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KSA accuses Myanmar of cleansing of Muslims

idune trust me I have no intention to deviate discussion.. My point had to with Hassena as a stooge, not with Bangladesh a country at large.

Criticism on an individual does not necessarily mean criticism on whole nation.

I know bro, I did not mean you deviating, I was telling that about myself. We are all good in our understanding.
It is indian that has been propping up support for brutal Myanmar regime and its acts. Indians here and indian media and indian govt silence over issue proves tacit indian support on Myanmar ethnic cleansing. If Anything Pakistan and other countries should inform KSA, Iran and other OIC countries about indian duplicity on the issue. May be cancelling few oil contract will ought bring Indians in line.

Even China, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia were silent. Why you Bangladeshis blaming India for everything.
Wife and daughter of Turkish PM to visit Rohingya in Arakan

Today's Zaman, 07 August 2012

ANKARA, Aug 8: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's wife and daughter will travel to Myanmar's Arakan province on Wednesday to deliver aid to Rohingya Muslims who have been forced to flee their homes on account of the violence there and who now face hunger, thirst and disease.

Erdoğan announced the plans during a TV program on Sunday night, stating that a delegation, including his wife Emine and daughter Sümeyye, will pay a visit to Arakan on Wednesday.

The Prime Ministry has also recently launched an aid campaign for Rohingya Muslims.

Releasing a notice that was published in the Official Gazette on Sunday, the Prime Ministry said thousands of Muslims from Arakan are seeking shelter as refugees in neighboring countries and that they are facing life-threatening conditions.

“Turkey will provide all possible assistance and support the Muslims of Myanmar during the holy month of Ramadan, when feelings of social solidarity and cooperation are strong, in line with the people's expectations. Therefore, an aid campaign has been launched by the Prime Ministry to this end,” the notice reads.

Wife and daughter of Turkish PM to visit Rohingya in Arakan
Muslim Countries should stop issuing warnings and take the issue to UN.Worse Case Scenario Take unilateral Military Action.If all Nations of OIC Form an alliance to take military action against Myanmar no country would be able to stop this alliance and I think Myanmar government will stop the massacre.
It is india that has been propping up support for brutal Myanmar regime and its acts. Indians here and indian media and indian govt silence over issue proves tacit indian support on Myanmar ethnic cleansing. If Anything Pakistan and other countries should inform KSA, Iran and other OIC countries about indian duplicity on the issue. May be cancelling few oil contract ought to bring indians in line.

BD government has refused to take in Rohingya refugees and its obvious what bangladeshi on the forum think about the Rohingya people who are already in BD. Post no 2 on this thread also made it clear BD people are interested in the natural resources of Burmese land not NOT the rohingyas.


And even a wanna be propagandist like you can not deny Burma depends on China not India for survival.

India on the other hand has done our duty to the Rohingya refugees and this is what the UNHRC chief of mission MONTESERAT FEIXAS VIHE has to say

While Rohingya people are concerned about their security and safety in India, the government of India has assured us that they will not deport them.

On the basis of the asylum-seeker card issued by the UNHCR, the government has agreed to grant them long-stay visas.

The long-stay visas will give them a legal validity and will also entitle them to all the basic facilities like schooling and health.

We are totally satisfied with what the Indian government has done for them.

Nice try bringing India into this (right from post no 5 you sneaky snivelling jamaati ;)), but fail!
Best we can do is to take it to UNSC , which wont do anything. If we had the OIC Faisal and Bhutto wanted , we could have been more effective. Saudis can turn the heat on Beijing to control their pawns in Burma.

Such situations require strategic power projection where you park an Air craft carrier a battle group , strategic subs right on the enemy's throat and make it do what you want it to do.

We don't have that , so lets keep crying.

Muslim Countries should stop issuing warnings and take the issue to UN.Worse Case Scenario Take unilateral Military Action.If all Nations of OIC Form an alliance to take military action against Myanmar no country would be able to stop this alliance and I think Myanmar government will stop the massacre.

If bangladesh allows a Pakistani corporation specializes in turning the hunter into hunted. Examples can be given of Afghanistan and Bosnia. Burmese junta wont be able to do '''' about it. BUT Only if BD allows !
Muslim Countries should stop issuing warnings and take the issue to UN.Worse Case Scenario Take unilateral Military Action.If all Nations of OIC Form an alliance to take military action against Myanmar no country would be able to stop this alliance and I think Myanmar government will stop the massacre.
How are we supposed to fight a war in far east?I don't think any Muslim country is capable of that.Maybe Malaysia or Indonesia who are near them can do something,but I don't think they will.
How are we supposed to fight a war in far east?I don't think any Muslim country is capable of that.Maybe Malaysia or Indonesia who are near them can do something,but I don't think they will.

Burma has backing of China. Malaysia or Indonesia can do nothing. They are worried about how to protect their maritime boundaries from the Chinese onslaught in slow motion.

The best way is to engage the Burmese government and convince them. Many Islamic countries have cash to throw around on modern weaponry and useless architecture and palaces. They can fund the Burma govt efforts to improve living conditions of rohingya and rakhine both, so all sides see a benefit in co existence.

Trying to pressurise an already parriah state enjoying chinese support seems like the least effective option.

Unless the objective is to get back at china for protecting Assad of Syria.
Best we can do is to take it to UNSC , which wont do anything. If we had the OIC Faisal and Bhutto wanted , we could have been more effective. Saudis can turn the heat on Beijing to control their pawns in Burma.

Such situations require strategic power projection where you park an Air craft carrier a battle group , strategic subs right on the enemy's throat and make it do what you want it to do.

We don't have that , so lets keep crying.

If bangladesh allows a Pakistani corporation specializes in turning the hunter into hunted. Examples can be given of Afghanistan and Bosnia. Burmese junta wont be able to do '''' about it. BUT Only if BD allows !

Like you said UNSC would not do any good. But clout of oil producing countries like KSA and Iran if they can stand together in the issue, which they seems are may bring something. Bangladesh can not do much until current Awami regime is booted out.

How are we supposed to fight a war in far east?I don't think any Muslim country is capable of that.Maybe Malaysia or Indonesia who are near them can do something,but I don't think they will.

Just taking page out of regime change tactics, activation of Free Rakhine Army will do the trick. China, India or anyone has interest would not want unstable business environment and vital port and pipeline come under fire. Either they bear the cost from brutal regime doing or they will shape up the brutal regime and policy of Myanmar. And to back up these efforts oil producing countries can stand with stick. No war is needed just firm and united stand will do the job.
KSA accuses Myanmar of cleansing of Muslims
Zardari expresses deep concern over the loss of lives and properties of Rohingya Muslims

Wednesday, 08 August 2012
Source : AFP

RIYADH, Aug 7: Kindgon of Saudi Arabia accused authorities in Buddhist-majority Myanmar on Monday of "ethnic cleansing" against the Muslim Rohingya minority in the west of the country, state media reported on Tuesday. The Saudi cabinet said it "condemns the ethnic cleansing campaign and brutal attacks against Myanmar's Muslim Rohingya citizens, as well as violation of human rights by forcing them to leave their homeland," in a statement carried by the official SPA news agency.

The cabinet, chaired by King Abdullah, urged the "international community to take up its responsibilities by providing needed protection and quality of life to Muslims in Myanmar and preventing further loss of life."

Fighting in western Rakhine state between Buddhist Rakhine and Muslim Rohingya has killed 80 people since June, with three killed on Sunday, a government official in Yangon said.
The violence initially broke out following the rape and murder of a Rakhine woman and the subsequent lynching of 10 Muslims by a crowd of angry Buddhists.

The bloodshed has cast a shadow over widely praised reforms by President Thein Sein, that have included the release of hundreds of political prisoners and the election of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi to parliament. New York-based Human Rights Watch has accused Myanmar forces of opening fire on Rohingya, as well as committing rape and standing by as rival mobs attacked each other.

The Saudi-based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation on Sunday proposed sending an OIC mission to probe the "massacres" of Rohingya Muslims.Decades of discrimination have left them stateless and they are viewed by the United Nations as one of the world's most persecuted minorities.

APP report adds: President Asif Ali Zardari on Tuesday expressed deep concern over the loss of life and property of Rohingya Muslims during the ethnic clashes in the State of Rakhine, Myanmar.
In a letter addressed to the President of Myanmar, the President called for hastening the process of rehabilitation of Rohingya Muslims so that they can return to their homes and lead a safe and secure life. The President said that the government and the people of Pakistan were saddened to learn about the losses of the Muslims and were deeply concerned about their plight.

KSA accuses Myanmar of cleansing of Muslims

They will definitively bring up the bold part at the summit but they should go beyond that.

I hope we could send some special forces there and hang the Myanmar president upside down.This guy is an animal,explicitly calling for killing and expelling Muslims.

It would be a good trust building mission for all Muslim majority countries.

Its upto Turkey and Iran.....both can make a difference...

Don't act like Pakistan can't wipe the floor with Myanmar if they chose to.

How are we supposed to fight a war in far east?I don't think any Muslim country is capable of that.Maybe Malaysia or Indonesia who are near them can do something,but I don't think they will.

Iranian and Turkish navies. Pakistani and Bangladesh ground forces with air cover.
Why are the Chinese members silent on the issue? Waiting for an official briefing?
Lol look at what religion get people into.. Honestly we still kill over broze age scripplings.. And this etnic cleansing is bad but KSA must clean up its own act up before judging others. Stop beheadings would a first.
Lol look at what religion get people into.. Honestly we still kill over broze age scripplings.. And this etnic cleansing is bad but KSA must clean up its own act up before judging others. Stop beheadings would a first.

For Myanmar this is less of a religious thing it is more ethnic because their argument is that the Rohingya do not look like them therefore they are illegal residents.
Why are the Chinese members silent on the issue? Waiting for an official briefing?

Like indians, why should Chinese member be supporting Myanmar ethnic cleansing? And why indian always look for shade of others to hide? India exposed itself by overtly and covertly supporting Myanmar regime and its brutal act. Other countries should know about indian duplicty.

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