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Khamenei said Iran helped and will help any organisation who fight Israel

zionists are a problem of arabs...not for persians, not for turks....

it would be wise of you guys to leave it to the arabs to sort it out among themselves and you continue with your affairs...arabs have taken you people for a ride and you are too steeped to realize it...

No, it is zionists who wants to reshape the middleast, creating a Kurdish state, invading countries. Israel and USA are the biggest problem of Turks and Iranians.
the people also want the Mullahs to go , the massive protests against the govt. in the previous years are a clear proof of this all of which were brutally crushed . You Turks are lucky not be ruled by the kind of tyrants Iran is ruled by , but you should wish well for Iran that it gets a system like the one that your country has soon . That is what Persians are waiting for .

About handling Israel and USA , an elected democratic govt in free elections can also do the same effectively . Persians have the required resolve for that . They dont necessarily need the Mullahs to do it for them .
You don't need to teach others what is going on in Iran.I am an Iranian,i live in Iran and i know better than you what is going on here.In 2009 protests,People only protested the government and reelection of Mahmood Ahmadinejad.not the whole system.majority of Iranians support the IR.
there are protesters in every other country.I bet in India,there are at least 100 million Indians who oppose current government policies.
You better care about India not Iran.i assure you the moment people of Iran want the IR to go ,it won't even take a year for them to reach their goal.
there are protesters in every other country.I bet in India,there are at least 100 million Indians who oppose current government policies.
Worst ! It just that the Indians have a tendency to act like saints and the torch bearers of human rights despite what the hell goes in their country ...
UNO Human rights commission asked Iran to free journalists
You know what answered Larijani?
"We don't want Human rights in Iran"

but you surely your crap says human rights are not important for Iranians ... go on you're so interesting

Why dont they ever bother to look into the human rights record of Israel ? :azn: Or UNO only cares about human rights in muslim countries ?
Why dont they ever bother to look into the human rights record of Israel ? :azn: Or UNO only cares about human rights in muslim countries ?
all of them.
in the same time i see some people believe than because they are muslims they should defend the dictatorships in muslim countries
ad even some people use our prophet name or God to say they are smart to do so
as if our religion was againsst the rights of people :(
at least Israelians don't put in their constitution that Muslims are ennemies of Judaism
and Israliens don't kill Israelians like Hamas kills its own people: let me give you one exemple since you dont know much of the facts
6 march 2004: two palestinians policemen are killed by Hamas members
it happened many times

So its fine if you keep killing people without mentioning them as enemies in your charter/constitution ? :azn: Atleast , we do it openly and not back stab nor be a fake secular state ...

Hussein stop this bull **** ... Israel has killed thousands of muslims since it came to its existence ... Can you only find the death of 2 protesters who probably were killed by mistake/accident ? Is that a sign that you are finding it difficult to defend the Zionists ?
So its fine if you keep killing people without mentioning them as enemies in your charter/constitution ? :azn: Atleast , we do it openly and not back stab nor be a fake secular state ...

Hussein stop this bull **** ... Israel has killed thousands of muslims since it came to its existence ... Can you only find the death of 2 protesters who probably were killed by mistake/accident ? Is that a sign that you are finding it difficult to defend the Zionists ?
what is this obsession with Israel?
this is Iran thread.

this is a very sick view many of you have in this forum:
because of Israel , Iran should keep living in a dictatorship. what a logic!
what is this obsession with Israel?
this is Iran thread.

this is a very sick view many of you have in this forum:
because of Israel , Iran should keep living in a dictatorship. what a logic!

Yes , if you haven't noticed , this thread also mentions Israel ...

The people of Iran should live in whatever way they want to , nobody should tell a person whats good for him right ?
Just because you dont like the Ayatollahs , means that you have to defend the zionists ? :azn:
Yes , if you haven't noticed , this thread also mentions Israel ...

The people of Iran should live in whatever way they want to , nobody should tell a person whats good for him right ?
Just because you dont like the Ayatollahs , means that you have to defend the zionists ? :azn:
i am tired to explain hundred times the same matters
when people like you don't even check my posts to have already a picture of me that is pleasant to your hatred

Ayatollah? my wife 's family has one ayatollah ! i many times met many famous ayatollahs in Iran .
So i am not going to get any lesson from you about religion or about religioous people in Iran . i don't think they are so many people even inside Iran who know very well "the world" of ayatollahs.
That's a misunderstand about Iran: there are some ayatollahs who are not anymore doing religion but politics. not speaking about fake ayatollahs (became by politic activity, like Khamenei).
There are like any religion some good and bad guys . Personnaly i always had a great respect for Montazeri. I admire Sistani .

Sistani, the most important shia authority , said it should not mix politic and religion.
don't get it?
Khamenei a fake ayatollah is having a total power. He chooses the candidates, he chooses the major, he chooses the justice, he chooses everything in the country. He calls for killing people in the streets in a friday prayer .
you can admire it if you want in Pakistan but we don't like him, except some people who take benefits of him, like the only Iranians to discuss politics inside Iran.
Khamenei a fake ayatollah is having a total power. He chooses the candidates, he chooses the major, he chooses the justice, he chooses everything in the country. He calls for killing people in the streets in a friday prayer .
source plz
i am tired to explain hundred times the same matters
when people like you don't even check my posts to have already a picture of me that is pleasant to your hatred

Ayatollah? my wife 's family has one ayatollah ! i many times met many famous ayatollahs in Iran .
So i am not going to get any lesson from you about religion or about religioous people in Iran . i don't think they are so many people even inside Iran who know very well "the world" of ayatollahs.
That's a misunderstand about Iran: there are some ayatollahs who are not anymore doing religion but politics. not speaking about fake ayatollahs (became by politic activity, like Khamenei).
There are like any religion some good and bad guys . Personnaly i always had a great respect for Montazeri. I admire Sistani .

Sistani, the most important shia authority , said it should not mix politic and religion.
don't get it?
Khamenei a fake ayatollah is having a total power. He chooses the candidates, he chooses the major, he chooses the justice, he chooses everything in the country. He calls for killing people in the streets in a friday prayer .
you can admire it if you want in Pakistan but we don't like him, except some people who take benefits of him, like the only Iranians to discuss politics inside Iran.

By calling everytime Ayatollah khamenei a fake ayatollah does not prove your argument. May be Ayatollah Sistani doesnt agree to mix the politics and relegion with the view of Ayatollah Khomenei. But what matters is that the majority of Ulemas and iranians accept the view of Imam khomenei.

Anyways Ayatollah Sistani also dont believe in direct involvemnet in the goverment. but he thinks in indirect involvement of any widely accepted religious figure.
source plz
yeah sure there is a source in Iran saying it . :hitwall:

he became ayatollah by the favor being near Khomeini, even some ayatollahs say today Khomeini didn't like him so much.

for being marja taghlid you should give your rasaleh
and you know that for being the spiritual leader you need to be marja taghlid
Khamenei didn't publish any rasalah before he became marja taghlid !
and as explained : it is impossible to become marja taghlid without giving this rasaleh

got it?

---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------

By calling everytime Ayatollah khamenei a fake ayatollah does not prove your argument. May be Ayatollah Sistani doesnt agree to mix the politics and relegion with the view of Ayatollah Khomenei. But what matters is that the majority of Ulemas and iranians accept the view of Imam khomenei.

Anyways Ayatollah Sistani also dont believe in direct involvemnet in the goverment. but he thinks in indirect involvement of any widely accepted religious figure.
Khomeini is not Khamenei
you mix people
yeah sure there is a source in Iran saying it . :hitwall:

he became ayatollah by the favor being near Khomeini, even some ayatollahs say today Khomeini didn't like him so much.

for being marja taghlid you should give your rasaleh
and you know that for being the spiritual leader you need to be marja taghlid
Khamenei didn't publish any rasalah before he became marja taghlid !
and as explained : it is impossible to become marja taghlid without giving this rasaleh

got it?

---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------

Khomeini is not Khamenei
you mix people

I think to be a marja risala is not important. It is the level of knowledge you have that makes you to the level of Ijtahad. You can see the example of Ayatollah Behjat. One of the great scholars, also known to be as great arif. He also dont have risala for many years. when people insisted him then he made his risala.

Ayatollah Sistani Praises Pivotal Role of Imam Khamenei
Posted by Reporter
Wednesday, 05 January 2011 16:30

Senior Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani in a meeting with Iranian political figures stressed and lauded the important and pivotal role played by Imam Khamenei in maintaining unity and integrity in Iran and the Muslim world.
Secretary-General of the Islamic Coalition (Mo'talefeh) Party Mohammad Nabi Habibi, who has just had a meeting with Ayatollah Sistani in Iraq, said, "Ayatollah Sistani said all those who want to work for Islam and Muslims should concentrate all their efforts on the axis of religious guardianship."
"And he repeated this sentence twice," Habibi continued.
Habibi said during the meeting, Ayatollah Sistani spoke highly of Imam Khamenei and was much respectful of him in his words.
"He used 'master' as a word of reference to Imam Khamenei" the same word that the Iranian Leader's followers and lovers use when they want to call him.
Habibi said when he asked Ayatollah Sistani to make a recommendation for Iran, he said, "I am like a general practitioner for Iran and other Muslim states and I am not entitled to deal with specialized affairs when it comes to Iran and you must ask a specialist."
Ali Hosseini Sistani is the Grand Ayatollah of Iraq. He was born in Mashhad, Iran, c.1930. Al-Sistani is the most important Shiite leader in Iraq.
He is the official religious leader of Iraqi Shiites and the most respected scholar in the holy city of Najaf, where he controls a powerful faction at the Hawza Seminary.
If Iran is attacked , then how will Shia in Afghanistan (who are in bed with US) will react ? or Pakistani Shia like MQM or ANP who are with US? It might delay NATO exit from Afghanistan and making US friends unhappy in Pakistan.
If Iran is attacked , then how will Shia in Afghanistan (who are in bed with US) will react ? or Pakistani Shia like MQM or ANP who are with US? It might delay NATO exit from Afghanistan and making US friends unhappy in Pakistan.

MQM and ANP are not religious parties. They are ethnic parties.
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