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Key Afghan Taliban commander killed in drone strike: sources

Just don't be sorry and make it too personal . TTP wont go and will stand back of its rights.

What rights does TTP have and what people does TTP represent? Elaborate.
Do you even know which area the current leadership of TTP hail from?
We're no different than anyone else. Look at Pakistan.... One hand out collecting money, the other stabbing us in the back.:usflag:
Majority of Americans think that Pakistan has backstabbed them and majority of Pakistanis think that US has backstabbed them, however, the reality lies in between these two extreme views.
We're no different than anyone else. Look at Pakistan.... One hand out collecting money, the other stabbing us in the back.:usflag:

I guess you are right here.....

Care to elaborate on the highlighted part?

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was our blue eyed boy during and after the Afghan /Soviet war, at that time Mullah Omer was a young man (in his early 20s), and was just an ordinary foot soldier.

Welll OBL was america's blue eyed boy during soviet invasion.....
Welll OBL was america's blue eyed boy during soviet invasion.....
Nair, with all due respect, that's just propaganda by the left loonies, Islamists, and Communists. The fact of the matter is CIA was not running the show on day to day basis it was actually the ISI.

CIA had no direct contacts with the so-called Mujahedeen's and the fact is, Osama became little famous in 1987, when he fought the Soviets near a village called Jaji, other than that, Osama bin Laden was no big shot at that time and did not play any important role in that war, basically he was just another filthy rich Wahabi Arab with a briefcase full of money and a desire to spread Wahhabism.

To understand the Afghan/Soviet war and CIA’s role in it, please read, Afghanistan THE BEAR TRAP, 1992 (the defeat of a Superpower) by Mohammed Yousuf & Mark Adkin, . Brig. Yousuf was selected personally by General Akhtar, the head of ISI to head its Afghan Bureau, a post he held from 1983 to 1987.

There is a chapter in that book called “the role of the CIA” on page number 81, Brig. Yousuf writes “the CIA supported the mujahedin by spending the American taxpayers money, billions of dollars over the years, on buying arms, ammunition and equipment. It was their secret arms procurement branch that was kept busy.

It was however, a cardinal rule of Pakistan's policy that no American ever become involved with the distribution of funds or arms. Once they arrived in the country. No American ever trained, or had direct contact with, the mujahedin, and no American official ever went inside of Afghanistan. To my knowledge this last was only broken once for Congressman Charles Wilson, as related previously, against the explicit orders of Pres. Zia. To admit Americans directly into the system of supply and training would not only have led to chaos but would have proved the communist propaganda correct.

All along, the Soviets, and their Afghan agents in KHAD, endeavoured to subvert the Mujahedin supporters and families by claiming they were not fighting a jihad, but merely doing the dirty work of, and dying for, the US.”
Deserved departure of cockroach

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