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Killing of Major-General wont go unpunished | Kayani

dear it was you, shooting in the air, told you before its you, who is going to hurt yourself!;):lol:
next time go & pray dua on the grave of the step father of MR, nawaz sharif?
yes genrl ZIA UL HAQ shd?:pakistan:

That's total different subject have no connection to current topic. Show some courage demonstrating self respect being a Pakistani but not as slave of boots.

US may Involve in General Sana Ullah Niazi Martyrdom | Watch Latest Pakistani Talkshows

fake paid news, just to take away the blame from TTp?
but reality speaks itself!lolzzz
Govt not serious in talks, says ‘TTP leader’ - DAWN.COM
Govt not serious in talks, says ‘TTP leader’
2013-09-28 07:00:14
“We will not budge an inch from our demand for enforcement of Islamic Shariah in the country,” Omar Khalid Khurasani is the chief of TTP’s Mohmand Agency chapter said in a message uploaded on social media networks and warned that if any Taliban commander compromised on this issue the TTP would never support him.
PESHAWAR: A senior TTP leader has criticised the government and said it had taken no serious initiative so far for holding talks with his group.
Omar Khalid Khurasani is the chief of TTP’s Mohmand Agency chapter.
in a message uploaded on social media networks on Friday, Khurasani said: “We want to clarify that we are not begging for peace talks, but we took the initiative of offering talks for the wellbeing of the countrymen and for saving Pakistan from more losses.”

“This does not mean that we are weak. We are still organised and strong. We (Taliban) are still loyal to our chief Hakeemullah Mehsud,” the message said.

He said that since the killing of a major general in Upper Dir and the attack on a church in Peshawar the media had been criticising Taliban and questioning their seriousness about negotiations although no ceasefire had yet been declared. Because no peace agreement had been finalised TTP’s attacks were continuing, he added.

Khurasani claimed that three members of TTP who had been taken into custody about three months ago had been killed in Karachi this week.

He expressed doubts about chances of success of any peace talks with the government and said Taliban wanted changes in the constitution while they were being told that talks could be held within the parameters of the constitution.

“We will not budge an inch from our demand for enforcement of Islamic Shariah in the country,” he said and warned that if any Taliban commander compromised on this issue the TTP would never support him.

shame on those bastards who are trying to save the face of the beast called TTp?
the development cannot happen in those areas where the medieval people are hell bent on keeping laws with themselves? its no surprise that FATA is an area which is semi autonomous where law of the land doesnt apply and its very lawless land

how can developments even reach there? they apply their own midieval laws?

talibans are only present in those medieval lands and not KPK, why?

When they attack GHQ, AWACS, P3COrion, running there supply routes have $billions available for operations, have political & judicial support, even US is hesitant to list them as terrorists.... they are definitely not medieval people.
Pakistan army needs to send in death squads targetting these TTP zombies, eliminate top leaders and commanders, then they will understand and come begging for talks.
So what does Kayani plan to do? Wipe out the TTP? Well, he's been trying his darnedest since the past half a decade but has come a cropper so far. Does he intend to now nuke them? :lol: I don't see any other way how he can 'punish' them! :cheesy:

It will be difficult to eliminate them completely as long as they will be getting training, money and weapons from neighboring countries.......and neighboring countries sleeper cells will be doing covert operations in Pakistan.:azn:
thank god he talked did he has tongue ?

remember buddy thr worst choice commando made just because he thought kiyani,s will power is astonishing, & was right in a sense?
bt he forgot the, greed of power, every human has built in? right
but his time is just ovet, so whtever he is saying, its just gone? or peoples behind him, are really pissed off?lolzzz

Pakistan army needs to send in death squads targetting these TTP zombies, eliminate top leaders and commanders, then they will understand and come begging for talks.

hope fully i ill be the one commanding , one agianst mullha sawati?
did put up my, request allready? though?lolzzz
Get a pair and grow a Spine General. Talk is cheap , just show me a 1000 or 2000 dead TTP's. If you cannot get the Job done then allow me the legal cover and I will get the job done. Stop Talking and show some action.

But the question is, are we ready for the consequence of this action....Homework, Subject and policy should be made before peace talk and the authorities should remain open the backup way too ... :coffee:
No I dont.. I hate Pakistan :)

Hate can get you what love can't. Its called migraine and it could be all for you to own. I wish you health but perhaps you've been insensitive to say these remarks. Be mindful please :)
Hate can get you what love can't. Its called migraine and it could be all for you to own. I wish you health but perhaps you've been insensitive to say these remarks. Be mindful please :)

damo-crazy ? difference of oppinion?lolzz?
Hay Batmannow,

Perhaps you quoted my post to reply somebody else or is that meant to be that irrelevant?

dear take it as you like?
long time no see?lolzz
but thats what really damocrazy means , right might is right? by putting small pice of papers in a small box, then taking it out, counting it?
dear take it as you like?
long yime no see?lolzz

I've been around but mostly reading. But sometimes when I find something which deserves a reply.. I do.

You say.. how's it been? You are located near Karachi? Has earthquakes been safe for you?

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