Rico, Spanish also given special status in New Mexico.

Why is it matters ? will you treat me based on my home region ? well I would expect that. I'm from Antalya if you wonder so much.
You're saying you can speak your language only at home and expecting them to say ok ?

Yes, I expect that, otherwise you can go to Iraq when Kurdistan is established if you don't want to integrate. US, Europe and other places will say the same thing if you are in their country, integrate or please leave. East Turkey is Turkey , not Kurdistan. East Turkey was conquered by Arslan and his men. Afterwards, you kurds came comfortable and established there but that doesn't mean that it is Kurdistan. Everybody has to speak Turkish. I expect you to say yes to that. Otherwise you will have a big problem for the rest of your life if you stay in Turkey.

Everyone had to know Turkish but there is no point on restricting Kurdish, it should be given regional semi-official status, and no, English is not the only language of USA, English is not even the official language of USA, just the common language, its accepted as official language in around half of the states, alongsides with other official languages, for example Hawaiian is the second official language in Hawaii, Samoan in Samoa, Spanish in Puerto Rico, Spanish also given special status in New Mexico.
Don't compare Turkey to those colonies. In Europe and US there is only one language. Yes in private schools other langues are given but those are PRIVATE schools not public schools. If you want to open private school such as Greeks and Armenians go ahead. The more you speak the more I think you are a hain. You can't take east Turkey from Turks with pseudo liberalism. East Turkey was taken from Romans with blood, we will give it with blood if somebody else wants it!
The motive behind the assasination seems clear to me, either Some radical backward communist or foreign intellegence service trying to derail or indefenitly stop negotiations with Ocalan, So the war can rage on and every single neighbouring country can use it as a card against Turkey. After we achieved peace, We will be unstoppable...
What is your understanding of integrating genius ? I'm repeating you every citizen has to know Turkish, but you can't restrict their own mother tongue, will you die if they use Kurdish alongside with Turkish in signboards ?

No there is no one language in US, as I said English is not the official language of USA, states has the right to choose whatever they want, thats how these states got their native language official.

We don't need to open, there are already Greek and Armenian minority schools teaching their own language and culture alongside with regular Turkish education program, thats what I laugh at, what you defend with spitting salivas from your mouth is already there.
Deno, you can wonder about why Kurds are mentally behind Turks, but thats what happens when Eastern Turkey is being neglected, economically.
What is your understanding of integrating genius ?

You are really a dummy aren't? do you really don't know the meaning of those words or just pretending? Few posts back I also asked some other question and you acted the same way. I'm really wondering this.

We can go over and over, but it is apparent that you skip what you don't like from what I said. Turkey is at risk because of separatism. Greeks and Armenians are not a threat but Kurds are. If you are insensitive about that, that says a lot about you. Third time I asked this: which part of Turkey are you from?

Deno, you can wonder about why Kurds are mentally behind Turks, but thats what happens when Eastern Turkey is being neglected, economically.

How is it neglected? You are talking nonsense again. east-Turkey is economically behind because of terrorism. Nobody wants to invest there.

When the root of Terrorism is cleaned this will be fixed. When I say the root, you know what I mean.
How is it neglected? You are talking nonsense again. east-Turkey is economically behind because of terrorism. Nobody wants to invest there.

Eastern Turkey has always been the less developed part of Turkey/Anatolia. Thats the case since Anatolia was ruled by Greeks and Byzantines. It hasn't changed during the rule of the Turks; long before terrorism even appeared.
Yes, I expect that, otherwise you can go to Iraq when Kurdistan is established if you don't want to integrate. US, Europe and other places will say the same thing if you are in their country, integrate or please leave. East Turkey is Turkey , not Kurdistan. East Turkey was conquered by Arslan and his men. Afterwards, you kurds came comfortable and established there but that doesn't mean that it is Kurdistan. Everybody has to speak Turkish. I expect you to say yes to that. Otherwise you will have a big problem for the rest of your life if you stay in Turkey.

Don't compare Turkey to those colonies. In Europe and US there is only one language. Yes in private schools other langues are given but those are PRIVATE schools not public schools. If you want to open private school such as Greeks and Armenians go ahead. The more you speak the more I think you are a hain. You can't take east Turkey from Turks with pseudo liberalism. East Turkey was taken from Romans with blood, we will give it with blood if somebody else wants it!

I agree with you 100%. We should deport them to Iraq in less than 3 months they'll start begging to come back.
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