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KSA : RSAF will acquire ‘AASM Hammer’ in place of the ‘Paveway IV’

I remember that Arms Control & Non-Proliferation agency cautioned KSA from an explosion accident could happen in one of Saudi weapon storage underground that would annihilate everything within 20km radius in the eastern area.
Thank you brother. I am happy that you like this thread. ^^

It's a ‘Sukhoi Su-24’.

The firepower of ‘Eurofighter Typhoon’ and ‘Panavia Tornado’ using the AASM Hammer (Surely with ToT) will be absolutely terrible. :devil:




‘AASM Hammer’ will bring the same capabilities - probably higher - that ‘Paveway IV’.


Paveway IV: Capabilities and Challenges

Dec 05, 2012

Paveway IV is a 500 pound guided bomb, with limited glide capabilities using its tail fins. When integration work on the different aircraft types is added, the National Audit Office’s 2006 Major Projects Report forecast overall Paveway-IV development costs of GBP 341 million. Raytheon UK has contracts to integrate Paveway IV on the F-35B (July 2007 contract, GBP 24 million), Tornado GR4 (agreement in principle, contract February 2008, in service by 2010, used in Libya 2011), and Eurofighter Typhoon F2 (issued from BAE, introduction slated for 2013).

The Paveway IV brings 2 significant new capabilities to the table for the RAF, and for any future export customers.

One is joint laser/GPS guidance. GPS/INS guidance allows pilots to bomb from safe altitudes through clouds, into duststorms, and in other conditions that would make laser guidance impossible. When it can work, laser guidance offers more accuracy due to last minute corrections, and can even be used to hit moving targets under certain conditions.

The other key capabilities Paveway IV brings reside in its programmable attack modes, which can be set from the cockpit during a mission.

One set of modes involves attack style. Within its range, which depends upon variables like speed and altitude of launch, the pilot can select a desired direction of approach and angle of impact. This improves the likelihood of the weapon’s arrival on target, and lowers the possibility of collateral damage in crowded urban areas.

The other programmable pilot option involves weapon fuzing. A UK-developed fail-safe fuse mechanism means that the bomb will only detonate once it has reached its intended target. when it does, the bomb has 3 fuzing modes. Airburst detonates at a set height above ground, to maximize the effect on soft targets out in the open. Detonate on impact is the standard mode. Delayed detonation after impact maximizes the bomb’s effect on hardened targets, by ensuring that more of the blast takes place inside.

The UK MoD’s SPEAR (Selective Precision Effects at Range) CAP 1 program will enhance the bomb with low collateral and penetrator warhead options, enhanced moving target capability, and enhanced range.

Defense Industry Daily

Fuzing modes of Paveway IV

I remember that Arms Control & Non-Proliferation agency cautioned KSA from an explosion accident could happen in one of Saudi weapon storage underground that would annihilate everything within 20km radius in the eastern area.

Haven't heard of such thing but i expect precaution must have already been put in consideration!
Finally, it’s official. ^^

Translation help?

"Google Translate"

Link: Google Translate

Safran et MBDA vont armer les avions de combat saoudiens Tornado

Michel Cabirol
14/05/2013, 06:57

BAE Systems a signé un nouveau contrat évalué à 3 à 4 milliards de livres avec Ryad pour l'armement de ses vieux avions de combat Tornado. Le groupe britannique fait monter à bord de ces appareils MBDA (missiles Brimstone, Storm Shadow), Safran (bombe guidée AASM) et Diehl BGT Defence (IRIS-T).

C'est une bonne nouvelle pour MBDA et Sagem (groupe Safran) qui vont équiper les avions de combat saoudiens Tornado dans le cadre de la troisième tranche de modernisation du programme TSP (Tornado Sustainment Programme) négociée par BAE Systems avec Ryad, selon des sources concordantes. Cette tranche concerne l'armement tactique des avions de combat saoudien Tornado, à l'exception d'un lot complémentaire de missiles de croisière. Le missilier européen, toujours en attente d'un contrat majeur notamment en Inde (le missile sol-air SRSAM ou armement du Rafale) fournira à l'armée de l'air saoudienne le missile air-sol britannique le Dual-Mode Brimstone, fabriqué pour la Royal Air Force. Il est équipé d'un guidage laser et d'un radar millimétrique, ceci afin de le rendre plus efficace contre des cibles mobiles. Pour le moment, il n'est intégré que sur Tornado GR4 et a été utilisé en Irak (opération Telic), en Afghanistan (opération Herrick) et en Libye. En outre, MBDA fournira à l'armée de l'air saoudienne un lot supplémentaire de missiles de croisière Storm Shadow. Soit environ une commande évaluée pour MBDA à 500 millions d'euros.

Des missiles pour Dhiel BGT Defence

La filiale défense de Safran, Sagem, livrera quant à elle la bombe guidée laser AASM (Armement air-sol modulaire), qui permet de détruire des cibles statiques ou mobiles (chars, navires...) avec une précision inférieure à un mètre. Pour cette commande, Sagem n'est pas passé par MBDA, avec qui pourtant elle est liée commercialement sur la vente de ces missiles. La Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) a prononcé la qualification de l'AASM en version à guidage terminal laser le 3 avril 2013. L'AASM est constitué d'un kit de guidage et d'un kit d'augmentation de portée se montant sur des corps de bombe standard. Cet ensemble permet de tirer à distance de sécurité de la cible (plus de 50 km) hors de portée des défenses sol-air adverses, dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, de jour comme de nuit. La DGA a commandé 380 exemplaires de l'AASM laser à Sagem. Enfin, l'Arabie saoudite a commandé des missiles air-air courte portée à guidage infrarouge IRIS-T à Diehl BGT Defence. Au total, le contrat devrait s'élever pour BAE Systems entre 3 et 4 milliards de livres (3,5 et 4,7 milliards d'euros).

Une série de contrats lucratifs

Cette nouvelle commande a été conclue dans le cadre de l'accord général baptisé Saudi British defence Cooperation Programme, qui lie les deux capitales Londres et Ryad depuis le 21 décembre 2005. Depuis la signature de ce partenariat, BAE Systems a signé de nombreux contrats. En septembre 2006, le groupe britannique a modernisé à mi-vie les Tornado (2,5 milliards de livres, 2,94 milliards d'euros), livré pour 1 milliard de livres d'armement (1,17 milliard d'euros) d'armement (TSP) à l'été 2009, signé un contrat de support (Salam Support Solutions) pour 500 millions de livres (590 millions d'euros) à l'automne 2009, avec une extension de 6 mois, trois ans plus tard. En outre, BAE Systems a vendu des avions d'entraînement Hawk AJT et des Pilatus PC-21 pour 1,6 milliard de livres (1,88 milliard d'euros) en mai 2012, et surtout dans le cadre du contrat Al Salam (la paix) a obtenu une commande de 72 Typhoon (4,5 milliards de livres, 5,3 milliards d'euros, en septembre 2007. Ces Tornado devraient voler jusqu'en 2020-2025.

La Tribune

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Storm Shadow / SCALP EG



What exactly will Saudi do with these expensive toys? Fight? I dont think so.
Maybe you would like to find out? Grab an AK and join Houthis in the south. I am sure you will find out surely after.

My dear you dont use such powerful weapons to fight rag tag bands of Houthis. You buy these weapons to fight powerful enemies. And you know more that I know who that enemy is. :) :)
My dear you dont use such powerful weapons to fight rag tag bands of Houthis. You buy these weapons to fight powerful enemies. And you know more that I know who that enemy is. :) :)

The primary use of these weapons are first and foremost ditterence, second comes defense. If it establishes its role as ditterence then that is more than enough if you ask me. However should we be forced to fight it is good to be prepared to the best of our abilities, and our abilities are far more greater than most.
Maybe you would like to find out? Grab an AK and join Houthis in the south. I am sure you will find out surely after.

My dear you dont use such powerful weapons to fight rag tag bands of Houthis. You buy these weapons to fight powerful enemies. And you know more that I know who that enemy is. :) :)

However, I wont contribute here on this thread as I m not aware of these weapons and dont wont to derail the thread.

Latest laser AASM is a first for France

Robert Hewson, France - IHS Jane's International Defence Review
03 June 2013

Qualification testing for the laser-guided variant of Sagem's Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (modular air-to-surface - AASM) guided stand-off weapon has demonstrated the first moving target engagement by an air-launched weapon in France.

The laser AASM was cleared for operational use in April and senior industry sources have hinted that it has already been used by French Rafales over Mali.

This would represent the third combat 'evolution' for the AASM. The first GPS/INS-guided weapons were deployed in Afghanistan during 2008. In 2011 the enhanced precision variant with an additional imaging infrared seeker was cleared for use in Libya. The latest laser AASM now adds a moving target capability to the weapon, which programme officials say is capable of hitting vehicles moving at up to 80 km/h.

Sagem's 250 kg-class AASM, also known as 'Hammer', is fully operational on French Air Force and Navy Rafales (although the navy has yet to acquire the laser-guided variant). A Rafale can carry six AASMs and can salvo all six for a simultaneous attack on multiple dispersed targets - this has already been demonstrated in 'first night' operations over Libya and Mali.

The AASM is unique in having an integral solid rocket booster that gives the weapon significant stand-off range (up to 55 km), but also allows it to perform complex manoeuvres and trajectory shaping for optimum impact against any target.

A series of three firings was conducted last year to qualify the laser AASM, but the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) and Sagem have only recently provided details of those trials. With aircraft operating from Cazaux Air Base, testing was conducted at the laser-cleared range at Calamar. Using a captive carriage weapon a Rafale first simulated AASM drops to prove the laser seeker's acquisition performance.

Mathieu Chuiton, DGA flight test engineer for the laser AASM qualifications, explained: "We used a prototype weapon with modes that simulate flight.

IHS Jane's 360

Simultaneous attack on multiple dispersed targets

Rafale Strikes Libya Ammunition Depot 4 AASM Hammer (28 March 2011)

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