I know the procession, buddy. It's ...
1.GuangDong toy factory, Uyghur youth workers raped 2x Han girls in factory ===> Your official said that rumor false, the guy posted that brought to jail. you could find again in your media source
2. Night, hundred Han workers beat Uyghur workers and result in death ===> Anyway show the hate of Han to Uighur. You confirm this is true
3. Urumchi Uighur ppl saw some video on Youtube.com (foreign someone upload into Youtube, although wrong video) ===> You are illogical, no matter which video, but that's true about murders in toy factory
4. They angry, hundred Uighur students and Uighur citizens start to protest at Urumchi street ===>
Same to reaction of Han after hearing the false rumor some Uighur raped 2 Han girls
5. Someone claim riot, hundreds of Uighur protesters start to attack Han ppl on the street, it become killing innocents in Urumchi city ===> this is the most important part of the story, let hear from many angle to find out the truth
6. 2009.07.05 Urumchi Uighur riots lead to 2000 innocent ppl died on the steet (Official said 200 dead is BullSh!t, i saw dead body pics much more than that.) ===> Thanks for your sharing information, your media is liar
7. 2009.07.09 Urumchi Han ppl start to revenged Uighur (that u wanna show me the video on Youtube) ===>
You saw that policemen allow or atleast made less effort to avoid them to do so, that cause many damage to Uighur lives and their shops.
8. The Uighur Terrorism occur more in China ===> 2014.03.01 happened in KunMing train station
This posted everywhere, no limit showing how the Uighur people be terrorism ... I dont support those killings, and the mistake policy of China govt. unfair to minorities, while protect the Han