this is a Nawaz League stunt
the Meryam Nawaz Bibi group comes with such antics
they are on collision course with the state institutions.
your reference to Abdul Aziz is valid
after all a procession was launched from his Red Mosque terror den in support of Nawaz league and against the participants of PAT & PTI in the Islamabad sit in few years back.
looking at the flag post one can tell that it was not just posted in 5 minutes. it would have taken a while to bring ladder or to reach the poll top and hoist the flag. or even if it was done already on a poll then transporting and installing that poll would have taken enough time for someone to identify the culprits.
I suspect that the culprits must have had cover and support of local Nawaz league thugs from Hanif Abassi or Lal Masjid.