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Kongress in more trouble.

What the hell is this, who is this Judge from a foreign country to issue our party summons to appear? Why am i not seeing a condemnation from any Indian. Are you people forgetting the fact that we are sovereign nation??

I would say to the US Ambassdor in India to STFU and to the Judge who sent this summons.
What the hell is this, who is this Judge from a foreign country to issue our party summons to appear? Why am i not seeing a condemnation from any Indian. Are you people forgetting the fact that we are sovereign nation??

I would say to the US Ambassdor in India to STFU and to the Judge who sent this summons.


It's shameful to see the idiotic remarks of some Indians, it seems they are ready to see India been shamed just to have BJP in power.

While I don't like Congress and want the riot perpetrators to rot in jail but I'd not let my judgement to be clouded just to see Congress in ruin.
A sad day for the nation when an outside country is responsible for prosecuting the crimes committed within India, by and to Indians. :tdown:

Like how summons were served to ISI for the 26/11 in an US court.
Like how summons were served to ISI for the 26/11 in an US court.

Haha. The problem with you lot is that you think every Pakistani is trying to score brownie points. In essence you make us troll. I am bringing a genuine concern to India as if it was my own country, Pakistan. If you think I am just trolling, then I will refrain from posting in this thread. All I was trying to do was give my opinion. And honestly, I don't think my country is in a better position than yours, but again I was simply trying to give my opinion.
Like how summons were served to ISI for the 26/11 in an US court.

Mudslinging is not the point here, India is a sovereign nation and these kind of things should be strictly dealt with. If not the very concept of India is a joke sir. Who gave the court a right to summon a party of another nation for a crime happened in that country, is the USA our caretaker ?? They have no jurisdiction whatsover here.
Mudslinging is not the point here, India is a sovereign nation and these kind of things should be strictly dealt with. If not the very concept of India is a joke sir. Who gave the court a right to summon a party of another nation for a crime happened in that country, is the USA our caretaker ?? They have no jurisdiction whatsover here.

I agree 100%. As much as I may hate India, India as a nation must deal with her internal conflicts. Nobody else. Not USA nor Pakistan, Russia, China or anyone else. :tup:

---------- Post added at 01:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 AM ----------

so if a mob of thugs came to your house raped your mother and sister in front you while also beating your father with blunt objects like a pipe or bat and then setting his broken bruised body on fire with petrol with a tire around his neck. its a fcking shame that we have yet to prosecute those responsible for committing humans rights violations this is nothing short of a genocide the c*ntgress party planned out the genocide of Sikhs throughout India

Look bro, India is not going to become better until people from the country recognize the wrong-doings.
Friend if you can prove this with sources I would be more than interested. If so this could well and truly change my political outlook.

Not many sources are available as it took place when there was no free media and no internet in India.

But this is what Khuswant Singh has written down regarding RSS role in saving Sikhs during the 84 riots.

"RSS has played an honorable role in maintaining Hindu-Sikh unity before and after the murder of Indira Gandhi in Delhi and in other places". "It was the Congress (I) leaders who instigated mobs in 1984 and got more than 3000 people killed. I must give due credit to RSS and the BJP for showing courage and protecting helpless Sikhs during those difficult days. No less a person than Atal Bihari Vajpayee himself intervened at a couple of places to help poor taxi drivers".

This was written by him under the article "Congress (I) is the Most Communal Party", Publik Asia 11-16-1989.

---------- Post added at 12:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------

Mudslinging is not the point here, India is a sovereign nation and these kind of things should be strictly dealt with. If not the very concept of India is a joke sir. Who gave the court a right to summon a party of another nation for a crime happened in that country, is the USA our caretaker ?? They have no jurisdiction whatsover here.

We cant do anything lawfully or diplomatically to prevent a Sikh group registered in US from filing a court case in US.

The court summon is just a formality. Nothing will happen.
I will say it simply here for everyone. It is a big insult to every Sikh, that an outside country recognizes what happened compared to motherland India. India is the homeland for most of these Sikhs and to think that a foreign country gives more importance than the motherland is bullshit. India must make amends for the atrocity that congress has caused. If India gets rid of it's past of isolating Muslims and Sikhs it will become a strong country. The biggest insult here is that an outside nation is seeking retribution for Indian minorities.
@ Boris how would you feel if we ran through Varanasi blowing up Mandirs and buildings with tanks and having soldiers rape and terrorize pilgrims? go do yourself and everyone a favor and shut the fck up and don't let any sht drip from your mouth you douchebag how would you feel if 10,000 Hindus were killed at free will?

If mandirs in Varanasi were stocked up with AK-47s, HMGs, grenades and hundreds of die hard fighters holding human shields willing to challenge the sovereignity of the state, then no one will cry even if that area is air bombed.

Op. Blue Star was a mistake in only the way it was conducted. But it had to be conducted. The Khalistanis did not give a choice to the Govt.

Everyone agrees that the 84 riots was a blot on the nation. But in Op.Blue Star the Sikh fanatics themselves defiled the holy Harmandir Sahib by using it as an armory before the IA entered the complex.
I will say it simply here for everyone. It is a big insult to every Sikh, that an outside country recognizes what happened it this issue compared to India. India is the homeland for most of these Sikhs and to think that a foreign country gives more importance than the motherland is bullshit. India must make amends for the atrocity that congress has caused. If India gets rid of it's past of isolating Muslims and Sikhs it will become a strong country. The biggest insult here is that an outside nation is seeking retribution for Indian minorities.

Quit your croc tears. Isolating Sikhs by making one such the Prime Minister ? What bs you are spouting ? What happened was a handiwork of the Congress party and it alone.

Will you accept someone generalizing the ill deeds of the PPP as that of Pakistan ?
rather than take him out on the spot she allowed him to go on freely as she used him prior as a counter to the Akalis who bhindrawale deemed incompetent to rule the state.

I agree with that.

Bhindranwale was used as a counter to the Akalis and what started as a political game got hijacked into a full blown secessionist demand. That is why I never give a **** as to Indira's assasination. She had it coming.

But my only point is whatever be the reasons Op, Blue Star become inevitable after a point and it was not only the Indian Army (which itself was comprised of Sikh units) but also the Sikh militants who defiled the holy Harmandir Sahib.So the blame for that must go to both of them. Not to IA alone.

when the leader condemns an entire people to destruction with empathy and repression you know its wrong Sikhs were second class citizens in India along with Muslims though i say today we are generally more accepted in the country compared to other minorities.

You are completely wrong. No one was treated as second class citizens in India, especially the Sikhs. True that few years saw some reprisals from security forces and counter-attacks by Khalistanis..but second class.? that is exaggerating. And a part of the blame lies with the Sikh militants also who could not see the bigger picture and indulged in anti-state activities.

And you know damn bloody well that most Hindus see Sikhs as one of their own and not as second class.
If it wasnt for the RSS more than 10000 sikhs would have died.

Its pathetic that the congress calls it hindu-sikh riots.
We would never lay a finger on our sikh brothers.

The congress did it and we all know who supports the congress.
More like Muslim-Sikh riots.

Sickular media.
You people are sick, as to attacking me for giving my opinion.

---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 AM ----------

Quit your croc tears. Isolating Sikhs by making one such the Prime Minister ? What bs you are spouting ? What happened was a handiwork of the Congress party and it alone.

Will you accept someone generalizing the ill deeds of the PPP as that of Pakistan ?

Haha. The problem with you lot is that you think every Pakistani is trying to score brownie points. In essence you make us troll. I am bringing a genuine concern to India as if it was my own country, Pakistan. If you think I am just trolling, then I will refrain from posting in this thread. All I was trying to do was give my opinion. And honestly, I don't think my country is in a better position than yours, but again I was simply trying to give my opinion.

Fitay mun.
You people are sick, as to attacking me for giving my opinion.

---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 AM ----------

Fitay mun.

Whats your opinion on this?
Should the congress leaders be arrested?
Should india put its lobbies to work and end this?

Do the sikhs deserve due justice?
so if a mob of thugs came to your house raped your mother and sister in front you while also beating your father with blunt objects like a pipe or bat and then setting his broken bruised body on fire with petrol with a tire around his neck. its a fcking shame that we have yet to prosecute those responsible for committing humans rights violations this is nothing short of a genocide the c*ntgress party planned out the genocide of Sikhs throughout India

I don't know why u want to find out what i would do when facing such a thing, as honestly nobody not even i can tell about that correctly. However if u asked such a question to elicit an angry response from me, i am not going to do that. Whatever our grievances u got to understand one thing, India is a sovereign country period. Whatever should happen within not outside of this country. Where do u see people in other countries running to US courts for settling scores or getting justice??

I am also a person who hates congress to the core, if today somebody gunned down the whole leadership i will be celebrating that with a glass of nice whiskey. However if such thing is done by a foreigner then it is an attack on our sovereignty, why are u unable to understand this simple fact?? Or are u blinded so much with hatred that this Country no longer holds any value to you??

Then let me tell u nobody is above the country. Whatever justice has to come from courts of this land not of a foreign one, this country has endured subjugation for many centuries no more of that $hit and crap. If u are genuinely concerned due to some personal experience of these riots i am sorry for the horror (unspeakable) u suffered. Still the law of this land is paramount, however if u are here to troll then don't reply. I am not going to attack anybody personally however u may try to invoke me.

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