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Khamenei: No Arab State Can Stand Iran's Power for One Week

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You should at least learn from the mistakes of your previous enemy when he underestimated your strengths, yet you are here repeating his mistake. I hope Iranian generals don't have the same mindset as you guys here.

Clearly the Supreme Leader does :woot:
HAHAHAHA OMG LMAO. Khameni HAHAHAHAHA. OMG and you wonder why we hate you guys :rofl:. HAHAHAHA Iran being Iran the joke of the world. Barking left and right like a mad dog but with one nose slap from a newspaper it will go away crying.

See everyone....See everyone why we don't like Iran???. If a war happens Iran won't last a few days let alone a week.

c'mon you SOBs C'mooooooon. What the hell are you waiting for??? Make your move now C'mooooooooon. I will be the first volunteer if a war was to happen so C'moooooooooon already.

what !? say it again ...
HAHAHAHA OMG LMAO. Khameni HAHAHAHAHA. OMG and you wonder why we hate you guys :rofl:. HAHAHAHA Iran being Iran the joke of the world. Barking left and right like a mad dog but with one nose slap from a newspaper it will go away crying.

See everyone....See everyone why we don't like Iran???. If a war happens Iran won't last a few days let alone a week.

c'mon you SOBs C'mooooooon. What the hell are you waiting for??? Make your move now C'mooooooooon. I will be the first volunteer if a war was to happen so C'moooooooooon already.
the real face of you.
The moment usa joins in i believe russia and china will come to iran's aid but i dont believe usa would directly get involved

China wont get involved, as its policy as...
But Russia might get involved, which will make USA think twice, but without doubt, USA has a more powerfull navy than Russia..
Russia have 1 carrier, and USA have 11 !!

Passivity is enough ...

Meaning? Cant get u mate
I like Iran but such statements vindicate Arab's Government Position towards Iran's Nuclear Program.
Oh I am sorry I forgot he was holy.....

He is their supreme leader after all.

In all honesty, the gulf countries alone could take on Iran. I am not saying this out of bias, but this is what I believe. And then if you combine all Arab states together, Egypt and Saudi Arabia alone (together) have a higher standing than Iran.


In any confrontation between the GCC and Iran you might as well add the U.S., Britian, and France with the GCC.







Oh look at you guys. Even Khameni is trolling us not just the Iranians in this forum. You guys call us racial slurs such as "Camels" and such and degrade us. And say we are superior to you in every way and then when I don't accept those statements it is racism from my part. Really amazing.

racism !!! who said arab arab arab arab arab arab arab !!!???

Instead of islam !?




Iran has a huge arsenal of missiles both medium and short range (the whole GCC are under Iranian missile range), which gives Iran a small/huge boost.

Overall, GGC alone is a menace for Iran. But if you combine all Arab states... oh my.
then I will be happy to kill you at the first day. how will you attack us? maybe malek AbodAllah (excuse me malek abdolshaitan)
will attack us by his fat belly? :rofl:

And he is going to Squash you by it. Did you see that thing?? Its huuuge man.
Not to mention, if you add Yemen to the GGC, they will get a huge troop boost.
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