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Kim Jong-il visits China for J-10, rejected


Jan 25, 2010
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Kim Jong-il Demands Fighter Jets from China

North Korea asked China to provide it with the latest J-10 fighter jets and other hardware but was rejected, it emerged Wednesday.

According to a high-ranking source in the North, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il made the request to Chinese President Hu Jintao when he visited China in early May. But Hu apparently told Kim that China will protect and support him if attacked.

Observers guess this is the reason why Kim left a day earlier than scheduled.

One North Korean defector who used to be a high-ranking official said, "Kim is increasingly afraid of an attack by South Korean and U.S. forces" following the North's sinking of the South Korean Navy corvette in March. The North Korean leader therefore wanted to get his hands on the latest Chinese fighter jets to counter South Korea's F-15 and F-16 fighter planes.

"Kim wouldn't have visited China with such a large entourage if he merely wanted economic assistance," the defector said. Another North Korean defector and former soldier said Pyongyang may have bolstered its so-called asymmetric warfare capabilities by strengthening special forces "but still lags behind South Korea in terms of naval and air force capabilities and feels threatened."

There is speculation that North Korea is forced to lean on China because it does not have the money to buy expensive Sukhoi fighters from Russia.

The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - Kim Jong-il Demands Fighter Jets from China
A look at the North Korean and South korean Aircraft invetory shows the serious drawbacks of North Korea regarding the lack of quality machines.

South Korea has healthy number of Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle and block-32, block-52 F-16s.
A look at the North Korean and South korean Aircraft invetory shows the serious drawbacks of North Korea regarding the lack of quality machines.

South Korea has healthy number of Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle and block-32, block-52 F-16s.

Hey benny nice picture/video should i say in ur avatar man, Transporter 2 isn't it. Seems u change very well these, can u tell me how to do it i mean play a video like that.
Kim need not such toys 'cause SKorea's F16 does not count when it comes to the issue of Peninsula, talks between Beijing and DC does.
Kim need not such toys 'cause SKorea's F16 does not count when it comes to the issue of Peninsula, talks between Beijing and DC does.

Not for long things will continue to get deteriorated. And everyone knows that the two Korea's are just a pawn in the big game of imperialism.
The South beats the North in just about every way....

...BUT - with how many artillery systems are pointed at Seoul, they are unable to exploit their advantages.
The South beats the North in just about every way....

...BUT - with how many artillery systems are pointed at Seoul, they are unable to exploit their advantages.

Not really, I would place my bet on the North. They pretty much devestated the South 50 years ago with much lower population and significantly inferior weapons.

Furthermore, there'd be no penalty if the North were to nuke Seoul. The US can either multilaterally punish North Korea through sanctions, which has been proven to not work, or unilaterally invade North korea, which doesn't work when China's around. A nuclear security treaty for SK would trigger a similar commitment between China, Russia and NK, which does nothing but bring more nuclear stockpiles into this world.

South Korea looses to the North either way.
^^^ I'm afraid in that case US will transfer some nukes to SK
well..i think china should sell them..
US always oppose china anyway so it wont make a much differenc eif china sell them some hardware.....
well..i think china should sell them..
US always oppose china anyway so it wont make a much differenc eif china sell them some hardware.....

But how will N. Korea pay for them when they can't even feed themselves?

Their most modern plane is the MiG-29, which they have only a handful of - and that is to protect the capital Pyongyang. The rest of the fleet is obsolete.

They will have to buy hundreds of J-10 which they simply cannot afford.
N korea is a basket case. Its China's basket case that China wish to change but can't because it does't have sufficient leverage or courage to enforce a regime change. As a result, Korean Pennesula will result in an open warfare that will cause the UN alliance to take over North Korea.
Russia wouldn't want US marines to be so near Vladivostok.
China wouldn't want to maintain a full blast DMZ with the Koreans.
So UN opinion will not matter. Nor will any UN action. The US will have to go it 'alone'. How many carrier groups are they prepared to lose?
China will help NK if US and SK attack NK, so no need to give J-10 to NK
N korea is a basket case. Its China's basket case that China wish to change but can't because it does't have sufficient leverage or courage to enforce a regime change. As a result, Korean Pennesula will result in an open warfare that will cause the UN alliance to take over North Korea.

Hahaha, I can't believe people are still so arrogant and ignorant in this day and age.

This is just like the Korean war in 1950, the US led forces thought they could "liberate" NK just in time and go home for Christmas. It was NK + China + USSR air force vs. SK + US + UK + France + 13 other countries, even back then with China's backward weaponries it kicked the UN a*s back to the 38th parallel, the UN soldiers invaded NK in the end were so scared that soon as they saw the Chinese forces they bugged out and ran away. The south korean president Syngman Rhee felt so pi*sed off and humiliated that he never signed the armistice. And 60 years later you fancy your chances again?

NK/SK situation has to be solved diplomatically no matter how slow it is going to be, this is the same situation with Taiwan.
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Personally i think North Koreans must focus more on air defenses, Better SAMs, cruise missiles...

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