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KP takes lead once again, K-P govt launches online budget system

plz take care of those peoples who, calls themselves TTp & calls churchill & his way of politics "KOFAAR KA NIZAAM" even they describe damocrazy the system of kafirs?
im not against getting up dated, but im against hypocracy?
that KPK govt cant protect, its citizens , its memebers, its minsters from the jaws of terror, while showing off with, these kind of incredible steps?
without security , no system can work!

violence will breed violence, KP govt is moving according to inspirations of KP people, not taking dictations or money from foreign or local badmash segments !
plz take care of those peoples who, calls themselves TTp & calls churchill & his way of politics "KOFAAR KA NIZAAM" even they describe damocrazy the system of kafirs?
im not against getting up dated, but im against hypocracy?
that KPK govt cant protect, its citizens , its memebers, its minsters from the jaws of terror, while showing off with, these kind of incredible steps?
without security , no system can work!

Why don't central government take care of them in FATA ?? TTP is based in FATA and FATA is under federal government I am surprised when someone puts blame on PTI for doing nothing against TTP... One shud keep in mind that everyhting in world could not be according to his/her wishes... PPP fought against TTP for 5 years and got nothing in the end they are more stronger than before and we are more weaker than before... I guess let the government implement their policy first and then see what happens... The hue and cry before the implementation is just BS as its not doing no good to Pakistan....
One more thing
Its not necessary that if I say dont fight with TTP then I am a supporter of TTP its quiet possible that I am supporter of Pak Army as I know that fighting with TTP is making them weak and making them infamous among common masses.... We were grown up with the mind that Pak Army is a muslim army and muslims dont fight with each other so if you want to fight then first make it very clear to the nation that TTP are not muslims and then fight...
Why don't central government take care of them in FATA ?? TTP is based in FATA and FATA is under federal government I am surprised when someone puts blame on PTI for doing nothing against TTP... One shud keep in mind that everyhting in world could not be according to his/her wishes... PPP fought against TTP for 5 years and got nothing in the end they are more stronger than before and we are more weaker than before... I guess let the government implement their policy first and then see what happens... The hue and cry before the implementation is just BS as its not doing no good to Pakistan....
One more thing
Its not necessary that if I say dont fight with TTP then I am a supporter of TTP its quiet possible that I am supporter of Pak Army as I know that fighting with TTP is making them weak and making them infamous among common masses.... We were grown up with the mind that Pak Army is a muslim army and muslims dont fight with each other so if you want to fight then first make it very clear to the nation that TTP are not muslims and then fight...
PPP fought TTp for 5 years?
pakarmy muslim army, so it should let muslims TTp kill, innocent pakistanis? wow!
you dont want fight with, the TTp killers that means you want to let them kill you or other pakistanis instead?
where in islam its stated, that a criminal, killer muslim shouldnt be punished ?
i mean what the hell you are trying here, my friend?
why you hve sympathies for the mass killers of the pakistanis , yes the TTp?
thats how you going, to support pakarmy by keeping it out of fight, even though they hell bent to kill its soilders?
why you cant see, them punished, or wipped out by PAKARMY?
i mean whats, the topic here? 
violence will breed violence, KP govt is moving according to inspirations of KP people, not taking dictations or money from foreign or local badmash segments !
KPK peoples never voted to get killed by the hands of TTp terrorists?
never they voted for thier law minster get, killed?
you know, you cant hide the harsh realities, withsome brushup kind of artificial acts?
& BTW who was getting donations/dinners! even to run PTI , just few months back in USA, ohh that wasnt that IK?
5 months already, how many of anti-terrorism OPS were done by KPK govt?
but still minsters & members still are the target, of the terrorism?
ohh so no violence also, can breed more violence
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KPK peoples never voted to get killed by the hands of TTp terrorists?
never they voted for thier law minster get, killed?
you know, you cant hide the harsh realities, withsome brushup kind of artificial acts?
& BTW who was getting donations/dinners! even to run PTI , just few months back in USA, ohh that wasnt that IK?
5 months already, how many of anti-terrorism OPS were done by KPK govt?
but still minsters & members still are the target, of the terrorism?
ohh so no violence also, can breed more violence[/quote]

no, they didnt not, nor did PTI get elected to be killed, people voted PTI to bring peace by ending war through negotiations..
wonder why Hakim ullah mehsud was living next to Army head quarter in NW? wonder why army didnt kill a single Taliban leader in 10 years, and in the latest video Hakim was so sure about hovering drone wont fire him but allegedly it did? seems to be its clear now that army is playing a double game with us... taliban are just a drama being played by army...
Remember the previous time I told you to often visit the statistical portals of provincial governments? This (KPK's budget details) page has been in place for quite sometime now. Its funny that people demand right to information when they themselves don't have any drive for information.

click the ADP. And budget is a forward looking document so it is flooded with estimates. Like I said before, do some surfing around rather than just opening the page and the closing it after some random clicks.

Sir, KP Govt didn't uploaded budget documents or estimates, that's easily available to public. We are talking about budget spending :) Could you help me figure out Punjab's 2012 spendings on development projects like for example metro bus project especially from the link you posted? :D
Sir, KP Govt didn't uploaded budget documents or estimates, that's easily available to public. We are talking about budget spending :) Could you help me figure out Punjab's 2012 spendings on development projects like for example metro bus project especially from the link you posted? :D
Page 352 on wards
Plus more details about transportation related spending on page 308 onwards.

KPK peoples never voted to get killed by the hands of TTp terrorists?
never they voted for thier law minster get, killed?
you know, you cant hide the harsh realities, withsome brushup kind of artificial acts?
& BTW who was getting donations/dinners! even to run PTI , just few months back in USA, ohh that wasnt that IK?
5 months already, how many of anti-terrorism OPS were done by KPK govt?
but still minsters & members still are the target, of the terrorism?
ohh so no violence also, can breed more violence

no, they didnt not, nor did PTI get elected to be killed, people voted PTI to bring peace by ending war through negotiations..
wonder why Hakim ullah mehsud was living next to Army head quarter in NW? wonder why army didnt kill a single Taliban leader in 10 years, and in the latest video Hakim was so sure about hovering drone wont fire him but allegedly it did? seems to be its clear now that army is playing a double game with us... taliban are just a drama being played by army...[/quote]

ever asked imran, why he was sitting in a parliment under musharaf a dictator?
BTW stop twisting the facts, that hakeem ullha was living there?
no he wasnt, but yes it was one of his, safe houses !
it was been ignored for, this hit on the right time?
he was hardly, there 2 or 3 times, but when his arival got confrimed ,you can see him, hell ?
ok if TTp, is just drama played by pakarmy , then who killed the colnl IMAM or in case GENrl SANAullha Niazi?
ohh pakarmy killed them?lolzzz
sorry but your all of logics, are getting like the JI,s anti- pakistan prapoganda,
sadlly for which IK & PTI are the greater tools these days?
KPK govt, should catch the killers of KPK law minter & thousands of innocent civillians, by the hands of TTp dogs, instead making them shaheeds & making off these showoff online-budget-system, kind of acts & steps?
cause in the end, it has misrebly failled to provide security to its own members, & minsters?
what can be expected more from them , then free VIP offices to TTp dogs? right?
Page 352 on wards
Plus more details about transportation related spending on page 308 onwards.

Pin point to Metro Bus budget spendings kindly.. :coffee:
PPP fought TTp for 5 years?
I guess we have been fighting in FATA for last 10 years or so... TTP is just a name that came out to media lately before it was just "Shiddat Pasand" or "terrorist"...
One of my friend's cousin was killed in a missile attack by PAK Army while he was going to school in FATA and at that time there were no terror attacks inside Pakistan....
pakarmy muslim army, so it should let muslims TTp kill, innocent pakistanis? wow!
pak army is a muslime army do you want them to kill more innocent muslims ??? nahi na ??..

By the way my point about muslim army was different..
you dont want fight with, the TTp killers that means you want to let them kill you or other pakistanis instead?

Do you really know what is TTP and other groups fighting in FATA?? were they not there from the day Pakistan came into being and never fought with Pak Army ??
where in islam its stated, that a criminal, killer muslim shouldnt be punished ?

That's the same kind of logic TTP gives for fighitng with Pak Army
i mean what the hell you are trying here, my friend?
I am not trying Pak army is trying :P
why you hve sympathies for the mass killers of the pakistanis , yes the TTp?
Do you think people living in FATA and balochistan are not Pakistanis ?? when Pak Army kills them do you have same feeling against Pak Army ?? nahi na

thats how you going, to support pakarmy by keeping it out of fight, even though they hell bent to kill its soilders?
why you cant see, them punished, or wipped out by PAKARMY?
i mean whats, the topic here?

because I am pro Pakistan and pro muslims I dont want two muslims fight with each other I want them to resolve the problems on table.... I am very clear about my thinking....
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