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mad because your shia masters dissed you? :)
Not only that, they are tasting their own medicine. Their army is crumbling, entire divisions were taken by ISIS with AK 47, their country is shrinking, and the sward that saddam use to dance with, is hovering over Baghdad...No wonder that our Salman el Farsi, is weary of the Peshmergas girls....they have balls, and he is metastazing to a europhrodyte.
Not only that, they are tasting their own medicine. Their army is crumbling, entire divisions were taken by ISIS with AK 47, their country is shrinking, and the sward that saddam use to dance with, is hovering over Baghdad...No wonder that our Salman el Farsi, is weary of the Peshmergas girls....they have balls, and he is metastazing to a europhrodyte.

Pesh girls aren't doing anything, just for camera.

Besides Algeria is a joke itself when it comes to it's history in modern warfare, what is that video supposed to mean, Algeria went to war only a few times of which they lost against Morocco. An insurgency against France is something you can't lose, all you have to do is wait it out until they leave then you call it winning lol.

If the US/EU were to go against you like Libya you wouldn't last long, you wouldn't be able to stand against Iran either so keep it to youself, Iraq has gone through a lot it takes time for recovery.

One sentence that explains Ceylal, siding with Kurdis to hate on Arabs all over the place, that explains most Berbers actually, something to be proud of ?
isn't it symbolic to see the Kurdish Army driving through Northern Kurdistan to reach Western Kurdistan? :)

There is no such thing as Northern Kurdistan as long as I am alive. And there never will be. If you want to refer to Turkey, be my guest, but other than that I wont reply to such provocative statements anymore.
Maybe you are suffering from delusions and Northern Kurdistan is the magical place in your thoughts where the mystical unicorns live..
Pesh girls aren't doing anything, just for camera.
The fox says always that the grapes are sour, when he can't reach them...Same goes to your like, a lazy-*** syndrome keeps you from acting like men.

Besides Algeria is a joke itself when it comes to it's history in modern warfare
Look a t two countries....Algeria after more than 10 years of terrorism is still in her borders, Irak, one miserly ak 47's shot near her ear, and 60 % of her is gone..in less than two weeks.
1-In desert storm, you lost because of your stupidity
2-The Baby Bush war, you lost due to your Generals choice of the Dollar over duty, honor and country
3-Same goes now, army armed to the teeth that spend her time eating, drinking, getting fat and no fighting.

what is that video supposed to mean, Algeria went to war only a few times of which they lost against Morocco.
Like you won against the Iran. We defeated Morocco when we were a guerilla force...We taught them a lesson in Amgala II , like we taught before them Sharon and tank brigade. After they attacked an Algerian convoy sent to gather Sahrawi kids, olds and women fleeing Morrocan napalm, we went back and laminated 1500 of their troops and brought back the rest as prisonners. And after that we unleached the Polisario troops that we trained, armed, and financed and they made their life hell...Now they don't even register. The ANP is so afraid of the Moroccan troops that they keep two L59 to face their F16.

An insurgency against France is something you can't lose, all you have to do is wait it out until they leave then you call it winning lol.
1.5 million of us died of boredom

If the US/EU were to go against you like Libya you wouldn't last long, you wouldn't be able to stand against Iran either so keep it to youself, Iraq has gone through a lot it takes time for recovery.
Like they didn't try to violate our skies and test our capabilities. Thirty two British SAS were captured and their chinook got shot down.
And lastly, if they didn't learn during their Libyan highway robbery, they had a good look at the Algerian security forces during the attack of Tiguentourine gas facility.

One sentence that explains Ceylal, siding with Kurdis to hate on Arabs all over the place, that explains most Berbers actually, something to be proud of ?
It doesn't mean because I like for the Kurds to have a state of their own , and admire their courage in face of adversity, it doesn't mean that I hate Arabs. There is no country in the Mena region that contributed more to the Arab cause than Algeria, and for that I am very proud to be Algerian, and to be a berber! Hell , The only country that forgave your debts is Algeria, even Iraq behavior towards us was nothing to brag about! Saddam is behind Boumediene poisoning, the shooting down of our foreign minister, and last the killing of the two diplomats of our embassy in Baghdad (among the very few that kept their door open, in a show of support to Iraq) while brahim was trying to wrestle a form of an Iraqi government independent from the US meddling. Unlike you, I am proud of my origins and proud to be Algerian and American.
The fox says always that the grapes are sour, when he can't reach them...Same goes to your like, a lazy-*** syndrome keeps you from acting like men.
The fox doesn't talk.

Look a t two countries....Algeria after more than 10 years of terrorism is still in her borders, Irak, one miserly ak 47's shot near her ear, and 60 % of her is gone..in less than two weeks.
1-In desert storm, you lost because of your stupidity
2-The Baby Bush war, you lost due to your Generals choice of the Dollar over duty, honor and country
3-Same goes now, army armed to the teeth that spend her time eating, drinking, getting fat and no fighting.
Algeria wasn't invaded, government wasn't overthrown yet they let some terrorists with flip flops and AK-47s send the entire state into massive civil war with massacres. Iraq was invaded, the entire system was destroyed and the military was dissolved, a proces of decades since 1991. Would such insurgency occur under Saddam rule ? No, that says enough about your military.

Like you won against the Iran. We defeated Morocco when we were a guerilla force...We taught them a lesson in Amgala II , like we taught before them Sharon and tank brigade. After they attacked an Algerian convoy sent to gather Sahrawi kids, olds and women fleeing Morrocan napalm, we went back and laminated 1500 of their troops and brought back the rest as prisonners. And after that we unleached the Polisario troops that we trained, armed, and financed and they made their life hell...Now they don't even register. The ANP is so afraid of the Moroccan troops that they keep two L59 to face their F16.

Iran>Morocco on all fronts, not comparable.

You defeated Morocco ? it's usual, people from this region claim victory even if they lose. Besides what is that hatred you're displaying now to your fellow Imazigh.

1.5 million of us died of boredom
People die in wars, in Iraq the sanctions of the 90's alone killed 500.000 children, in the Iran-Iraq war close to a million people died, in 1991 the amount of explosives dropped on Iraq was more then the nuke on Japan. In 2003 another mess and then Islamist insurgency. Sounds a lot more then some insurgency coming out of nowhere, too bad we didn't have it that easy they would be squashed during Saddam's reign for various reasons, but it would take pages to explain that in details which is not needed.

Like they didn't try to violate our skies and test our capabilities. Thirty two British SAS were captured and their chinook got shot down.
And lastly, if they didn't learn during their Libyan highway robbery, they had a good look at the Algerian security forces during the attack of Tiguentourine gas facility.
Yeah whatever, in 1991 an Iraqi made SCUD ( Al Hussein variant ) killed 30 + US army soldiers in their barracks in Saudi Arabia, MIG-25's downed their aircraft as well so what is your point again, western tech fails as well, western soldiers die as well doesn't change the fact that their capabilities allows them to do the same with Algeria as Libya, Iraq 1991 etc.

It doesn't mean because I like for the Kurds to have a state of their own , and admire their courage in face of adversity, it doesn't mean that I hate Arabs. There is no country in the Mena region that contributed more to the Arab cause than Algeria, and for that I am very proud to be Algerian, and to be a berber! Hell , The only country that forgave your debts is Algeria, even Iraq behavior towards us was nothing to brag about! Saddam is behind Boumediene poisoning, the shooting down of our foreign minister, and last the killing of the two diplomats of our embassy in Baghdad (among the very few that kept their door open, in a show of support to Iraq) while brahim was trying to wrestle a form of an Iraqi government independent from the US meddling. Unlike you, I am proud of my origins and proud to be Algerian and American.

Again you go on a nationalistic rant whilst switching reality mode of, Algeria didn't contribute more to the Arab cause which was Arab nationalism and the Palestine story, Egypt, Syria and Iraq, Jordan as well contributed a lot to this cause. Debt isn't written of for fun, it's written of because the return is more beneficial, in trade for example. UAE cancelled 5 billion debt as well in return they got a lot of trade, even though most companies in the UAE are foreign companies it still contributes to their national economy as for Kuwait it'ss just a little US client state, they don't have anything to say.

In Algeria, Arab-Berber Conflict Recalls Plight of Kurds


Kawa Botani, a Kurdish man from Duhok joined Amazigh protests in Morocco in January, demanding their rights. Photo: Kawa Botani

The only thing they share in common is hatred on Arabs, what motivates the Kurd in the pic is hatred, what motivates Ceylal is hatred.

1-In desert storm, you lost because of your stupidity
Desert storm 1 was a war where the US sent 700K of it's soldiers to the offensive in Iraq along with a massive fleet of heavy weaponry, that is the US alone not to mention all the other NATO states.

So Algeria's military would not be destroyed ? If you tell this to someone who studied military science he will start laughing at you, what you talk about is conventional warfare not urban or guerilla warfare where you can hide as you did when France came. Besides what the f*** is France compared to the coalition of 1991, and France itself dismantled your conventional military capability forcing you into insurgency. I guess the historical facts themselves show the BS you talk right now...
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There is no such thing as Northern Kurdistan as long as I am alive. And there never will be. If you want to refer to Turkey, be my guest, but other than that I wont reply to such provocative statements anymore.
Maybe you are suffering from delusions and Northern Kurdistan is the magical place in your thoughts where the mystical unicorns live..
You may as well wake up and face a reality of near future. The US intervened due to their interests in kurdish areas being threatened.
Kobane is a Syrian city. It belongs to the Syrian Arab Republic. It's NOT a Kurdish city. Never has been. Just because YPG took it over earlier this years does NOT mean it is a Kurdish city.

Syrian city ? say that to Turkey, asking for buffer zone, placing anti aircraft missiles to shoot down SAAF in Kobani. 94 % of the pop in Kobani are Kurds, 5 % Turkmen and Arabs, 1 % Armenian, most of the Kurds were deported from Turkey , during the Kurdish rebellion in 1925.

Thats a big crowd. IS in deep trouble it seems. There are reports that FSA will be fighting along Kurds against ISIS.

there are about 150 to 200 FSA in Kobani, YPG has no need for FSA, YPG spokesman had requested FSA to fight IS in Jarabus and AlBab and not in Kobani,
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The fox doesn't talk.

its a folks adage...if you catch the meaning of it..we will get somewhere..

Algeria wasn't invaded, government wasn't overthrown yet they let some terrorists with flip flops and AK-47s send the entire state into massive civil war with massacres.
true, we weren't invaded, our government didn't collapse, due to the nature of the Algerian people. In face of adversity we close ranks, we fight the intruder until his defeat and then only that we wash our dirty clothes . You dis-union is creating the breach that ISIS exploited and still exploiting...Can you tell me what drive the mutual hatred between the sunni and the shia? the Arabs and the Kurds, the Arabs and the Yazidis, The arabs and the christian arab? All of them are Iraqis! How can you hate as an Iraqi your fellow Iraqi because he dresses or believe differently? Your bigotry over futile things is making your death bed!
Again, Elhassani follower, the Algerian massacres are done by the same one that are murdering your soldiers, raping and selling your women. The Algerian army has never murdered anyone intentionally. All the accusations against her have been debunked in European courts.
Iraq was invaded, the entire system was destroyed and the military was dissolved, a proces of decades since 1991. Would such insurgency occur under Saddam rule ? No, that says enough about your military.
Your generals sold out your country...It does seem that is one your trait!

Iran>Morocco on all fronts, not comparable.
didn't compare them..You are the one who mentioned Morocco defeating us..I just replied to the eggs you've laying.

You defeated Morocco ? it's usual, people from this region claim victory even if they lose.
it is the Arabs that excel in that area... Algeria has never considered that Morocco is a threat to her, while Morocco does
Besides what is that hatred you're displaying now to your fellow Imazigh.
there is no hatred between Moroccans and Algerians. We are the same people, we talk the same language, eat the same food, bullshit the same way too. We are one family.

People die in wars, in Iraq the sanctions of the 90's alone killed 500.000 children, in the Iran-Iraq war close to a million people died, in 1991 the amount of explosives dropped on Iraq was more then the nuke on Japan. In 2003 another mess and then Islamist insurgency. Sounds a lot more then some insurgency coming out of nowhere, too bad we didn't have it that easy they would be squashed during Saddam's reign for various reasons, but it would take pages to explain that in details which is not needed.
You haven't done anything to stop it. To your problems you've found the tribal solutions more suitable..Shia kill one us, lets ten of them..they destroyed our mosque let destroy two of theirs...Iraqi suppose to be one of the most educated people of the MENA. yet you act medieval to fix your problems...

Yeah whatever, in 1991 an Iraqi made SCUD ( Al Hussein variant ) killed 30 + US army soldiers in their barracks in Saudi Arabia, MIG-25's downed their aircraft as well so what is your point again, western tech fails as well, western soldiers
True..it take the will and the motivation.... you have lost both.
doesn't change the fact that their capabilities allows them to do the same with Algeria as Libya, Iraq 1991 etc.
They can hurt us, but we won't make that easy on them, they will bleed like us. And it isn't like they haven't tried...What Syria has been living for the past three years, it was tried against us with the same actors, with a minor difference...Syria has a strong Russia in her side, while we had a weak Russia with no value to us, but we had little Tunisia with her giant citizens . The Algerian army under embargo had to innovate fast and transformed her self in no time from a regular army to a terrorism fighting machine. She took the fight to Sudan who was training our bearded ones and to Kaddafy's Libya for opening the country to them...as well as to Morocco to destroy their refuge. That is facts, even though nothing of the sorts filtered to the press.

Again you go on a nationalistic rant
Just like it is a disease ,to love thyself...and thy country...

whilst switching reality mode of, Algeria didn't contribute more to the Arab cause which was Arab nationalism and the Palestine story, Egypt, Syria and Iraq, Jordan as well contributed a lot to this cause.
Algeria did a lot more...Just ask your the Egyptian PDF's, they are better suited to talk about the arab contribution...and that of Algeria.

Debt isn't written of for fun, it's written of because the return is more beneficial, in trade for example. UAE cancelled 5 billion debt as well in return they got a lot of trade, even though most companies in the UAE are foreign companies it still contributes to their national economy as for Kuwait it'ss just a little US client state, they don't have anything to say.
Algeria is not the UAE or Koweit...I sincerely doubt that she ask anything in return but to make t Iraq's life a lot easier. Our gestures are always guided by our hearts, not by gain.

In Algeria, Arab-Berber Conflict Recalls Plight of Kurds


The only thing they share in common is hatred on Arabs, what motivates the Kurd in the pic is hatred, what motivates Ceylal is hatred.
The Kurds that may hate the arabs for good measure and for good reasons, Berber do not hate arabs...et beside if you really get to know any Algerian, you will see that this image will be very common, be it with a Kurde, a Sahrawi, a Palestinian... We have always helped people seeking their independence or their autonomy.. We were with you too in your last two Bush wars and among all the Arab states, we were the only one who didn't send troops and we were the only one that took your plight to the UN and pleaded with Saddam to come back to reason and leave Koweit. He was too dumb for his own good and look where he took Iraq. I remember reading, the Iraqi foreign minister telling the secretary of state Baker, that Iraq is not Grenada.

Desert storm 1 was a war where the US sent 700K of it's soldiers to the offensive in Iraq along with a massive fleet of heavy weaponry, that is the US alone not to mention all the other NATO states.
Algeria pleaded with Saddam to withdraw..the dumb *** believed that he can bat against the US with 4th largest army.

So Algeria's military would not be destroyed ?
I didn't say that...I said we will hurt them too...And if we draw any parallel between our war of independence against the France, and the vietnam war...I think will come out just fine...and they will leave the same way they came in, but a lump and a lot of body bags..

If you tell this to someone who studied military science he will start laughing at you,

I am not laughing, and who ever study our case won't be laughing either.
what you talk about is conventional warfare not urban or guerilla warfare where you can hide as you did when France
You show here that you have no idea what you are talking about. In the 132 years that France occupied Algeria, she had one year of respite, 1872. That is the only year where no battle was recorded.

Besides what the f*** is France compared to the coalition of 1991,
In 1954, its all relative, but what France threw a us was a lot worse in comparison. they had 1,000,000 between soldiers, police, gendarmerie and all the settlers about one million of them were armed too. Behind it they were a navy, an air force, and the NATO arms stocks that were located in France and France used them freely.
We were 10, 000,000 algerians, from infant to old, with nothing but pitch forks, knifes and artisanal guns.
That is one armed french keeping an eye on five unarmed algerian...that is, every Algerian family of 5 had a French soldiers lurking on her....We weren't the 4th world army armed to the teeth facing 400,000 foreign army. You lost because of poor planing from a President that acted like a General with no army experience. He should have learned from the mistake of his mentor, since he was an avid reader of his book "mein kampf"

France itself dismantled your conventional military capability forcing you into insurgency. I guess the historical facts themselves show the BS you talk right now...
We didn't have a conventional army..therefore, they were no army to dismantle..he only one present was the Turkish one who negotiated her safe passage to Istambul without firing a shot.
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Reliable sources reported to SOHR that violent clashes erupted yesterday night between YPG and IS fighters in al- Haj Rashad Mosque area in an attempt by IS to advance toward the neighborhood of al- Jamarek located in the north of Ayn al- Arab city but they failed.

IS militants opened fire on the border crossing between Kobani and and Turkey. In the meantime, YPG fighters could drag 7 IS bodies.
"The moment u realize a huge number of your citizens prefers 'foreign' troops over your own Army "


"The moment u realize a huge number of your citizens prefers 'foreign' troops over your own Army "


After doing a 'favor' by allowing in peshmerga, you guys sure still have a big ungrateful mouth. The devil says Turkey should pull out soldiers and police once isis enters Turkey's SE, should be fun. Nonetheless, Erdogan has a higher iq than all those pkk supporting parasites combined, don't cheer too soon :)
Safe: The Kurdish fighter Rehana - who became a poster girl for the Kobane resistance before allegedly being beheaded by Islamic State militants - is actually alive and well, her friends claimed today




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"The moment u realize a huge number of your citizens prefers 'foreign' troops over your own Army "


You guys would have been massacred in Syria without Turkish help, thx for showing your ungratefullness to the world.
Exact same happened when Saddam used Sarin gas...
"The moment u realize a huge number of your citizens prefers 'foreign' troops over your own Army "


The funny thing is that the government lets them through after PYD agreed to allow in a small number of peshmerga and there is no thank you, rather stones get thrown at soldiers. Stones should have been thrown at PYD for not wanting more peshmerga to come in. After the police and military react with tear gas to stones and molotov coctails you cry and say turks oppressing kurds. You shoot a soldier while he is walking with his wife but if a guy with a molotov coctail gets shot you cry. You destroy infrastructure that benefits the locals then you cry about the living conditions, unemployment, lack of investment etc. You guys are even burning schools then you try act like your all great. Government builds kurdish language schools and you burn them down.You guys are the ones causing all of the problems. In any other country even in the e.u but especially the u,s most of you so called protesters would be shot or put in jail for a long time.

Those same soldiers that you are throwing rocks at are the ones that let in neaarly 200,000 kurds from syria. Turkey is paying for their food and shelter. That's theTurkish people's tax money which could have been spent somewhere else perhaps on weapons to exterminate the pkk.

Your never going to get any land from Turkey so just deal with it and live in peace. You have your own people in the turkish parliament, you speak your language, and live how you want. It really doesn;t make any sense unless you want to establish a north korea like communist state in the middle east with the intention of destabilising the region.

I dont get what your problem is.
Your in africa man, look where Turkey is.

"The moment u realize a huge number of your citizens prefers 'foreign' troops over your own Army "



No surprise that you proudly show how kurds are low life forms. Without Turkey they would be slightly more advanced than stone-agers, thanks to Turkey they know what a spoon is and how to use it. Admit it or not kurds have no capability to establish an independent state due to lack of necessary intellectuality, the historical fact that kurds never-ever created a state is the biggest evidence of my claim and your really high fertility rate won't help you at all. In Turkey, kurds are usually working in jobs which physical power required because they don't need to use mental power which is low. They play mafia games in real life, crime gangs, theft, drug dealings, murder... These all show how kurds easy to manipulate with easy money from social perspective. And now the west doing it by promising a state... I can't even feel pity for your miserable lifes, you'll get what you deserve soon by the hands of Turkish nation, not the govt.
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