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KPK installs a Super Computer facility at GIKI.

This is far bigger news that what we are giving this credit for , I mean Super computers help create new medication and have various application in science and technology field, and these are very expensive as well hopefully there is more info pictures of facility etc
I am studying Masters Computational Science and Data mining is my field. It is interesting to know that there is a scope for Data Mining in Pakistan. Very Impressive! Furthermore, in my class last quarter, we ran programs on a super computer.

Obviously you have not learned much.
You are most welcome, feel free to ask for a reality lesson when you want.

BTW, Fix the flags in your profile.

And what exactly would you want me to fix?

Tell me something about Computational Science in Pakistan and the work that has been done in the universities?
I would like to understand precisely what role ( if any ) did the KpK government had to play in this ?

As far as I understand GIKI came under UGC, and then HEC.

had it been a soley HEC funded programme it would hav went to lahore, islamabad or karachi engnr universites.
most likley the credit goes to private institute of GIKI..or may be some credit to provincial govt?
Who cares who is responsible for this.

It is very encouraging news. We blinked, and 20 years passed away, we are still here and we look around us and everyone has gone far ahead of us. Time to start reducing that gap.
High Performance Computing Cluster Established at GIKI, Topi

The Directorate of Science & Technology (DoST) operationalized the first of its kind advanced super computing infrastructure with state of the art High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster system in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The facility has been installed at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute Topi, Swabi through funding under a development scheme of Directorate of Science & Technology namely “Development of Super Computer”. The facility will be available to use for research work in data mining, computational biology, computational mechanics, space technology, weather forecasting etc to all institution/organizations of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and all over Pakistan through a dedicated internet connection. The installed cluster will provide huge storage capacity (in terabytes), fast processing power in teraflops, reliable, efficient & accurate resource for the problems involving complex computations.

The facility will be open and accessible 24/7 through PERN2 to all academicians and researchers throughout Pakistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa especially. The facility is also equipped with state of the art high performance multi graphical processing units.

Hardware Features
RAM: 640 GM RAM 1600MHz Dual Ranked RDIMMs
Processors: 10 × AMD Opteron 6276 Total 160 Cores (Multi Processor system)
Hard Drive: 13 × 300GB 15K RPM, SAS 6Gbps
GPU: Tesla unit with multi Graphical Processor for oil & gas project
Network: Hybrid hierarchal version of Infinite/10GB Ethernet
Remote Connectivity: Accessible through PERN2 (Pakistan Education & Research Network 2)

Software installed on HPCI
Rocks-Cluster distribution
Parallel programming languages( C/C++ and Fortran)
Parmetis (A parallel mesh partitioning library)
Abaqus (A finite element analysis software)
ANSYS (A finite element analysis software)
MATLAB (Mathematical and Statiscal tool box)
Mahoot (Scalable machine learning and data mining library)
Many others

High Performance Computing Cluster Established at GIKI, Topi
And what exactly would you want me to fix?

Tell me something about Computational Science in Pakistan and the work that has been done in the universities?

Research aims/objectives

The Electrical Engineering department at SEECS is committed to carry out cutting edge and productive research in the vast domain of Electrical & Computer Engineering. The research aims at:

Utilizing the latest technological advancements for the betterment and advancement of society
C atering the demands and needs of local industry and strategic R & D organizations of the country
Contributing to cutting edge research in diversified specialties such as a advanced digital and analogue electronics, nanotechnology, communication, computer networking, signal processing and multimedia, computer vision and advanced controls for robotics
Development of quality and well groomed research professionals
Research Groups

VISPRO: Vision Image & Signal Processing Research Group

VISpro unites professionals and researchers from the domains of Vision, Imaging & Signal Processing to develop innovative and practical systems aimed at solving the latest challenges being faced in these areas. VISpro idealizes itself as a "system design" group aimed at bringing innovation and cutting edge research to product development in the defined areas.

Panoramic view generation for Multi-View Imaging & View Interpolation

Multi View Imaging (MVI) systems are finding increased usage in a wide range of next generation multimedia applications. Rather than recording a single video from a single view; MVI systems rely on acquiring multiple videos of the same object from multiple views (angles). This increased visual information of the object being filmed can then be used to achieve interesting results, such as “Immersive TV applications”. The research aims to investigate panoramic view generation and view interpolation for generation of "wide angle views" and "free view point TV" to immerse the viewer into the multimedia contents. An ICT R & D proposal has already been submitted in collaboration with Epic Technologies (Pvt.) Limited.

MANU Project

This is an international collaboration project with Techionics USA. The project is an innovative research effort for tracking objects for digital entertainment industry.

Video Search & Retrieval Project

This is an ongoing research incentive between researchers at VISpro, Orange Tree (Pvt.) Limited Islamabad and researchers from University of Florida. The research aims at scene classification, object identification, shot segmentation for the purpose of intelligent search in videos.

USB 3.0 Micro architecture

This is a joint initiative of Electrical Engineering Department, CSE Department and Whiz Silicon (USA).A proposal has already been submitted to National ICT R&D fund. The project aims to develop low power micro architecture for USB host and device controller.


The members list can be found at: People - VISpro - Vision Imaging & Signal Processing Research Group -- SEECS -- NUST

Website: VISpro - Vision Imaging & Signal Processing Research Group -- SEECS -- NUST

IP Technology Center of Excellence

The centre aims to strengthen industry-academia linkages and promote international collaboration, and has broadly two goals: Providing a world-class research and development (R&D) facility where Pakistani researchers will work, in collaboration with Cisco and PTCL engineers, on significant contemporary IP technology problems; Providing a diagnostic and training facility to PTCL and Cisco, in particular, and to the local networking industry in general. While the research workforce for the centre will be provided by NUST, the thematic directions of research areas would be decided by NUST, PTCL and Cisco in collaboration. By involving the leading market vendor (Cisco), and leading national telecom service providers (PTCL), the centre of excellence is well-positioned to tackle significant IP technology problems and to create new products/ services.

Lab Director: Dr. Junaid Qadir
Website: IP technology center of excellence

Cognitive radio network (Cognet) lab
The Cognet lab, part of the IP technology center of excellence at SEECS, NUST, is focused on addressing research issues related to the emerging field of Cognitive Radio networks. Cognitive radio networks utilize software defined radio techniques, along with intelligent estimation of current network conditions, to share efficiently the scarce wireless spectrum resources. Cognet lab activities focus on a wide range of issues related to cognitive radio networks (from spectrum sharing, channel assignment, routing issues, transport layer issues, etc.).

Lab Director: Dr. Junaid Qadir
Website: Cognet lab @ SEECS, NUST

Energy Systems Research Group (ESRG)

Research at ESRG focuses on creation of energy resources for alternative energy production and its efficient distribution & utilization. The group specially targets solar energy research, Energy Metering, Secure & robust communication infrastructure for monitoring and sharing of information in smart grids and power load management solutions. A list of few current research projects is given below:

Development of Energy Meters

Development of efficient inverters

Development and implementation of MPPT algorithms for Solar Panels

Improving the efficiency of Electric Machines

Development of control system for solar reflectors
The project aims to design a system for optimizing the efficiency of solar heating lenses through electronic control and positioning as a function of incident radiation.

Efficient and secure communication infrastructure for Microgrids (Smart Grids)
This project is aimed at development of communication infrastructure using Cognetive Radio Techniques for state estimation and control of Power Systems & Loads in a Microgrid Environment. A Microgrid Testbed shall also be established at NUST H-12 Campus for testing of communication system

Dr Habib ur Rehman, Dr Tauseef Tauqeer, Dr Awais M Kamboh, Dr Amir Ali Khan, Mr. Habeel Ahmad, Mr. Saleem Iftekhar, Mr. Abdul Afram Ms Mehrin Kiyani, Mr. Majid Maqbool

CoNNekT lab: Research Laboratory of Communications, Networks and Multimedia at NUST

The CoNNekT Lab @ School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (SEECS), National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) addresses research problems arising in three areas: Multimedia Communications, Wireless Networks and the Internet. Areas of particular interest include Networking, Applied Information Theory and Network Performance Analysis. Lab's current research interest spans the theory and design of novel algorithms and frameworks for reliable multimedia transmission, processing and ubiquitous communication over Internet and wireless networks.

Lab Director: Dr. Saad Qaisar
Website : CoNNekT Lab

System Analysis and Verification (SAVE)

These days hardware and software systems are increasingly being used in safety-critical domains, such as electronic military and medicine equipment and automated transportation systems. This fact makes the accuracy of their analysis very important as an uncaught system bug may endanger human life or lead to a significant financial loss. Traditionally, the verification of these systems has predominantly been accomplished by simulation testing. However, it does not ascertain 100% correctness and thus has primarily been responsible for many unfortunate incidents that happened due to an erroneous hardware or software system deployed in a safety-critical domain. The focus of our research is on using formal methods, which are based on mathematical techniques and thus unlike simulation ensure accurate results, for the analysis and verification of hardware, software, and embedded systems. In particular, we aim at using theorem proving, which is one of the widely used formal methods, to develop methodologies, algorithms and tools for the accurate analysis of systems that are continuous in nature or interact with continuous physical environments.

Members: Dr. Osman Hasan (Lab director), Habeel Ahmed, Nasir Mahmood
Website: System Analysis and Verification (SAVE) lab

Centre of Excellence for Industrial Automation (CEIA)

NUST a premier centre of excellence in Pakistan with sound international credentials, is committed to promotion of quality engineering education. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) has forged research collaboration with Industry and renowned research centers.

SEECS and Buraq Integrated Solution (BIS) have joined hands to collaborate with each other in areas of mutual interest. The establishment of Centre of Excellence for Industrial Automation (CEIA) at our campus is a prominent example of this highly promising partnership. Details are available at http://www.ceia.seecs.nust.edu.pk/. The prime objective of Centre of Excellence for Industrial Automation (CEIA) is to educate, train and initiate research projects in industrial automation.

Website: http://www.ceia.seecs.nust.edu.pk/

Analog Mixed Signal Group (AMSG)
The AMS group formed to initiate activities in the domain of mixed signal design at SEECS-NUST. The focus of this group is to solve the design challenges faced by the IC world because of technology scaling as determined by the moore's law. However, this technology scaling brings new challenge for the analog designers beacuse of transistor's increased leakage noise, limited output resistance etc. The group is fully aware of the design challenges and targets to sovle the analog problems using the digital circuits as digital techniques are more robust and cost effective.

Website: AMSG :: Home Page

Networks Research Group (NNRG)
NRG promotes education, research and outreach in the field of ultra-high speed data communications. Faculty members and students work in synergy to explore the problems in the application areas like P assive Optical Networks, Switching in Optical Networks, Radio Over Fiber, Bandwidth Allocation in Passive Optical Networks . Its mission is to prepare the next-generation of researchers and developers in these areas by investigating challenging and high-impact research projects. It aims to represent a complementary mix of both theoretical and applied experimental research.
website: Network Research Group

Center of Excellence for FPGAs/ASIC Research (CEFAR)
The mission of the Center of Excellence (CoE) is to sit at the critical interface between the academic and commercial engineering worlds. The main objective of CoE is to produce highly skilled design engineers and researchers to meet the needs of the rapidly changing global semiconductor industry. The research scope of this center includes FPGAs in particular and its applications from the domain of Communication Engineering, Cryptographic Hardware, Video and Image Processing, DSP and Networks-on-Chip.
website: CEFAR Research Lab

Group for Research in ASIC and FPGA (GRAF)
The aim of GRAF is to develop an environment for research in FPGAs, FPGA Based System Design and SoC/SoPC. The group conducts research in many aspects of FPGAs including FPGA architecture exploration, high level design tools, reconfigurable computer architectures, and applications of FPGAs and reconfigurable hardware in a number of domains such as Video and Image Processing, DSP and Communication System Engineering and Networks-on-Chip. We are also keen in collaborative research with companies and academic groups who share common interest in state-of-the-art research in the area of digital integrated circuit design and implementation.
Group for Research in Reconfigurable Architectures for Security in Communication
GRASiC mainly focus on designing and developing optimized coprocessors for diverse security applications in FPGAs that ranges from secure telephone to secure satellite communication. The group also investigates optimal techniques for the security in constrained environments (e.g. Smart cards, RFIDs, etc.). The group also investigates application specific architectures based on FPGAs (e.g. Network on FPGAs). The main research themes therefore are: Optimized Coprocessors for Communication Security, Application Specific Architectures based on FPGAs, Security in Constrained Environments, Cryptology.
website: NUST-SEECS (NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Degree Offered

Wireless Networks Research Group (WisNet)
WisNet is mainly focusing on four types of wireless networks: Personal area wireless sensor networks, High-throughput local and metropolitan area networks, Cellular and last mile wireless access networks, Mobile ad hoc networks. Within these four broad domains, WisNet is investigating projects pertaining to performance evaluation and enhancement, network interoperability, high throughput communication, fair and efficient medium access, resilient and energyefficient routing, and wireless multimedia. In addition to the above areas, WisNet is also pursuing research problems in network security. Two active projects in network security are: Security of On-the-Air Content in Wireless Networks and Network-based Approaches to Malware Detection.
website: WiSNet: Welcome to Wireless and Secure Networks Lab

Information Security Research Group (ISRG)
The NIIT Information Security Research Group (ISRG) conducts research and development of ideas and products in the broad field of information security. The research scope of this group includes cryptology, digital evidence analysis (computer forensics), network security (including intrusion detection), digital watermarking and malicious software analysis. Moreover, research may be conducted in any aspect of information security that has high-quality research potential (i.e., cutting-edge research that may lead to publications in reputed international conferences or journals) and/or practical applications (i.e., research that may lead to patents and subsequent commercialization).
The ISRG also collaborates with other research groups within NIIT when there is an overlap in research interests (e.g., security of multi-agent grid networks). In order to increase information security awareness and interest among faculty and students, the ISRG also arranges seminars and presentations by ISRG members open to all NIIT faculty and students addressing both research and commercial (practical) aspects of information security.
website: NUST-SEECS (NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Degree Offered

Next Generation Communication Technologies Group (NGCTG)
Recently formed NGTCG aims to explore the issues at physical, MAC, network, and application layer for the next generation communication technologies and contribute usefully to their on-going standardization.
website: NUST-SEECS (NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Degree Offered

RF & Microwave Research Group
The vision of this group is to acquire prominence, nationally and internationally, through top notch applied research in the radio frequency, microwave, and millimetre frequency ranges. Become a single stop shop capable of providing engineering, research, and development services for RF/Microwave devices, circuits, antennas, and systems. Prepare under graduate, and post graduate students and skilled professionals in the subject domain with hands on relevant practical experience. Leave a social impact that RIMMS with SEECS, at NUST, has the capabilities of contributing in the emerging technologies in this challenging field of microwave engineering. In nutshell, by serving the nation through leading research, design, and development activities, the focus is to bring self-reliance and save plenty of foreign exchange of the nation.

Team Leader:

Dr. Munir Ahmad Tarar (NUST-SEECS (NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Downloads)

Team Members:

Dr. Tauseef Tauqeer (NUST-SEECS (NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Downloads),

Mr. Muhammad Bilal (NUST-SEECS (NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Downloads),

Mr. Ahsan Azhar (NUST-SEECS (NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Downloads),

Mr. Yasir Iqbal (NUST-SEECS (NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Downloads)

Any information of tangible results of these research labs?
Any information of tangible results of these research labs?

USB 3.0 interface, CERN project In Pak and some sensitive projects to do with ip telephony and encryption. If you ever want a tour my friend is a research associate there, I am sure he could arrange that for you.
I am studying Masters Computational Science and Data mining is my field. It is interesting to know that there is a scope for Data Mining in Pakistan. Very Impressive! Furthermore, in my class last quarter, we ran programs on a super computer.

#include <iostream>

void main()
{ std::cout<<"Hellow World on a super computer\n";}

So how did it work out?

High Performance Computing Cluster Established at GIKI, Topi

The Directorate of Science & Technology (DoST) operationalized the first of its kind advanced super computing infrastructure with state of the art High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster system in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The facility has been installed at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute Topi, Swabi through funding under a development scheme of Directorate of Science & Technology namely &#8220;Development of Super Computer&#8221;. The facility will be available to use for research work in data mining, computational biology, computational mechanics, space technology, weather forecasting etc to all institution/organizations of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and all over Pakistan through a dedicated internet connection. The installed cluster will provide huge storage capacity (in terabytes), fast processing power in teraflops, reliable, efficient & accurate resource for the problems involving complex computations.

The facility will be open and accessible 24/7 through PERN2 to all academicians and researchers throughout Pakistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa especially. The facility is also equipped with state of the art high performance multi graphical processing units.

Hardware Features
RAM: 640 GM RAM 1600MHz Dual Ranked RDIMMs
Processors: 10 × AMD Opteron 6276 Total 160 Cores (Multi Processor system)
Hard Drive: 13 × 300GB 15K RPM, SAS 6Gbps
GPU: Tesla unit with multi Graphical Processor for oil & gas project
Network: Hybrid hierarchal version of Infinite/10GB Ethernet
Remote Connectivity: Accessible through PERN2 (Pakistan Education & Research Network 2)

Software installed on HPCI
Rocks-Cluster distribution
Parallel programming languages( C/C++ and Fortran)
Parmetis (A parallel mesh partitioning library)
Abaqus (A finite element analysis software)
ANSYS (A finite element analysis software)
MATLAB (Mathematical and Statiscal tool box)
Mahoot (Scalable machine learning and data mining library)
Many others

High Performance Computing Cluster Established at GIKI, Topi

But the real question is, can it run crysis?
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