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Kayani to visit US this month


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Kayani to visit US this month
February 05, 2009 Thursday Safar 09, 1430
dawn news.com

ISLAMABAD, Feb 4: Army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani would hold talks this month with US commanders in Washington on defence and counter-terrorism cooperation, an official said on Wednesday.:eek:

“This visit is pre-scheduled,” the official, who would not be identified, said. This will be Gen Kayani’s first visit to the United States as head of the army and comes weeks after the new Washington administration took office.

The visit comes in the wake of an intensified Pakistan military offensive against Taliban fighters and extremist militants in the country’s tribal areas and northwest.:agree::tup:

Kayani visited the United States previously as head of the Inter-Services Intelligence agency.—AFP;):)
well he is either going to be "wined and dined" or asked "to do more". as for the General himself he is probably going to ask for additional Cobras, NVGs, spare parts and release of coalition support funds for the last six months (~US 500 mill).
well he is either going to be "wined and dined" or asked "to do more". as for the General himself he is probably going to ask for additional Cobras, NVGs, spare parts and release of coalition support funds for the last six months (~US 500 mill).

i guss, this time he is going there to tell the pals that , if they can put up, some real help, thn its oky, if not they should shut up, "DRON ATTACKS" could be the core issue, US would be trying to use its aid tool , preasure the GEN.KIYANI !:azn:
release of coalition support funds for the last six months , would be the issue which is going to razed by the GEN.KIYANI , i guss?:agree:
"Cobras, NVGs, spare parts" i dont think so, & i guss pakistan can handle the situation very well , if our big buddies stop "drone attacks".:azn:
Unless these stupid stooges don't understand that by relying on the Unites States of Satan it will lead to Pakistan's demise, we can expect the worst. Instead of going to China, making up with Russia and allying with Iran these sold out puppets are willing to please their evil master in Washington. It's an immensely sad and pathetic situation for the people of Pakistan. A country that is kept backward by these very same generals and evil colonial seed. A country that's exploited and looted for decades ever since its existence. A country where people are kept illiterate. A country where people are deprived from basic necessities such as wheat, electricity, health care etc. I know that I sound harsh and disrespectful, but I'm realistic and aware of the luring dangers. It hurts me when I see that a handful of picked generals and corrupt colonial remnants are today deciding the fate of 170 million people. These leaders and generals will surely be the cause of demise. You people can mark my words.
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Pakistan Army Chief To Meet With US Military Leaders In Feb

Wednesday February 4th, 2009

ISLAMABAD (AFP)--Pakistan's army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, will hold talks this month with U.S. commanders in Washington on defense and counter-terrorism cooperation, an official said Wednesday.

"This visit is pre-scheduled," the official, who wouldn't be identified, told AFP. This will be Kayani's first visit to the U.S. as head of the army and comes weeks after the new Washington administration took office.

The visit also comes in the wake of an intensified Pakistan military offensive against Taliban fighters and extremist militants in the country's tribal areas and northwest, which U.S. officials say have become safe havens for Islamists.

Kayani visited the U.S. previously as head of the country's powerful inter-services intelligence agency.

Pakistan is looking to new President Barack Obama to review direct U.S. military action in its tribal areas, where missile strikes from suspected CIA drones have undermined the credibility of the civilian government.

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Wednesday February 4th, 2009 / 16h52 Source : Dowjones Business News
well he is either going to be "wined and dined" or asked "to do more". as for the General himself he is probably going to ask for additional Cobras, NVGs, spare parts and release of coalition support funds for the last six months (~US 500 mill).

Before Listening to anything he must tell the Americans that "Stop the God Damned Drone Attacks".

You blame us that you have terrorist sanctuaries but after every Drone attack which is kind of fertilizer for such sanctuaries, Taliban get 1000's of new CVs from Local Tribal People.

You ask us "To DO More" we just ask you one thing "You better don't do anything at least on our Land"

Your Co-operation will be highly appreciated Thank you very much.
"You blame us that you have terrorist sanctuaries but after every Drone attack which is kind of fertilizer for such sanctuaries..."

Cart before the horse. I'm pretty sure that you threw the gates wide open in late 2001 and early 2002 to a defeated taliban army of Afghanistan.

PREDATOR came much later. That would include coming long after attacks and slaughter by these same men from within your borders on innocent afghanis too.

Not that you'd care in the least. Instead you allow an invading army into your nation but scream about PREDATOR. Instead you cry of the miniscule collateral casualties caused by these precision attacks but utterly ignore both the valued enemy targets we've wasted and, worse, the carnage reaped daily in Afghanistan by Pakistan's complicity with the afghan taliban army freely encamped upon your soil.

Personally, I'm convinced that were PREDATOR not conducting these raids that there's sufficient ill will among Pakistanis that something else would become a cause celebre' against our interests. Maybe aid or the Indian nuke package or any other justification to maintain the hate. As such, the fertilizer thingy is very after-the-fact.

Most of you already hate America sufficiently to be considered our enemy. The last step there is to convince your government to be as transparent in it's disdain as so many here at def.pk.

Then it can all be out in the open where it should be.:agree:
Cart before the horse. I'm pretty sure that you threw the gates wide open in late 2001 and early 2002 to a defeated taliban army of Afghanistan.

PREDATOR came much later. That would include coming long after attacks and slaughter by these same men from within your borders on innocent afghanis too.

Not that you'd care in the least. Instead you allow an invading army into your nation but scream about PREDATOR. Instead you cry of the miniscule collateral casualties caused by these precision attacks but utterly ignore both the valued enemy targets we've wasted and, worse, the carnage reaped daily in Afghanistan by Pakistan's complicity with the afghan taliban army freely encamped upon your soil.

Personally, I'm convinced that were PREDATOR not conducting these raids that there's sufficient ill will among Pakistanis that something else would become a cause celebre' against our interests. Maybe aid or the Indian nuke package or any other justification to maintain the hate. As such, the fertilizer thingy is very after-the-fact.

Most of you already hate America sufficiently to be considered our enemy. The last step there is to convince your government to be as transparent in it's disdain as so many here at def.pk.

Then it can all be out in the open where it should be.:agree:

Yes, you are completely correct. It is we who want to damage ourselves, and the US of A, the nation appointed by God to keep the world pure, is only interested in what is good for the people of the world.

When the US wanted simply to find the man who attacked their people on their own soil, it was we who opened our gates to your enemy, providing them sanctuary. We even created the Taliban, while the CIA was completely against it. We definitely should not cry over the 'minute collateral damage', after all, these our Pakistanis and not Americans dying, therefore it is completely justifiable.

Lastly, you are correct in that we simply want to find ways to dislike you, and it has nothing to do with the deception of all these years, both political and military. When we were doing the dirty work keeping the Russians away from the ocean, we were like good little pets doing our jobs, now we are rebel servants who want nothing more but to destroy our master.

Is there anything I missed? infinite wisdom was only granted to the Americans, so I must have surely missed something. Maybe you can tell me what I should do, and how many of my own people I should bring to you for slaughter.
"Is there anything I missed?"

Uh, yeah, now that you mentioned it- a small matter of building a nuke under our noses fully understanding that U.S. legislation COMPELLED us to act upon awareness-often conveniently forgotten in the "abandonment" narrative.

Oh, check the tune you're singing about the C.I.A. and the taliban.

"Maybe you can tell me what I should do, and how many of my own people I should bring to you for slaughter."

"these our Pakistanis and not Americans dying, therefore it is completely justifiable."

Spare your crocodile tears for your own. Have you noticed the extensive list of ARAB names dead just in 2008 from PREDATOR? If not, TRUTHSEEKER has a nicely published list lying about. Have you no shame when thousands of innocents in Afghanistan have died at the hands of the men whom you've SHELTERED since 2002?

I've no patience nor sympathy for any parent who welcomes these men into their homes. NONE. If their children are "martyred" by PREDATOR as a result of misplaced allegiances, so be it. The correct response is to fight these men or run as fast and as far as you can.

Snide and typical but, most of all, avoiding the hard facts of your nation's complicity in it's own demise.
Guys anybody ever consider the fact that Pakistan government and army are ok with the drone attacks and all the drama is to keep the trouble makers from creating more trouble.
Or would you guy rather have PAF bombing these buildings or Pak army fighting these people on the ground can you imagine what the consequences of that would be.
I am 100% sure Americans are doing our dirty work or cleaning the mess shell we say:smokin:
"I am 100% sure Americans are doing our dirty work or cleaning the mess shell we say...":smokin:

...and taking 100% of the heat to boot.

Your gov't publically insists that there's no deal. O.K. If you say so. If true, I really do applaud the NSA's signal intercept capabilities and our own HUMINT network in FATA, however unbelievable that might be to establish and maintain, as I couldn't imagine how this targeting has improved so much over the last year without some top-notch intel from somewhere.

And here I was thinking that the ISI was actually eyeballing these bad guys the whole time. Silly me.:D
a small matter of building a nuke under our noses fully understanding that U.S. legislation COMPELLED us to act upon awareness.

Yes, ofcourse. But the legislation was less important when we were doing the dirty work. It only became important in 1990, after the Russians left. And don't start on the nuke thing. Pakistan never signed the NPT, the US did, and yet the US didn't abide by their promise to 'gradually reduce' their nuclear capability and arsenal. The only country to use nukes in a war are the ones trying to 'protect the world' from this 'evil weapon of mass destruction'.

Have you noticed the extensive list of ARAB names dead just in 2008 from PREDATOR? If not, TRUTHSEEKER has a nicely published list lying about. Have you no shame when thousands of innocents in Afghanistan have died at the hands of the men whom you've SHELTERED since 2002?

So, its Arabs dying. That makes it okay. Innocent civillians dying by the hands of who? Taliban? Also, innocent Afghan dead rate higher on the list than innocent Pakistanis killed, Why is that? Could it have something to do with how the world, and some of your own public, views your war?

I've no patience nor sympathy for any parent who welcomes these men into their homes. NONE. If their children are "martyred" by PREDATOR as a result of misplaced allegiances, so be it. The correct response is to fight these men or run as fast and as far as you can.

'These people', as you put them, are our enemies first and foremost. When you want to chop a tree, you don't burn the forest. Kill the innocent Pakistani because there's an enemy in the vicinity. What kind of democratic nation does that?

Exceptionalism. That is the United States' biggest problem. The laws and rules stand for everyone else, except the US, who will only enforce them.
These words (paraphrased), are not mine. They come from an American scientist who was president of your Atomic commission in 2006, writing about the American development of defence related space technology and its insistance that nobody else do so.
There's nothing particularly exceptional about our views on your sovereignty. If you understood a tad more, you'd realize that we share the exact same position in Iraq WRT PKK raids into Turkey. As neither the Iraqi army, peshmerga, nor American army seem prepared to halt these attacks upon Turkey from within Iraq, America does all it can to assist the Turkish Army's periodic raids into Iraq.

The sovereign state of Pashtunistan was once Pakistani, or so I understand. Now it is no more. Perhaps someday it will once again be Pakistani. If so, though, you'll have to earn that right by force of arms and blood as it's no longer yours and the militants will likely fight very, very hard to keep what they've TAKEN from you.

Our PREDATOR attacks are just a tiny piece of a much larger mosaic for which you've no control upon the design.

I've encouraged others here (notably Asim Aquil) and do so now for you- STOP our trans-shipment of goods to Afghanistan.


Refuse all current and projected aid from America-civil and military. Do so immediately.

Make clear any violations of Pakistani airspace will be met with the full force of all your brother aces at PAF.

Divorce yourselves from your primary trading CUSTOMER.

We've done and do so little for you that I'm sure our absence will be barely noticable but refreshingly pleasant nonetheless.:agree:

:wave: bye-bye to the ol' :usflag: once and for all.


It will make clear what all here already know in our hearts.
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"It only became important in 1990, after the Russians left."

B.S. It required a WAIVER every single damned year. Our law was clear and so were the processes involved-both during the war and after. You blame US for YOUR duplicity but clearly expected to live outside of three U.S. amendments. Wasn't going to happen. You've few fans in our Congress then nor now-neither side of the aisle and neither house.

Our embargo was entirely predictable and no doubt part of your leadership's cost calculus. That being so, your complaints of abandonment are more than a tad dissembling.

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