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King Abdullah: Zardari is rotten

Bahrain is not a monarch. People vote for their govt.
85% Shias.... are than free to choose but if they choose based on religion they are heading for disaster and if they do not respect them self as a nation they do not deserve respect.

Only stupids think on Shia/Sunni lines. Start thinking on nationally, strategically and globally.

I'm glad if you have understanding of Pakistan news papers, so that you can compare it with yours.

Iran does not medal with Pakistan but finance Israel defense industry via India.

Care to tell your trade balance with India from last 10 years and flight of capital from Iran to India?

Soon my brother i will provide a full detailed informations about the GCC & Iran . . Bahrain is exist from the date of prophet nohammad (pbuh) . .and the "persian occupation" was before that date
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Only, Allah knows all. May Allah remove the blinds from your eyes.

he is not blind . . But he sees things through a pair of Iranian glasses
look at his avator . . Do you see those silly plastic glasses worn by Ahmadinejad :rofl:
May you end up in the same place your leader ends up in the hereafter Nishan. Amen!!

Amen . . and you with your leader Who wears Silly white plastic glasses :rofl: you know somthing . . You choose carefully you avator . . Because it is represent you exactly . .You are wearing Iranian plastic silly glasses :cool: . .and see the world through it . . Therefore . . I pity you :D
Countries maintain relationship due to their strategic interests. India has good relation with Iran as well as Israel.
I hope there is more people to people contact with Iran, so that the relation becomes more stable.

Why does a remark by a head of state becomes reason for shia vs sunni here?
There is much more to politics and diplomacy than religion.
Adios Amigo, why was my post deleted and was I banned for "racism". I guess I was unbanned by another mod/admin. I really wonder how on earth someone interpreted that post as racist.

King "Abdullah" and the rest of the Saud terrorist family are the last to call anyone else corrupt. They have even corrupted the haj event and have made it a big money making tourist attraction. I said it before and I'll say it again, it is riddled with macdonalds, KFCs, and every other US/Zionist franchise and store you can think of. Next to that you're forced to pay fees for things you don't even need. An example is that you're obligated to pay 500 euros for a guide... even if you don't want one. Of which I read on the internet that they sometimes run off. Those guides are spies of course and are there to keep tabs on you, when they see you're not interesting for their intelligence services that tortures people in dungeons, they run off. Not to mention all the other bad experiences you'll have there.

It is unfortunate that this corrupt terrorist family has turned such an event that used to be easily done (with the only issue being the distance) into a tourist attraction they earn big bucks from and something many people have to safe money their whole life for.

What is "rotten" here is these rotten kingdoms, they all need to be hanged, otherwise the people there will be eternally lost.

Hello Simorgh,

I remember doing huj late sixties, 1976, 1983 some of the years that i remember more then thirty or close to thiry years ago, believe me u never wanna do huj on those days. Now u dissoppointed coz the saudies provided the facilities for the pilgrims. What they charge is nothing comparable to what they have spent.

I m still waiting for the link where king abdullah called for destroying maleki's govenment in iraq.


I think Wikileaks is only causing more and more mistrust between countries in an already volatile region where many different lobbies and agendas are very much alive and kicking.

Is it all a coincidence?
Could it be a deliberate leak facilitated by a particular group of hawks to serve some purpose other than just causing embarrassment for USA?

It is eventually resulting in hotheaded debates such as the ones on this thread and it makes me wonder who will actually suffer from this all?
Whereas there could be truth in some statements...this is all very subjective since these are mostly reports about what someone else feels, the one reporting may have his/her own bias as well and there is a lot of room for misinterpretation as well as quoting things out of context.
Remember that there have been many examples of diplomats and intelligence officials failing in their job and misleading the governments into believing something other than fact.
Taking all of this as the official stances of different states and its rulers is not prudent.

All this leaked information should indicate to the interested reader is the level of US interest and involvement in various countries and their affairs.
Hello Simorgh,

I remember doing huj late sixties, 1976, 1983 some of the years that i remember more then thirty or close to thiry years ago, believe me u never wanna do huj on those days. Now u dissoppointed coz the saudies provided the facilities for the pilgrims. What they charge is nothing comparable to what they have spent.

I m still waiting for the link where king abdullah called for destroying maleki's govenment in iraq.


You must be joking me, "u never wanna do huj on those days". It used to be the kaba alone, with a modest mosque in the time of the prophet (s). It seems that having lived in the Saudi dictatorship you have lost the essence of Islam.

The Saudi dictatorship have spent more oil money on single hotels, which barely get any visitors, than they have spent on masjed-e Haram.

Your Saudi thinking pattern makes you think that people go on haj because they want to check the time on the new big ben and the Saudi palace on-top of the mountain that overlooks the masjed-e haram, and go to the next door macdonalds, KFC and buy some DKNY clothing. To believe that these dictators actually destroyed the house of the prophet's (s) wife khadija (sa) and actually built toilets on-top of it. Not to mention the numerous other buildings destroyed by the Saudi dictatorship.

This is how far your kind has strayed. Anyone who supports the Saudi dictatorship even in their thought alone, better get their answers ready for on the day of judgment.
All green, the objective of wikileaks is to control what you read. It is a mix of half engineered truth and half lies and you are forced to read it listen it and fight over it.

It is also a counter measure of information; Lot of information beyond your grasp.
With lot of free truth over internet, there were two options for US:
1- Shut it down
2- Gutter it down
Now people will stop reading into little truths leaking out of war zones, while they just began to start thinking rational about the objective of wars.

The whole setup is to misguide the energies and resources of developed states and to prevent developing states in finding right direction and keep waisting time in countering engineered propaganda.
All green, the objective of wikileaks is to control what you read. It is a mix of half engineered truth and half lies and you are forced to read it listen it and fight over it.

It is also a counter measure of information; Lot of information beyond your grasp.
With lot of free truth over internet, there were two options for US:
1- Shut it down
2- Gutter it down
Now people will stop reading into little truths leaking out of war zones, while they just began to start thinking rational about the objective of wars.

The whole setup is to misguide the energies and resources of developed states and to prevent developing states in finding right direction and keep waisting time in countering engineered propaganda.

the truth what you said . . Last night i saw a report on the Arabiya satellite channel . .many experts and analysts spoke from Washington, Cairo, London, Beirut . .they have explained what are these documents . .it is a report sent by the U.S. ambassadors . .and some military commanders . .expressing their personal views . . for example former U.S. ambassador to Italy sent report to the U.S. State Department says that Italian President Berlusconi "Loves children". . What does this mean ?
some one will say that the Italian President is passionate affectionate man . . others will say the Italian President is pederast . . each one will pass in his own way
On the other hand if the Pakistan P.M. "for example" met with the group of ambassadors . . after the meeting each ambassador will send to his country different Report from others . .Because every one understand the meeting in his own way
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