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Keep off our affairs, India to Pakistan

"The House reiterates that the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir including the territory under illegal occupation of Pakistan is and shall always be an integral part of India. Any attempt from any quarter to interfere in the internal affairs of India will be met resolutely and with complete unity of our nation," it said.

:omghaha: who will ban these trolls in the government now! :rofl:
This new phenomenon is known as 'Parliament to Parliament trolling'... Who'll moderate them....?
Italians insulted India, this is just face saving in front of their own public
Ah we both mess around with each other, after all India arm twisted WB into sticking a NOC condition on our dear cousins across the border with regard to a rather ambitious dam project in the Pakistani part of Kashmir- the loan was not sanctioned and the poor fellows were left high and dry- they took it on the chin. We should be expecting such egregious moves since the parties there have little to offer the populace from the hustings.
Well aside who the Kashmir belongs too, but the political establishment in Pakistan is idiotic if not moron. They leave no efforts to make sure that world thinks they are supporters of terrorism. Here is another Gem added to their idiocy, other than them looking stupid, it has no purpose.

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