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Kudankulam protest turns violent, one killed in firing


Jan 30, 2007
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One fisherman died in police firing protesting against Kudankulam plant in Tuticorin, media reports said on Monday. Riot police fired tear gas to break up thousands of protesters on a beach near the plant.

Riot police fired tear gas to break up thousands of protesters on a beach near the country's largest nuclear power project, due to fire up within weeks despite months of opposition.
Demonstrators waded into the crashing waves or escaped in fishing boats as hundreds of police advanced, television images showed. Rocks were thrown at police and several injuries were reported on both sides.

Some 4,000 activists, mainly women and children from fishing villages, had camped on the beach about a mile from the Kudankulam power station to complain about the threat of radiation from the plant near the southern tip of the country.

First conceived in 1988, the Russian-built plant was supposed to have gone into operation last year, but protesters surrounded the compound after an earthquake and tsunami destroyed Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, spewing radiation and forcing mass evacuations.

They fear a similar accident in a region that was hard hit by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

In August, the government's Atomic Energy Regulatory Board gave clearance for fuel to be loaded into one of the plant's two reactors, one of the last steps before producing power.

Kudankulam will provide 2 gigawatts of electricity -- enough to power millions of homes and relieve a power crisis in Tamil Nadu. Further reactors are planned.

India suffers from a peak-hour power deficit of about 12%, slowing the economy. A grid failure on two consecutive days this summer caused perhaps the world's largest-ever blackouts.

India is committed to raising power capacity mainly through coal over the next five years, but environmental concerns and mismanagement have slowed growth in that sector as well.

Coal now accounts for 60% of India's energy use.

India plans to add 63 gigawatts of nuclear power by building 30 reactors by 2032. Nuclear accounts for less than 3 percent of total capacity, and protests have slowed progress at other projects.
There's vested interests at play here. These ignorant people haven't got a effing clue what they are supposedly protesting against.

You are not in touch with Ground reality .Tomorrow if govt acquires my land and starts building a nuclear plant besides my house where our family is living from last 25 years.I would also protest the same way as those fishermen.

Things seem different when it is your head in the line of the Barrel of Gun.

But that said sometimes You have to take decisions for the greater good of whole society .:agree:
Idiots!! they trying to pull this stunt once more, while everyone has the right to protest in peace situations like this could get out of control in very short space of time.

They fear a similar accident this is not 1970's safety tech like fukushima these persons need to be educated on how this reactor has world class standards.
One poor guy died dude..have some sympathy for the poor soul.

the protestors were armed........would destroying public properties be better ??

You are not in touch with Ground reality .Tomorrow if govt acquires my land and starts building a nuclear plant besides my house where our family is living from last 25 years.I would also protest the same way as those fishermen.

Things seem different when it is your head in the line of the Barrel of Gun.

But that said sometimes You have to take decisions for the greater good of whole society .:agree:

there are certain condition that have to met to build a nuke plant...............very low density area ....distance from closest town...etc etc.........these fishermen must have been given the option of resettlement..........if not the govt should fix it
Where the hell were these guys when the plant was being constructed, only now that the whole thing is done and ready they come out to protest. I am thinking these protesters are being feed false information by anti-nuclear groups.
I think the protester fear is valid. Nuclear is a high tech thingy and India does not comply with all safety standard.
The fishing folk believe they will not be able to fish in the sea like they did before due to radiation levels causing less catches, I doubt this to be the case but the GOI should offer a job program for re-employment to settle the dispute.

I think the protester fear is valid. Nuclear is a high tech thingy and India does not comply with all safety standard.

Idiot! go do some research
I think the protester fear is valid. Nuclear is a high tech thingy and India does not comply with all safety standard.

Not a single nuclear disaster in all these years, it speaks volume for Indian nuclear power sector. While if you look at the west from US to Japan to Russia. They all had their fair share of nuclear power disaster.

The Hindu : Opinion / Open Page : Safety is at the core of Kudankulam nuclear reactors

In addition to having a higher grade elevation, all the safety-related buildings are closed with double gasket leak tight doors.

The salient safety features of KKNPP

- Passive heat removal system to provide cooling for the removal of decay heat using atmospheric air.

- Higher redundancy for safety system.

- Double containment.

- Additional shut down systems like quick boron and emergency boron injection systems to ensure absolute safety for shut down of the reactor, when needed.

- Core catcher to provide safety in the unlikely event of fuel melt-down

- Passive hydrogen re-combiners which do not need any power supply to absorb any hydrogen liberated inside the containment.
Where the hell were these guys when the plant was being constructed, only now that the whole thing is done and ready they come out to protest. I am thinking these protesters are being feed false information by anti-nuclear groups.

The protesters are Christians and damn churches sponsoring for that protest. Another interesting thing is b4 that protest they(Christians) announced 5 lakhs compensation for person whoever dying in anti-nuclear protest. Just check the name of the dead person.
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