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KP hydel projects to generate 55MW by December, sets target of producing 4000MW: Khattak

And I dont need any links too see the progress on dassuu project almost every year I pass.by the basha dam.and dassu hydro sites will see if something happens there as per your links

Its a normal sized hydro project as compared to mighty indus and the time itwill complete our demand would have risen 4000 mw more lol
Our entire nation of Norway runs on 100's of small hydel projects. We do not have one or two mega dams, rather for a population of just 5 million, we have hundreds of dams spread across the country:

Pagal Khan is at least a 100 years ahead of Notonki League! :sarcastic:
you don't have millions of acres of agriculture land to irrigate and that is not your primary industry like in our case. So APART from these smaller dam we WILL NEED larger dams to store water, need to increase the water storage capacity manifold to even survive. Electricity will only be a byproduct of such projects.
And I dont need any links too see the progress on dassuu project almost every year I pass.by the basha dam.and dassu hydro sites will see if something happens there as per your links

Its a normal sized hydro project as compared to mighty indus and the time itwill complete our demand would have risen 4000 mw more lol
pls see and update us , when u visit the site , now shortfall is something else , demand would not be met with just Dasu . there are so many other projects are there to meet the demand as well , which includes coal , hydro , solar , LNG based other projects as well .
If i summarize this confusing BS in simple words. KPK government will produce around 116 MW by 2018.
I am impressed, its very good progress in 5 years and i will definitely vote for PTI. :sarcastic:

207 projects upto 50KW to be completed by September, 2015 (0.05MW)
87 projects upto 150 KW to be completed by Dec, 2015(0.15MW)
31 projects upto 250 KW to be completed by Sept, 2016(0.25MW)
Total: 0.45MW by 2016. :omghaha:
356 micro projects will generate 35MW.

Considering the electricity short fall of 3500-4000MW, Is PTI government too incompetent to initiate work on some mega project at least 300MW? :hang2:

Sorry But How they Going to Produce 4000 MW??? from 50 KW 150 KW and 250 KW....

is it 4000 KW?? or 40.00 MW ?? but good thing they building small dams for water reservoirs

not trolling

PTI logic :

8000 MW shortfall

Province of KPK has capability of 50,000 MW production...

Makes 100 MW dams

that's in KW

207 projects upto 50KW to be completed by September, 2015 (0.05MW)
87 projects upto 150 KW to be completed by Dec, 2015(0.15MW)
31 projects upto 250 KW to be completed by Sept, 2016(0.25MW)
Total: 0.45MW by 2016.

they are just reservoirs mainly.... maybe they will produce 4000 MW from other sources or it's just 1500 from 6 7 medium dams in it i guess


Either you guys have peanut sized brain, or your brain is unable to work because of your sheer hatred towards PTI to core. In any case, you guys don't merit a rebuttal of the utter nonsense you've posted above, because of following reasons:

1) Your peanut sized brain, or your hatred towards PTI won't allow you to understand this, no matter how well anyone explain it to you with reasoning & logic.​

2) Even if you understand by any chance, you won't accept it..​

Anyways, let me try briefly:

Since you guys won't accept anything from any PTI guy's mouth, here is something Haider Hoti (ex-CM KPK) said in 2010 (selected excerpts):

Focus on micro hydropower projects

BECAUSE of acute power-shortage and the government's inability to execute big hydropower plans, the focus is shifting to realise the huge potential of small, mini and micro hydropower generation in the Frontier province.

A European Union-funded project also established similar plants in upper Dir. The Pakistan Council for Renewable Technologies (PCRET) has installed nearly 300 MHPPs with a capacity of 3.5MW. Another project to build MHPPs on canal sites is under development. Most of these plants are operational in off-grid areas.

According to Wapda estimates, NWFP has 70,000 megawatt hydropower generation potential. The vast canal network and hilly terrain in NWFP provide thousands of sites for micro, mini and small hydropower plants. Depending upon the head and flow of water, suitable turbines can be utilised to generate electricity from a few KW to MW of electricity from these sites.

Mini/micro HPPs can be installed at natural or manageable waterfalls which are in thousands in NWFP and FATA. A 50KW micro-power station can produce energy enough for around hundreds of households.


So basically, in 2010 some European Union fools funded 300 Micro Hydel Power Projects (MHPPs) with total capacity of 3.5MW. You guys should go and kill those European fools, no?

Also note, 70,000 MW hydro power can be generated in KPK alone using these MHPPs. Another foolish claim?

Now to explain these 356 MHPPs, ere are a few images from a KP govt PDF presentation: Mini-Micro Hydro Power Projects KPK



An empirical analysis of the hydropower portfolio in Pakistan | James Wescoat - Academia.edu

Currently, based on operating projects, KPK has the largest installed capacity (at 3,849 MW) followed by Punjab (1,700 MW) and AJ&K (1,039MW). GB’s currently installed base is relatively small at 132 MW. This balance will change once projects under implementation are commissioned. The data shows that the total installed capacity in these regions will become 15,729 MW for KPK,12,049 MW for GB, 5,533 for AJ&K, and 3,448 MW for Punjab. There will consequently be a shift in hydro-electricity production assets that are currently largely in KPK and Punjab to a more expanded role of KPK and a new important role for GB. KPK will host 43% of the installed hydro power capacity followed by GB with 33% of the total installed capacity. Thus, while Punjab and Sindh are the largest end consumers of the waters of the Indus system (in their vast agricultural lands), KPK and GB will become the largest energy producers from this river system. The power production and water storage infrastructure will shift in aggregate measure to KPK and GB,while the water consumption and end-use base will continue to reside in Punjab and Sindh
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Either you guys have peanut sized brain, or your brain is unable to work because of your sheer hatred towards PTI to core. In any case, you guys don't merit a rebuttal of the utter nonsense you've posted above, because of following reasons:

1) Your peanut sized brain, or your hatred towards PTI won't allow you to understand this, no matter how well anyone explain it to you with reasoning & logic.​

2) Even if you understand by any chance, you won't accept it..​

Anyways, let me try briefly:

Since you guys won't accept anything from any PTI guy's mouth, here is something Haider Hoti (ex-CM KPK) said in 2010 (selected excerpts):

Focus on micro hydropower projects

BECAUSE of acute power-shortage and the government's inability to execute big hydropower plans, the focus is shifting to realise the huge potential of small, mini and micro hydropower generation in the Frontier province.

A European Union-funded project also established similar plants in upper Dir. The Pakistan Council for Renewable Technologies (PCRET) has installed nearly 300 MHPPs with a capacity of 3.5MW. Another project to build MHPPs on canal sites is under development. Most of these plants are operational in off-grid areas.

According to Wapda estimates, NWFP has 70,000 megawatt hydropower generation potential. The vast canal network and hilly terrain in NWFP provide thousands of sites for micro, mini and small hydropower plants. Depending upon the head and flow of water, suitable turbines can be utilised to generate electricity from a few KW to MW of electricity from these sites.

Mini/micro HPPs can be installed at natural or manageable waterfalls which are in thousands in NWFP and FATA. A 50KW micro-power station can produce energy enough for around hundreds of households.


So basically, in 2010 some European Union fools funded 300 Micro Hydel Power Projects (MHPPs) with total capacity of 3.5MW. You guys should go and kill those European fools, no?

Also note, 70,000 MW hydro power can be generated in KPK alone using these MHPPs. Another foolish claim?

Now to explain these 356 MHPPs, ere are a few images from a KP govt PDF presentation: Mini-Micro Hydro Power Projects KPK

View attachment 235381 View attachment 235382 View attachment 235383 View attachment 235384 View attachment 235385 View attachment 235386 View attachment 235387 View attachment 235388


An empirical analysis of the hydropower portfolio in Pakistan | James Wescoat - Academia.edu

Currently, based on operating projects, KPK has the largest installed capacity (at 3,849 MW) followed by Punjab (1,700 MW) and AJ&K (1,039MW). GB’s currently installed base is relatively small at 132 MW. This balance will change once projects under implementation are commissioned. The data shows that the total installed capacity in these regions will become 15,729 MW for KPK,12,049 MW for GB, 5,533 for AJ&K, and 3,448 MW for Punjab. There will consequently be a shift in hydro-electricity production assets that are currently largely in KPK and Punjab to a more expanded role of KPK and a new important role for GB. KPK will host 43% of the installed hydro power capacity followed by GB with 33% of the total installed capacity. Thus, while Punjab and Sindh are the largest end consumers of the waters of the Indus system (in their vast agricultural lands), KPK and GB will become the largest energy producers from this river system. The power production and water storage infrastructure will shift in aggregate measure to KPK and GB,while the water consumption and end-use base will continue to reside in Punjab and Sindh
This is your wish list which is really not enough , However money is not allocated for these projects in current budget by kp govt . It is just making its fanboys fool .
Either you guys have peanut sized brain, or your brain is unable to work because of your sheer hatred towards PTI to core. In any case, you guys don't merit a rebuttal of the utter nonsense you've posted above, because of following reasons:

1) Your peanut sized brain, or your hatred towards PTI won't allow you to understand this, no matter how well anyone explain it to you with reasoning & logic.​

2) Even if you understand by any chance, you won't accept it..​

Anyways, let me try briefly:

Since you guys won't accept anything from any PTI guy's mouth, here is something Haider Hoti (ex-CM KPK) said in 2010 (selected excerpts):

Focus on micro hydropower projects

BECAUSE of acute power-shortage and the government's inability to execute big hydropower plans, the focus is shifting to realise the huge potential of small, mini and micro hydropower generation in the Frontier province.

A European Union-funded project also established similar plants in upper Dir. The Pakistan Council for Renewable Technologies (PCRET) has installed nearly 300 MHPPs with a capacity of 3.5MW. Another project to build MHPPs on canal sites is under development. Most of these plants are operational in off-grid areas.

According to Wapda estimates, NWFP has 70,000 megawatt hydropower generation potential. The vast canal network and hilly terrain in NWFP provide thousands of sites for micro, mini and small hydropower plants. Depending upon the head and flow of water, suitable turbines can be utilised to generate electricity from a few KW to MW of electricity from these sites.

Mini/micro HPPs can be installed at natural or manageable waterfalls which are in thousands in NWFP and FATA. A 50KW micro-power station can produce energy enough for around hundreds of households.


So basically, in 2010 some European Union fools funded 300 Micro Hydel Power Projects (MHPPs) with total capacity of 3.5MW. You guys should go and kill those European fools, no?

Also note, 70,000 MW hydro power can be generated in KPK alone using these MHPPs. Another foolish claim?

Now to explain these 356 MHPPs, ere are a few images from a KP govt PDF presentation: Mini-Micro Hydro Power Projects KPK

View attachment 235381 View attachment 235382 View attachment 235383 View attachment 235384 View attachment 235385 View attachment 235386 View attachment 235387 View attachment 235388


An empirical analysis of the hydropower portfolio in Pakistan | James Wescoat - Academia.edu

Currently, based on operating projects, KPK has the largest installed capacity (at 3,849 MW) followed by Punjab (1,700 MW) and AJ&K (1,039MW). GB’s currently installed base is relatively small at 132 MW. This balance will change once projects under implementation are commissioned. The data shows that the total installed capacity in these regions will become 15,729 MW for KPK,12,049 MW for GB, 5,533 for AJ&K, and 3,448 MW for Punjab. There will consequently be a shift in hydro-electricity production assets that are currently largely in KPK and Punjab to a more expanded role of KPK and a new important role for GB. KPK will host 43% of the installed hydro power capacity followed by GB with 33% of the total installed capacity. Thus, while Punjab and Sindh are the largest end consumers of the waters of the Indus system (in their vast agricultural lands), KPK and GB will become the largest energy producers from this river system. The power production and water storage infrastructure will shift in aggregate measure to KPK and GB,while the water consumption and end-use base will continue to reside in Punjab and Sindh

Thanks Really Appreciated.... :enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:
Either you guys have peanut sized brain, or your brain is unable to work because of your sheer hatred towards PTI to core. In any case, you guys don't merit a rebuttal of the utter nonsense you've posted above, because of following reasons:

1) Your peanut sized brain, or your hatred towards PTI won't allow you to understand this, no matter how well anyone explain it to you with reasoning & logic.​

2) Even if you understand by any chance, you won't accept it..​

Anyways, let me try briefly:

Since you guys won't accept anything from any PTI guy's mouth, here is something Haider Hoti (ex-CM KPK) said in 2010 (selected excerpts):

Focus on micro hydropower projects

BECAUSE of acute power-shortage and the government's inability to execute big hydropower plans, the focus is shifting to realise the huge potential of small, mini and micro hydropower generation in the Frontier province.

A European Union-funded project also established similar plants in upper Dir. The Pakistan Council for Renewable Technologies (PCRET) has installed nearly 300 MHPPs with a capacity of 3.5MW. Another project to build MHPPs on canal sites is under development. Most of these plants are operational in off-grid areas.

According to Wapda estimates, NWFP has 70,000 megawatt hydropower generation potential. The vast canal network and hilly terrain in NWFP provide thousands of sites for micro, mini and small hydropower plants. Depending upon the head and flow of water, suitable turbines can be utilised to generate electricity from a few KW to MW of electricity from these sites.

Mini/micro HPPs can be installed at natural or manageable waterfalls which are in thousands in NWFP and FATA. A 50KW micro-power station can produce energy enough for around hundreds of households.


So basically, in 2010 some European Union fools funded 300 Micro Hydel Power Projects (MHPPs) with total capacity of 3.5MW. You guys should go and kill those European fools, no?

Also note, 70,000 MW hydro power can be generated in KPK alone using these MHPPs. Another foolish claim?

Now to explain these 356 MHPPs, ere are a few images from a KP govt PDF presentation: Mini-Micro Hydro Power Projects KPK

View attachment 235381 View attachment 235382 View attachment 235383 View attachment 235384 View attachment 235385 View attachment 235386 View attachment 235387 View attachment 235388


An empirical analysis of the hydropower portfolio in Pakistan | James Wescoat - Academia.edu

Currently, based on operating projects, KPK has the largest installed capacity (at 3,849 MW) followed by Punjab (1,700 MW) and AJ&K (1,039MW). GB’s currently installed base is relatively small at 132 MW. This balance will change once projects under implementation are commissioned. The data shows that the total installed capacity in these regions will become 15,729 MW for KPK,12,049 MW for GB, 5,533 for AJ&K, and 3,448 MW for Punjab. There will consequently be a shift in hydro-electricity production assets that are currently largely in KPK and Punjab to a more expanded role of KPK and a new important role for GB. KPK will host 43% of the installed hydro power capacity followed by GB with 33% of the total installed capacity. Thus, while Punjab and Sindh are the largest end consumers of the waters of the Indus system (in their vast agricultural lands), KPK and GB will become the largest energy producers from this river system. The power production and water storage infrastructure will shift in aggregate measure to KPK and GB,while the water consumption and end-use base will continue to reside in Punjab and Sindh
Bas 2 sawal, how will they achieve 4000 mw, yeh kis post may hai.
2ndly, iwas wondering what is the enery need as, how many megawatts is the need of kpk?

Kalabagh shud never die. Shudnt die.
Bas 2 sawal, how will they achieve 4000 mw, yeh kis post may hai.
2ndly, iwas wondering what is the enery need as, how many megawatts is the need of kpk?

Kalabagh shud never die. Shudnt die.

KP's electricity needs are somewhat around 2000MW, and they are generating way more than that. But all the power generated in KPK has to be added in national grid. Federal govt then give KP around 1400 MWs from national grid as per formula, so they still have some shortfall hence load shedding.

If they can produce around 1000 MW from their provincial resources, then they'll have enough electricity for their provincial needs. This is what I know, could be inaccurate in terns of exact figures.
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