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Kerala, terror's own country, says NIA

Even for a moment if I were to take your word as the holy gospel, have you forgotten to include the christen groups that are included or have you ignored them all togather.

Din't you hear him correctly ?

Its all a govt. of India conspiracy. ............ that and 'evil' RSS and evil yindoo conspiracy. He has even posted proof of them marching in the street and has given us accounts of Rumors. What more proof do you need ?

The muslim terrorist are poor innocent victims of 'brainwashing' :cry: ............where is the confusion ?
The purpose of me quoting you was not for you to find me the faults but for you to understand them. I'm a strong beliver that all religions are perfect but no follower is.

Best of luck mate.

How long does it take for you to recognize a terrorist sympathizer when you see one ?

On a separate note, how about Aztec religion that called for human sacrifice to their god Huitzilopochtli ? .... that is perfect too ?............ there is a problem in stretching 'secularism' too far.
Din't you hear him correctly ?

Its all a govt. of India conspiracy. ............ that and 'evil' RSS and evil yindoo conspiracy. He has even posted proof of them marching in the street and has given us accounts of Rumors. What more proof do you need ?

The muslim terrorist are poor innocent victims of 'brainwashing' :cry: ............where is the confusion ?

I dont belive in self-sympathy but when it comes to Kerala all hope is lost.
Cool down bro,
majority of us Keralites aren't even remotely aware of the threats that lie in our lands. Its more like recruting camps operating in here,and not armed training centres like in P0K.

But without doubt,the rats need to be crushed without mercy.

PFI is in the radar for a very long time. For example, Madani was thrown in jail for Coimbatore riots in 1990s. In a different state, TN altogether. The same PFI activists were responsible for chopping off the hands of a Kerala Professor. And Kerala police unearthed country-made bombs, Al-Qaeda propaganda documents from its activists. I am a person who is from neighboring state, TN but living in US for a long long time and I know what these mofos are upto and majority Keralites are not even aware of these threats?
Self pity or not ...... it about time we started calling out terrorist sympathizers and throw out the 'secular' cr@p.

There is no doubt we need to eliminate the threat but to all togather wash my hands of secularism is a bit to harsh.
The purpose of me quoting you was not for you to find me the faults but for you to understand them. I'm a strong beliver that all religions are perfect but no follower is.

Best of luck mate.
it is the religions which are the culprits whether you believe or not. where does terrorism originates? the core reason is a utopia offered by the religious texts or traditional beliefs. humans get sold for religious brainwashing much easier.
But one wonder why would they resort to something like this???? There should be some reason for people to get involved in such extreme thoughts..... They have one of the best living standards they can get in subcontinent.....

lack of individuality I IMO. Such guys gets "motivated" easily. You tie it up with poverty,unemployement,easy cash etc,you easily get a bunch of misled rats.

PFI is in the radar for a very long time. For example, Madani was thrown in jail for Coimbatore riots in 1990s. In a different state, TN altogether. The same PFI activists were responsible for chopping off the hands of a Kerala Professor. And Kerala police unearthed country-made bombs, Al-Qaeda propaganda documents from its activists. I am a person who is from neighboring state, TN but living in US for a long long time and I know what these mofos are upto and majority Keralites are not even aware of these threats?

All are aware of these incidents,but those were isolated events and came and went away as a "breaking news".
i see... trying to fuel dissents among North and South Indian communities
no wonder you pseudo secular are considered the biggest threat to integrity of India

He is a x'ian ,"Divide and Rule" policy is not new to them
This incident reinforces the fact that education is not a determinant to extremist activity as propagated by some 'informed' sources.
PFI is in the radar for a very long time. For example, Madani was thrown in jail for Coimbatore riots in 1990s. In a different state, TN altogether. The same PFI activists were responsible for chopping off the hands of a Kerala Professor. And Kerala police unearthed country-made bombs, Al-Qaeda propaganda documents from its activists. I am a person who is from neighboring state, TN but living in US for a long long time and I know what these mofos are upto and majority Keralites are not even aware of these threats?
Keralites don't care one bit because most of these fukrs go to other states and do their dirty work. Incompetent Kerala police will wake up when they see bomb blasts inside their state.
Government or some entity wants to club Kerala with problem areas like Kashmir where J1hadi attitude has taken over. this is because, with a 28-30% Sunni Muslim population, Kerala is not experiencing the Terrorism that is seen in North India. may be, they should study the differences of Malawari Muslims from those Urdu speaking Hanafis in rest of India. even though extremist religionists are poisoning them, Malayali ethnic identity is still there.

however, there is truth about the terrorism thing in Kerala. the case of hand chopping in central Kerala hints that 100% pure version of Sunni Islam has entered Kerala officially. everywhere hoardings of preachers with Arabi-like names wearing Arabi dress can be seen. they are, mostly part of Salafists and such groups who's hearts bleeds for Saudia and Palestine more than their own Malabar.

in Kerala, Hindu terrorist groups(RSS and Co) are also into weapon amassing may be as a backup(first line of defence?) against any Terrorist attack. chaddis are seen training kids and young men on temple grounds as well as doing march past in towns.

a BJP leader K Surendran is rumored to be responsible for planning tensions between hindus and muslims in northernmost district Kasaragode.

lady leader of Hindu Aikya Vedi - Sasikala teacher who travels extensively all over Kerala visiting Temples where Sanghparivar organizes meetings mostly to spread Hindutva agenda . all motivating average Hindus to go against Muslims and even Christians as per the north Indian militant Hindutva agenda.
Sangh is really working hard.


I think these swords and bamboo sticks are a GOOD match to AKs and hand grenades+ pressure cooker bombs..
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