Khalistan!! Nothing, but a wet dream for some Pakistanis while others are trying hard to keep the sanity intact and survive the massive onslaught of Taliban and Talibanisation of the society.
Some one from Pakistan, earlier in this thread posted as you sow so shall you reap for India.
Irony, a word too mild.
AK47 handed down to militia, to attack the Soviets in Afghanistan and Indian Punjab in 80s to Kashmir in 90s continues till Ajmal Kasab.
With reference to the topic, yes, there were media reports. (Thank god for our free media which provide us our daily dose of news and entertainment under the flashing banner Breaking News) well reported in all possible media. If not to inform, then at least to fill blank news prints and empty pauses in 24 hours channels. But then again, India never had a proactive Home Minister after Sardar Patel till Mr. Chidambaram. His proactive team might have resulted in this report.
If the report is true, then Khalistan dossier being dug out for resurrection, across out western border. After all, what use is a terrorist, who does not terrorize? BKI -Wadhawa Singh, has been a honoured guest for a very long time and its time that he shows gratitude to his hosts.
So some people expect that person like Wadhawa Singh a Sikh would stand up and demand the creation of Khalistan to protect the Sikh community of India from an inhuman India. Would it not be ironic that the demand will be directed to the Government of India headed by a Sikh Gentleman? It is prudent to use stuff before expiry date. If not a boom even a fizzle will create some fun.
Can one society hate another to such extend that their collective intelligence is not able to see the obvious that the flooding of automatic weapon to group of civilians, who can be easily impressed and radicalized to fight India can turn their weapon back on them, some day?
Now you have gangs of people armed to the teeth, untrained in any skill to earn their livelihood, except pulling the trigger, which brings them their daily bread. It does not matter whether you call them good Taliban or bad Taliban.
Like one of my fellow citizen, who also happens to be a Sikh posted earlier in this thread, we as Indians have great regret for the Punjab episode of 80s. We also regret that we allowed the same to be gleefully abated and enjoyed by Pakistan. We also have great regret that we have not learned from past experience and continue to suffer at the hands of Pakistani trained terrorists and militants.
We also have great regret that Pakistan have not learned from past experience and continue to suffer at the hands of terrorists and militants trained by the elite, ruling class as part of state policy.
Call it a rant, but the fact remains that Khalistan remains a wet dream for some Pakistanis. Enjoy it while it lasts.