Bollywood is not Indian reality. In Bollywood films every one has pale skin particularly women and every one is rich and the Indian male marries a white girl. That is why you can see more and more white Eastern or English girls in Bollyuwood films. But in reality most if not all Indians are darker than the Black Africans that is why many Indian women taint their skin with whitened cream. Again that is why Indian and foreign Cosmetics firms selling whitened cream are making big money. In reality most Indians are dirty, smell bad, poor and black colored skin.
In 2 weeks visit in Mumbai this is what I see:
The largest slum in the world
Traffic jam whereby nobody respects the road signs
It is now that roads, buildings and other facilities are being constructed
No sanitation, no basic hygiene, no basic health care. Indians use to spit dirty every where, no potable drinking water. I was advised not to purchase food outside my International Hotel accommodation and not to drink water outside the hotel.
And Mumbai is the gateway and most modern Indian city so you can easily imagine the rest.
The history of Bollywood film is that in the 70's to 80's the role of such films is to prevent social unrest, to make the slumdogs and lower cast dreamed, to make them get out of their reality. Each time the Government feared of social unrest, a film is issued with the objective to calm the slumdogs and make them dream. Dream of being rich and of dating white females. Now due to globalization and due to the fact that westerners see such films as exotic and kitsch, these Bollywood films are getting popular particualrly in Africa because Africans need such dream. A film portraying Indian reality like 'Salam Bombay' will never get box office success in India, a virtual country where every one is dreaming.