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Kerry’s soft line on Pakistan a sore subject

The article is coming from Hindu.com , the hate and jealousy from the other side shows in it, as usual. The article is probably biased and thus not credible. The Indian standard of journalism is quite low.
Indians are always usually mad about something associated with Pakistan.
Let them go on with their obsessed lives I say...

Their obsession with Pakistan has reached the point of being mentally insane. This is site is just one little example of it.

Speech on first day of visit focuses on energy, attention on terrorism reference in meeting with Khurshid on Monday

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry avoided associating Pakistan with terrorism and instead advised India to deepen bilateral trade ties with its neighbour. On his first visit after taking over as Secretary of State, Mr. Kerry hoped the two countries build up enough trust to start investing in each other’s economies so that “others could invest in you,” he said in a reference to the hostility between the two countries that keeps many potential investors away.

Mr. Kerry arrived here for the fourth Indo-US Strategic Dialogue that is chaired by the foreign ministers of both countries. Departing from his predecessor Hillary Clinton’s line of commiserating with the victims of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, he opted to sympathise with the victims of the Uttarakhand flash floods instead.

His stance on India-Pakistan ties, articulated during a 45-minute speech this evening, left Indian diplomats displeased because Mr. Kerry has the perception of being soft on Pakistan unlike Ms. Clinton. Diplomats will now wait for the joint statement to be released after his strategic dialogue with External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid on Monday to see if it will mention “safe havens of terrorism”, a euphemism to anti-Kabul elements based in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas such as South Waziristan and Khyber on the Af-Pak border.

Mr. Kerry also said improved India-Pakistan ties are a catalyst for promoting regional trade and connectivity, which in turn could turn around Afghanistan’s fortunes. Last year, India-Pakistan trade had gone up by 21 per cent, but Mr. Kerry said there was still a long way to go. Both countries have had an acrimonious past but there is a new leadership in place in Islamabad which has indicated that economical revival is its number one priority. This approach could mark the “beginning of a new era” and “hopefully improve trust.” While half of his speech was devoted to clean energy and how India needs to be proactive, Mr. Kerry also touched on Afghanistan. India and the U.S. differ on holding talks with the Taliban leadership.

Mr. Kerry sought to draw New Delhi’s attention to next year’s presidential elections in Afghanistan that could mark the first-ever peaceful transition of leadership in recent history. The U.S. wants Taliban to renounce violence, break its ties with Al Qaida and accept the Afghan Constitution before any settlement with the group could be taken up, he said.

Link - Kerry

what did a tough stand on Pakistan got Ms. Clinton, seven month of blockade. Kerry is not as dumb as that has been bimbo
Same old $hit from 1700 AD.

British East Company was able to pit one Indian Raja against the other.

150 years later, the whole damned region was under British control.

Fast forward to 2013, two of the largest rajas aka Indian Raja and Pakistani Raja are sucking up to yet another power,

Putting each other down in front of yet another gora power.

Of these two rajas, Indian Raja is 7 times bigger population wise, and 12-15 times bigger budget wise.

And yet this Indian Raja is so pathetic, so miskeen, so gharib, tghat it begs, lifts dhoti in front of America

crying, weeping, screaming in front of Americans, that please save me from this Pakistani raja.

Pakistani raja marta hai mujhay, bachao bachao.

this is so pathetic, so very Indian.

That a 7 feet tall goes crying from post to pillar that a 4 foot midget should be declared terrorist.

Americans don't say this on the face of it,

but in private they laugh their @rse off at this eunuch behavior of Indians.

May be this should be blamed on the caste mentality, where lower caste member aka Indian diplomats must beg and plead in front of upper caste member aka America.

But then the same fing Indian diplomats hate to "seriously" resolve mutual issues with the lower caste Pakistani diplomats.

This is how castes in India have forked each other for centuries. So what's knew.

Indians don't even realize that they should have a heart big enough, and a back bone strong enough to setup mutual communication offices in addition to embassies where the two monitor the border together, and take care of any SOB Talib@stards who may threaten either Pakistan or India.

But sadly Indians will remain diplomatically challenged when it comes to Pakistan.

same old 200 years old rhetoric, same old raja mentality that allowed even small bands of war lords to show up in Indian heartlands of UP and Bihar and rule the Indian @rses (and by extension Pakistani @rses) for 1000s of years.

You put down Pakistani raja, kill it, maim it, destroy its economy, but then karma will get your @rse in 2150 AD, and you too will be the slave being ruled by Chinese. But Indian raja won't understand until it is too late.

Too late to bring back the old glory.

Pathetic see Pathetic do.

Shameless turds.

Sad to say.

Same old, same old nonsense. You Pakistanis have deluded yourselves into thinking India is some lap-dog of the West and then propagate this allover the web. There is simply no evidence to back this up otherwise India is the first lap-dog in history to kick US fighter jets out of one of the largest defence deals of modern times, continue trading with Iran despite US sanctions against Iran, vote against US in the UNSC more times than ANY nation, include nuclear liability regulations that effectively bar US nuclear firms from setting up shop in India, get the nuke agreement from the US and sign multi-billion civilian nuke power plant deals with France and Russia etc etc

Want to see some cold hard truth?

Watch both in full- if you would.

Comparing India to Pakistan when it comes to their US relations is absurd. India receives 0 military aid from the US, India doesn't have US drone strikes happening on a daily basis inside their territory etc etc

It is an established fact, and has been for a long time, that India is a non-aligned and independent nation but, to suit the chest-thumping/BS spewing of certain people, India's move to improve relations across the board with most nations in the world has been twisted to become "India is the US's/West's ******/poodle/lap-dog".

You guys keep believing that................
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Kerry's been given a mandate to vacate Afghanistan with some credibility and without any major incident - all these proactive statements are towards that end.

The pullout, negotiation and the action plan is with Kerry.
.....You Pakistanis have deluded yourselves into thinking India is some lap-dog of the West and then propagate this allover the web. .......

Read the OP first. My dear dear.

it is from an Indian news paper. And it talks about Indian Raja crying and weeping that America Bahadur is not saying xyz $hit to Pakistani Raja.

I never used the term "lap dog" for India. You are putting your own motherland down by using these terms.

Read my dear read. Read the OP.

thank you
I dont expect government of Pakistan to stand against the USA, if the drone strikes stop it will be by the Americans.

It is well known fact that drone strikes in FATA started in 2004.

while Talib@stards have been attacking Pakistanis long before that time.

Based on this,

What kind of stand Pakistani gov should take "against" USA and what should it tell USA as part of that stand?

I know this discussion has been going on for a while.

But I don't see the opponents of drones to explain why Talib@stards attacked pakistanis before drones,


if Talib@stards will quit attacking pakistanis after the drone attacks end.

Also, Why Talib@stards continue attacking Pakistanis even when there is a long gap between drone strikes.

Thank you.
This Charlie Wilson and Robin raphel incarnate will certainly make life difficult for India ,Add to this equation a Italian prostitute and Yankee Agent at helm of affairs in India.
Man after this mix don't know if even God's can save my beloved Bharat.
Same old $hit from 1700 AD.

British East Company was able to pit one Indian Raja against the other.

150 years later, the whole damned region was under British control.

Fast forward to 2013, two of the largest rajas aka Indian Raja and Pakistani Raja are sucking up to yet another power,

Putting each other down in front of yet another gora power.

Of these two rajas, Indian Raja is 7 times bigger population wise, and 12-15 times bigger budget wise.

And yet this Indian Raja is so pathetic, so miskeen, so gharib, tghat it begs, lifts dhoti in front of America

crying, weeping, screaming in front of Americans, that please save me from this Pakistani raja.

Pakistani raja marta hai mujhay, bachao bachao.

this is so pathetic, so very Indian.

That a 7 feet tall goes crying from post to pillar that a 4 foot midget should be declared terrorist.

Americans don't say this on the face of it,

but in private they laugh their @rse off at this eunuch behavior of Indians.

May be this should be blamed on the caste mentality, where lower caste member aka Indian diplomats must beg and plead in front of upper caste member aka America.

But then the same fing Indian diplomats hate to "seriously" resolve mutual issues with the lower caste Pakistani diplomats.

This is how castes in India have forked each other for centuries. So what's knew.

Indians don't even realize that they should have a heart big enough, and a back bone strong enough to setup mutual communication offices in addition to embassies where the two monitor the border together, and take care of any SOB Talib@stards who may threaten either Pakistan or India.

But sadly Indians will remain diplomatically challenged when it comes to Pakistan.

same old 200 years old rhetoric, same old raja mentality that allowed even small bands of war lords to show up in Indian heartlands of UP and Bihar and rule the Indian @rses (and by extension Pakistani @rses) for 1000s of years.

You put down Pakistani raja, kill it, maim it, destroy its economy, but then karma will get your @rse in 2150 AD, and you too will be the slave being ruled by Chinese. But Indian raja won't understand until it is too late.

Too late to bring back the old glory.

Pathetic see Pathetic do.

Shameless turds.

Sad to say.

U have articulated it so well, I m leaving this thread without even commenting. Well said :) :)
What a bore. As long as US wants to do what India seeks = ensure that there is a democratic government in Afghanistan, why should we bother about the love that Kerry may have for Pakistan. India just needs to secure its interests.

Now (if) when Kerry comes calling again and if he finds Narendra Modi in office next year, that scenario would hold a lot of promise of interest.
Another thing Kerry can do though is to stop the drones, that is if peaceful negotiations with the Taliban are fruitful.

That decision is above his and perhaps even his boss pay grade.

One thing every one besides Bharatis notice is the need for bharati self-validation. In particular, they really want western states, nations and peoples to like them and love them. It's like, their life depends on it, and they must get this validation some how. FaujiHistorian mentioned this as well. You don't see Chinese, Russians, Arabs, and to some extent Pakistanis giving two shits about whether western public/states (though I do see SOME Pakistanis doing this, it's nowhere near as rampant as among Indians) think about them.

You see, bharatis remind us (Pakistanis) again and again that we're extremely unpopular in the west, and so somehow our purpose in life is unfulfilled (the purpose in life, obviously being getting western validation).

And this is yet another example of this. Here, bharatis are pissed off because after repeatedly thinking again and again -- and telling us Pakistanis about it each time they thought of it -- that the whole world thinks of the Pakistani state as a terrorist sponsoring state, they are shown at their own home that the only country that thinks along those lines is their own country, with the arguable addition of Afghanistan. How many times have we heard bharatis tell us that Pakistani state is considered a terrorist state by the whole world? Each time I heard that, I had to do a face palm, given the gross exaggeration and the simple fact that there was no shred of truth in that statement.

But more importantly, this lends us to see how the bharati psyche works -- the absolute need for western approval. They care so much about western approval, they think we need that approval too. Like Pakistanis should REALLY care how western states think about them.

One thing every one besides Bharatis notice is the need for bharati self-validation. In particular, they really want western states, nations and peoples to like them and love them. It's like, their life depends on it, and they must get this validation some how. FaujiHistorian mentioned this as well. You don't see Chinese, Russians, Arabs, and to some extent Pakistanis giving two shits about whether western public/states (though I do see SOME Pakistanis doing this, it's nowhere near as rampant as among Indians) think about them.

You see, bharatis remind us (Pakistanis) again and again that we're extremely unpopular in the west, and so somehow our purpose in life is unfulfilled (the purpose in life, obviously being getting western validation).

And this is yet another example of this. Here, bharatis are pissed off because after repeatedly thinking again and again -- and telling us Pakistanis about it each time they thought of it -- that the whole world thinks of the Pakistani state as a terrorist sponsoring state, they are shown at their own home that the only country that thinks along those lines is their own country, with the arguable addition of Afghanistan. How many times have we heard bharatis tell us that Pakistani state is considered a terrorist state by the whole world? Each time I heard that, I had to do a face palm, given the gross exaggeration and the simple fact that there was no shred of truth in that statement.

But more importantly, this lends us to see how the bharati psyche works -- the absolute need for western approval. They care so much about western approval, they think we need that approval too. Like Pakistanis should REALLY care how western states think about them.

yes pakistani care what western state think about pakistan, on this the AIDS for pakistan will depend on from Wold bank and IMF. India dont need western approval , in fact west need india's approval for many things.

Kerry asking India, please improve trade with PAK so that we can show to world PAK is improving. India stamp is necessary.
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