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Key Pak witness quizzed in 26/11 Mumbai attacks trial

You should see what is happening right now, to comment like this. The fact that Pakistani investigation agencies agreed to investigate 26/11 culprits is a huge achievement for our south block guys.
You need to find the culprits and punish them and if Pakistani authorities are doing it , then you have to support them. This move by Pakistan is a result of diplomacy.

You are dealing with Pakistan not with a terror group, there are rules and protocols to follow when you are dealing with a state. Blaming a state will not get you anything.

Then you are incredibly optimistic; whle I'm not. I live in the real world, not in "Never-Never land" with Peter Pan.
You are more likely to see Pigs fly; before you wll see any resolution of justice in this matter. :laugh:
I wish you luck, ROFL.
Have they even investigated the murders of their own leaders??? You neither read nor understood my earlier post.
Then you are incredibly optimistic; whle I'm not. I live in the real world, not in "Never-Never land" with Peter Pan.
You are more likely to see Pigs fly; before you wll see any resolution of justice in this matter. :laugh:
I wish you luck, ROFL.
Have they even investigated the murders of their own leaders??? You neither read nor understood my earlier post.

Can you suggest a solution to this other than All out Nuclear war??

If not you better keep quite.
Can you suggest a solution to this other than All out Nuclear war??

If not you better keep quite.

LOLLLLLL; Who TF is talking about all out Nuclear War????
Are you also one of the other "Whackos" here on PDF who walk about with "Atami Bums" in their pockets?
I am only talking about "Pigs Flying" !!!!! Just keep a sharp look-out for them.......

And btw; look up the spelling of 'quiet'........
LOLLLLLL; Who TF is talking about all out Nuclear War????
Are you also one of the other "Whackos" here on PDF who walk about with "Atami Bums" in their pockets?
I am only talking about "Pigs Flying" !!!!! Just keep a sharp look-out for them.......

And btw; look up the spelling of 'quiet'........

What kind of rant is this?? or are you trying to intimidate me with your pathetic tantrums???

If you have no answer to my question you better not rant here.
What kind of rant is this?? or are you trying to intimidate me with your pathetic tantrums???

If you have no answer to my question you better not rant here.

Funny guy! when did Nukes come in the picture here? Till you brought them in.
The thread is about a trial taking place in Pakistan, where a witness has testified. Wake yourself up when the Trial is completed; then start a thread here to tell us all the verdict. :sleep:

In the meanwhile keep looking above your head to see the Pigs Flying in the Sky.

Now think which of those things will happen first:
a. Pigs flying in the sky.
b. a verdict serving justice in the 26/11 case.
c. none of the above.

Good Luck. :pleasantry:
You can see the entire discussion and see who is funny here. With all those funny emotions and rants.

When one tends to loose the argument then he will throw some funny tantrums or abuses and try to find an escape route which you are doing right now. You are the one who are sidelining the discussion here.

Wake up from your La la land and deal with reality. Diplomacy along with pressure is the best way forward, you have no idea what is happening here.
I tell you what happens next, You will think some more time and try to come back into the discussion to defend your funny rants and tantrums here .... :lol:

Funny guy! when did Nukes come in the picture here? Till you brought them in.
The thread is about a trial taking place in Pakistan, where a witness has testified. Wake yourself up when the Trial is completed; then start a thread here to tell us all the verdict. :sleep:

In the meanwhile keep looking above your head to see the Pigs Flying in the Sky.

Now think which of those things will happen first:
a. Pigs flying in the sky.
b. a verdict serving justice in the 26/11 case.
c. none of the above.

Good Luck. :pleasantry:
Trail in court to be successful needs made few players to work fair. These players are 1) Police (In making sure they are invoking the right laws and filling the evidence correctly 2) Lawyers (Making sure they argue the case correctly. It is very much possible to get a not guilty ruling from court in 100% solid case if both police and lawyers or either botch up the case. The same thing was done in case of Hafiz Saeed, they filed wrong case and got acquittal. The fate of this trial is already know, we know it is doing to die just waiting for the formalities. The attitude of Pakistan in this case is try to find loopholes and drag the case, try to create conspiracy theory or try to promote them etc. There is zero hope of anything happening because the person involved has links with too many people and they cannot expose them at all.

Now in case of investigation police has to act swiftly and collect evidence, now if they see this case as tarnishing the image of their country and they have to help the culprits. It is not very hard to do so and this is what it looks to be happening. The plot was planned in Pakistan and their police have done no attempt to unearth the case.
It was their police a.k.a ISI who provided infrastructure, planned and executed the whole thing. :lol:

Seriously does the stupidity never end in pdf ? ............it is a carnival of Morons.

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