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‘Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam’

See how servile Vietnamese leadership begged China after that conflict.lol...A lapdog country searching for new masters after being deserted.lol..

In Defense of Socialism, 1990–1991

After the collapse of
socialist regimes in Eastern Europe, the VCP chief and defense minister
sought an ideological alliance with China.

As Party Chief Nguyen Van Linh explained to the Chinese ambassador to Vietnam on
June 5, 1990, the situation was marked by the West’s offensive to eliminate socialism
and concurrently the difficulties of the Soviet Union in defending socialism.

this situation, Linh concluded,“China should raise high the banner of
socialism and stick to Marxism-Leninism.”22 Linh and Defense Minister Le
Duc Anh hoped that China would take the leadership of the world’s
socialist forces; they indicated to the ambassador that they were ready
to meet Chinese leaders to discuss solidarity between the two states to
fight imperialism.


On September 2 that year,
Vietnam’s Independence Day, the party and government chiefs did not stay
in Hanoi to celebrate the 45th birthday of their state but instead flew
to Chengdu, China, for a secret summit with Chinese leaders, the first
since the mid-1970s.

The Vietnamese understood that their acceptance
of the time, place, and participants was a sign of deference to China.

included Vietnam’s elder statesman Pham Van Dong but not China’s
paramount leader Deng Xiaoping; Foreign Minister Thach was excluded.
During the meeting, the Vietnamese also let the Chinese dictate the
terms of negotiation;this should be seen against the background of a
decade-long hostility between the two countries.

The Vietnamese
had urgent reasons for taking this approach. At the time, the
counterweight of the Soviet Union was no longer available and Vietnam
was still isolated, regionally and globally. In China, Vietnam faced a
disproportionately powerful neighbor, and in order to prevent Chinese
aggression, Hanoi had to pay deference to Beijing. It appeared to be the
calculation of Pham Van
Dong and, to some extent, Prime Minister Do Muoi.

Yet, as discussed above, General Secretary Nguyen Van Linh had different concerns and priorities.
primary intention at Chengdu was to discuss how to protect socialism
from the West, led by the United States. Although the Chinese refused to
play the solidarity game, Linh and his successors over the next decade
kept trying to reestablish the Sino-Vietnamese relationship on an
ideological basis.

www.yale.edu/seas/Vuving.doc · DOC file
China sent merely 100.000 border garrison troops,the elite PLA were all stationed long the China Soivet border preparing for a full scale war with USSR.and the war only lasted for less than two weeks and in that short span of time the whole North Vietnam fell.it was too short to be called a war ,in China we just call it a short punitive expedition.and we destroyed your country's north territory.can you do the same in China?you can't even touch a grass on our side of the land.

US spy plane??lol..we would shoot them down if we saw them,like what we did for you so many time in US Vietnam war.and I don't know why you always bring up the war that you lost more than 30 years ago when China was even poorer and more ill equiped than Vietnam,PLA didnt' even have helmets at that time.but 30 years passed,China now has everything and the money.we don't even need to send troops and our airforce and missiles can bomb you back to stone age.

Chinese forces

On February 17,1979, a PRC force of about 200,000 supported by 200 Type 59, Type 62, and Type 63 tanks from the PRC People's Liberation Army (PLA) entered northern Vietnam.[22] The Chinese force consisted of units from the Kunming Military Region (later abolished), Chengdu Military Region, Wuhan Military Region (later abolished) and Guangzhou Military Region, but commanded by the headquarters of Kunming Military Region on the western front and Guangzhou Military Region in the eastern front.
Some troops engaged in this war, especially engineering units, railway corps, logistical units and antiaircraft units, had been assigned to assist Vietnam in its struggle against the United States just a few years earlier during the Vietnam War. Contrary to the belief that over 600,000 Chinese troops entered Vietnam, the actual number was only 200,000. However, 600,000 Chinese troops were mobilized, of which 200,000 were deployed away from their original bases during the one month conflict. Around 400 tanks (specifically Type 59s) were also deployed.
The Chinese troop deployments were observed by US spy satellites, and the KH-9 Big Bird photographic reconnaissance satellite played an important role.In his state visit to the US in 1979, the Chinese paramount leader Deng Xiaoping was presented with this information and asked to confirm the numbers. He replied that the information was completely accurate. After this public confirmation in the U.S., the domestic Chinese media were finally allowed to report on these deployments.

Chinese order of battle

1.Guangxi province of PRC:

Guangxi Direction (East Front) commanded by the Front Headquarter of Guangzhou Military Region in Nanning. Commander-Xu Shiyou, Political Commissar-Xiang Zhonghua, Chief of Staff-Zhou Deli
North Group: Commander-Ou Zhifu (Deputy Commander of Guangzhou Military Region)
41st Corps Commander-Zhang Xudeng, Political Commissar-Liu Zhanrong
121st Infantry Division Commander-Zheng Wenshui
122nd Infantry Division Commander-Li Xinliang
123rd Infantry Division Commander-Li Peijiang
South Group: Commander-Wu Zhong (Deputy Commander of Guangzhou Military Region)
42nd Corps Commander-Wei Huajie, Political Commissar-Xun Li
124th Infantry Division Commander-Gu Hui
125th Infantry Division
126th Infantry Division
East Group: Commander-Jiang Xieyuan (Deputy Commander of Guangzhou Military Region)
55th Corps Commander-Zhu Yuehua, Temporary Political Commissar-Guo Changzeng
163rd Infantry Division Commander-Bian Guixiang, Political Commissar-Wu Enqing, Chief of Staff-Xing Shizhong
164th Infantry Division Commander-Xiao Xuchu (also Deputy Commander of 55th Corps)
165th Infantry Division
1st Artillery Division
Reserve Group (came from Wuhan Military Region except 50th Corps from Chengdu Military Region), Deputy Commander-Han Huaizhi (Commander of 54th Corps)
43rd Corp Commander-Zhu Chuanyu, Temporary Political Commissar-Zhao Shengchang
127th Infantry Division Commander-Zhang Wannian (also as the Deputy Commander of 43rd Corps)
128th Infantry Division
129th Infantry Division
54th Corps Commander-Han Huaizhi (pluralism), Political Commissar-Zhu Zhiwei
160th Infantry Division (commanded by 41st Corp in this war) Commander-Zhang Zhixin, Political Commissar-Li Zhaogui
161st Infantry Division
162nd Infantry Division Commander-Li Jiulong
50th Corps Temporary Commander-Liu Guangtong, Political Commissar-Gao Xingyao
148th Infantry Division
150th Infantry Division
20th Corps (only dispatched the 58th Division into the war)
58th Infantry Division (commanded by the 50th Corps during the war)
Guangxi Military Region (as a provincial military region) Commander-Zhao Xinran Chief of Staff-Yin Xi
1st Regiment of Frontier Defense in Youyiguan Pass
2nd Regiment of Frontier Defense in Baise District
3rd Regiment of Frontier Defense in Fangcheng County
The Independent Infantry Division of Guangxi Military Region
Air Force of Guangzhou Military Region (armed patrol in the sky of Guangxi, did not see combat)
7th Air Force Corp
13th Air Force Division (aerotransport unit came from Hubei province)
70th Antiaircraft Artillery Division
The 217 Fleet of South Sea Fleet
8th Navy Aviation Division
The Independent Tank Regiment of Guangzhou Military Region
83rd Bateau Boat Regiment
84th Bateau Boat Regiment

2.Yunnan province of PRC:

Yunnan Direction (the West Front) commanded by the Front Headquarter of Kunming Military Region in Kaiyuan. Commander-Yang Dezhi, Political Commissar-Liu Zhijian, Chief of Staff-Sun Ganqing
11th Corp(consisted of two divisions) Commander-Chen Jiagui, Political Commissar-Zhang Qi
31st Infantry Division
32nd Infantry Division
13th Corps(camed from Chengdu Military Region) Commander-Yan Shouqing, Political Commissar-Qiao Xueting
37th Infantry Division
38th Infantry Division
39th Infantry Division
14th Corp Commander-Zhang Jinghua, Political Commissar-Fan Xinyou
40th Infantry Division
41st Infantry Division
42nd Infantry Division
149th Infantry Division (from Chengdu Military Region, belonged to 50th Corps, assigned to Yunnan Direction during the war)
Yunnan Military Region (as a provincial military region)
11th Regiment of Frontier Defense in Maguan County
12th Regiment of Frontier Defense in Malipo County
13th Regiment of Frontier Defense in
14th Regiment of Frontier Defense in
The Independent Infantry Division of Yunnan Military Region commanded by 11th Corps in the war
65th Antiaircraft Artillery Division
4th Artillery Division
Independent Tank Regiment of Kunming Military Region
86th Bateau Boat Regiment
23rd Logistic Branch consisted of five army service stations, six hospitals, eleven medical establishments)
17th Automobile Regiment commanded by 13th Corps during the war
22nd Automobile Regiment
5th Air Force Corps
44th Air Force Division (fighter unit)
Independent unit of 27th Air Force Division
15th Air Force Antiaircraft Artillery Division
Just for the record , Vietnam got hammered from all sides due to

North Vietnam attacking South Vietnam effectively wiping off 1-1.5 million Vietnamese

Then , Communist Vietnam attacked China ally Cambodia.

for which China got a nod from United states before it attacked Vietnam, so without US I don't believe China would have done what it did.

Nevertheless , There is nothing to be proud of facing off a giant countries and a superpower , in reality its foolish and people of Vietnam paid a heavy price for the their leader's misadventure.

I think, China asked for US's approval, if China ever asked for it, so that the Soviet Empire would not be able to intervene. Otherwise, Vietnam is too weak a country to be completely overrun by China within hours.
regular military exercise in China may also last for 2 weeks,it's good for Chinese military,to get some first hand fighting experience.maybe good for Vietnamese army as well,only bad for Vietnamese civilians I guess..

Freedom is not free .

perhaps, but there nothing to proud off!!, in reality you lost , china and US wanted to teach you a lesson , slap up top to bottom and they did at the cost of millions dead .. show some respect to people who gave their life rather than sitting and bragging about how you won the war.
See how servile Vietnamese leadership begged China after that conflict.lol...A lapdog country searching for new masters after being deserted.lol..
At that time, we completely killed and captured all bad over sea Chinese in VN-Laos-Cam, set up pro Vn govt. in Laos-Camb, all China got from us were just few cheap hollow words that not even worth 5 cent :P
Wombat said:
perhaps, but there nothing to proud off!!, in reality you lost , china and US wanted to teach you a lesson , slap up top to bottom and they did at the cost of millions dead .. show some respect to people who gave their life rather than sitting and bragging about how you won the war.
Its depend on where did you born and where are young living. If you were born in North Korea,or some where else under US's sanction you will hope that once day your countries will defeat US like what Vn did and get rid of its sanction that make your family starve to death .
I suggest that we should keep those regular military exercises and let our soldiers get more first hand fighting experience and test our new weapons and don't give them time and space to build their economy.we can keep them dirt poor if we want.
perhaps, but there nothing to proud off!!, in reality you lost , china and US wanted to teach you a lesson , slap up top to bottom and they did at the cost of millions dead .. show some respect to people who gave their life rather than sitting and bragging about how you won the war.

Your comment is correct on relation between USA and China.
china invaded in to Vietnam, there was revenge attack on Vietnam for his new master Uncle Sam. From a time china begged US to permit her change his policy position from Soviet to USA.
A lapdog country China searching for new masters after being deserted by USSR 1969.lol..
I suggest that we should keep those regular military exercises and let our soldiers get more first hand fighting experience and test our new weapons and don't give them time and space to build their economy.we can keep them dirt poor if we want.

It is true mentality of idiot Chinese.
I wonder about you one Manchu boy, you troll very hardly with your hilarious ideas when Manchuria is disappear from China map.
ha,we kick USSR and US at same time,苏修 and 美帝.We are not like you puppy dog,US presidents came to China in 1971 through pingpong diplomacy and begge China to normalize relations. but anyway we are biggest player on the world stage,you are just tiny paws to be used by us.
I suggest that we should keep those regular military exercises and let our soldiers get more first hand fighting experience and test our new weapons and don't give them time and space to build their economy.we can keep them dirt poor if we want.
So, u and ur Chinese friends here should join your army and form an volunteer troops to fight with us now with us coz No one in PLA now wanna get headshot by us any more:P

Sorry,to tell the Truth that your PLA soldiers now is just a bunch of coward, hope some of you here can change something when joining it :lol:
ha,we kick USSR and US at same time,苏修 and 美帝.We are not like you puppy dog,US presidents came to China in 1971 through pingpong diplomacy and begge China to normalize relations. but anyway we are biggest player on the world stage,you are just tiny paws to be used by us.
You kicked US like this ??:lol:
does a random photo really mean that much to you,haha,pathetic,does this one mean US is bowing down to China.funny logic ,haha
does a random photo really mean that much to you,haha,pathetic,does this one mean US is bowing down to China.funny logic ,haha
But Mr. Obama is taller, it seems like he showed some respect to the shorter. When Mr. Deng was too short already, and he still bowed down to his white master :lol:

btw: when can u and ur friend join your PLA to make some change there ??
‘Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam’ By Nick Turse
By JOHN TIRMAN, Saturday,
January 26, 8:28 AM

they did the casualties of that war

Deaths caused by the American military

Rummel estimated that American forces committed around 5,500 democidal killings between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[19] The Phoenix Program, a counterinsurgency program executed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States special operations forces, and the Republic of Vietnam's security apparatus, killed 26,369 suspected NLF operatives and informants.[20][21] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 35,000[22] to 182,000.[23] American bombing in Cambodia killed at least 40,000 combatants and civilians.[24]

Agent Orange was used by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. Vietnam's government claimed that 400,000 people were killed or maimed as a result of after effects, and that 500,000 children were born with birth defects.[25]

German historian Bernd Greiner mentions the following war crimes reported, and/or investigated by the Peers Commission and the Vietnam War Crimes Working Group, among other sources [26]:
- Seven massacres officially confirmed by the American side. My Lai (4) and My Khe (4) claimed the largest number of victims with 420 and 90 respectively, and in five other places altogether about 100 civilians were executed.
- Two further massacres were reported by soldiers who had taken part in them, one north of Duc Pho in Quang Ngai Province in the summer of 1968 (14 victims), another in Binh Dinh province on 20 July 1969 (25 victims).
- Tiger Force, a special operations forces, murdered hundreds, possibly over a thousand, civilians.
- An unknown number of civilians were killed by gunship crews who attacked civilians at low altitude. Some observers estimated that casualties may have been in the low thousands.
- In the course of large-scale operations an unknown number of non-combatants were killed either accidentally or deliberately – with some estimating more than 5,000 allegedly died in the course of Operation Speedy Express. Excluding deaths from artillery and air attacks, the total number of victims may have reached tens of thousands during the entire war.
- Murders of POWs and other violent crimes such as torture and rape were described as "Standard Operating Procedure" by a considerable number of veterans.
- According to the 'Information Bureau of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam' (PRG), between April 1968 and the end of 1970 American ground troops killed about 6,500 civilians in the course of twenty-one operations either on their own or alongside their allies. Three of the massacres reported on the American side were not mentioned on the PRG list.

Vietnam War casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

casualties ratio of almost 100-1 in favour of america

At the end the american left vietnam due to political pressure at home and feb up of seeing the horror of viet cong dead bodies
U.S is too strong to us to fight face to face with its solders,so we couldn't stop its mass killing to protect our civilians . Anyway, we won even the cost of the glory was too high.

Even China is still being bulled by US day after day in TW and the surrounding water ,so people can see how special our army is:coffee:

Don't know why some cheap websites rank China as No 3 military in the world when its army has Poor train, inexperience,low morale and totally has Nothing special.

vietnam is probally the most shameful country on earth no other country in the world has been colonised twice:rofl:
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