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Keep on: PML-N’s economic management yields results

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Keep on: PML-N’s economic management yields results
By Our Correspondent
Published: April 2, 2014
ISLAMABAD: Results of the economic management by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar in light of the directives of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif have manifested themselves as there is a record increase in the value of the rupee against the dollar. A record reduction of Rs5.61 in the price of petroleum products has been achieved. The foreign exchange reserves have risen above $10 billion in 10 months.

Additionally, the payment of circular debts has commenced and the government has paid off Rs500 billion of these debts. New records of an increase in the sale and purchase of shares were made on the stock exchange as well. The strong business indexes allured many delegations of foreign investors to Pakistan and they expressed their full confidence in the government’s economic policies in their meetings with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) authorities, in their meetings with Finance Minister Ishaq Dar in Dubai and Washington, said that steps taken by the government of Pakistan were in the right direction.

Additionally, there has been an increase in the money remitted home by expatriate Pakistanis. The solid efforts to handle the energy crisis have led to a marked reduction in load-shedding. Tax collection has also recorded a prominent increase.

Economic activities have gained momentum as a result of the increase in forex reserves, increase in the value of the rupee against the dollar and a reduction in the prices of petroleum products. The increase in gross national product and decrease in inflation have also had a salutary effect.

Express News spoke with economist Dr Ashfaq Hasan Khan who said overall economic progress is visible in the country. “We should not get into numbers game because sometimes numbers prove to be dangerous, but we should also praise the PML-N government and the finance minister for their efforts,” he said.

Economist Rashid Amjad told Express News that the increase in the value of the rupee against the dollar is welcome but we need to keep an eye on it. The reduction in the prices of petroleum products is also welcome and this will certainly benefit the common man by reducing transportation charges. He said that the federal and provincial ministers will have to ensure that the prices of the commodities of the common man’s use are reduced as a result of the lower fares and transportation charges.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 2nd, 2014.
If the article had cited other reasons such as improvement in energy supply etc then i would have praised the govt for it. but here every achievement which is being mentioned is related to borrowing money from IMF and getting money from a 'friendly muslim country.' Foreign reserves, energy prices and appreciation of rupee are all linked to this foreign debt which we are accumulating.

How much of this can really be considered an achievement from an economists perspective?

where are the policies which may generate sustainable revenue for the country? are we still not done with the amnesty schemes? on the fiscal front, instead of cutting down on expenditure and raising tax revenue, govt is focusing on cutting the development expenditure to meet the fiscal targets. How is this to be appreciated?
^^ It is achievement of current govt. :mad:

After all, its his royal excellency, Prime Minister Hazrat Nawaz Sharif himself who has brought this borrowed money and gifts to this country using his PERSONAL guarantees.

All hail King Nawaz Sharif.
Khawaja Asif on Capital Talk was saying that around 2000 MW generation capacity would be added this year. Let us see how it pans out.
Khawaja Asif on Capital Talk was saying that around 2000 MW generation capacity would be added this year. Let us see how it pans out.
this is only possible if the money they borrowed actually reaches the dam projects and not in the pockets of politicians.
The problem is our illiterate awam, couple that with Nawaz the magician, you get a perfect situation of mass-hypnotism. People just don't want to accept the situation.

One thing baffles me about Pakistan and Pakistani's is that they always pray to Allah SWT to fix things from ghaib. I personally don't get it. Why would Allah SWT interfere and change a situation? I mean why? I never pray for things that I know are mine for the taking. Why should I? I know it as a fact that if I work on it, I'll succeed...... anyhow...... I digress!

If the article had cited other reasons such as improvement in energy supply etc then i would have praised the govt for it. but here every achievement which is being mentioned is related to borrowing money from IMF and getting money from a 'friendly muslim country.' Foreign reserves, energy prices and appreciation of rupee are all linked to this foreign debt which we are accumulating.

How much of this can really be considered an achievement from an economists perspective?

where are the policies which may generate sustainable revenue for the country? are we still not done with the amnesty schemes? on the fiscal front, instead of cutting down on expenditure and raising tax revenue, govt is focusing on cutting the development expenditure to meet the fiscal targets. How is this to be appreciated?
this is only possible if the money they borrowed actually reaches the dam projects and not in the pockets of politicians.

You are waaaay behind the curve here. He was talking about projects that are about to be commission, not the ones in the pipeline. These include - Uch, Jamshoro, Nandipur, Alai khawar (or the other Khawar, I forget the name), etc....

Talking in cliches is easy. But you get no respect for doing so..... Do some research before launching a tirade composed of oft-repeated vanilla cliches that are quite beside the point.
This is joke.

"Achievements" is what I did in my nation. Nawaz better stfu and don't take others credit.

It is like a stupid basketball player making a shot in high school game, and then claiming to be at the same level as Michael Jordan.
Power generation takes time, be patient.

If the article had cited other reasons such as improvement in energy supply etc then i would have praised the govt for it. but here every achievement which is being mentioned is related to borrowing money from IMF and getting money from a 'friendly muslim country.' Foreign reserves, energy prices and appreciation of rupee are all linked to this foreign debt which we are accumulating.

How much of this can really be considered an achievement from an economists perspective?

where are the policies which may generate sustainable revenue for the country? are we still not done with the amnesty schemes? on the fiscal front, instead of cutting down on expenditure and raising tax revenue, govt is focusing on cutting the development expenditure to meet the fiscal targets. How is this to be appreciated?
You are waaaay behind the curve here. He was talking about projects that are about to be commission, not the ones in the pipeline. These include - Uch, Jamshoro, Nandipur, Alai khawar (or the other Khawar, I forget the name), etc....

Talking in cliches is easy. But you get no respect for doing so..... Do some research before launching a tirade composed of oft-repeated vanilla cliches that are quite beside the point.
let's be honest here last thing I heard SS say we will get rid of Load shedding in couple of months, btw in Paksitan there have been projects that have started and never been completed so I will stand by my statement. Until I see the dams actually completed I will remain optimistic about these projects.
let's be honest here last thing I heard SS say we will get rid of Load shedding in couple of months, btw in Paksitan there have been projects that have started and never been completed so I will stand by my statement. Until I see the dams actually completed I will remain optimistic about these projects.

Dams??? Who said Dams? See this is what happens when you jump to make a post without thinking. Of the projects listed, only one is a dam. And it is getting operational, meaning it has been made. So are the others... Really wish you would think a bit before posting.
Dams??? Who said Dams? See this is what happens when you jump to make a post without thinking. Of the projects listed, only one is a dam. And it is getting operational, meaning it has been made. So are the others... Really wish you would think a bit before posting.
You missed my point in the original reply I said "dam" not to literally mean Dam's= which produce electricity, I was using a street slang Damn= but you sometimes type Dam so it shows up properly. Urban Dictionary: dam
As for the second part I was referring to dams that were previously in progress but could never be completed.
What I should have said was "Until I see the dams completed, I will remain optimistic about these projects" the last part about projects was referring to the names you mentioned.
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