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Kayani gives go-ahead for Dir operation

If the Army has the balls than,we should make POW and and hang them on PTV, like they did it with Bhutto.........now they really have reasons !
Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited the headquarters of 17 Infantry Div and 19 Infantry Div[/url]

So now its the 17th Infantry Division (Kharian) and the 19th Infantry Division (Mangla) interesting! I hope they will use Snipers and get close Air support from Cobras and Bell-412 EP (equipped with board guns).
About effin time we did something like this.

Blow them all to kingdom come.

It will make a dent but won't deliver the final knock out blow. The terrorists will simply melt away and move to another territory. The nation needs to rally behind the Army and the political establishment needs to provide a blank cheque to the Army to go and pursue the terrorists where-ever they are hiding, that includes North Waziristan. Unless each and every square inch of Pakistan is retaken, the insurgency will continue.
Right about time, put these animals back to their holes......
Has army taken permission from federal governament for this operation? federal governament has not even contacted TTP for peace talks, such irresponsible attitude.

this is targetted operation in a hot zone, that is the active battle ground, they do not need permission everytime they launch an offensive, on the other hand, Govt has already given their orders to apprehend the killers of Karachi, they got some bad guys from murree too.

It will make a dent but won't deliver the final knock out blow. ...

As you hinted later in the post, for a knock out blow, the people and the government have to take the initiative, not the Army.

This is only a small op envisaged as a retaliation to the martyrdom of 3 PA officers and soldiers.
I knew it! this was all expected..

-Failure of settling peace with one group of TTP due to interference of Fazalullah and other aggressive group sheltered by TTP in the light of their proposed infrastructure, working and destructive designs.

-TTP's support to them to maintain their unity and share of 'man power' and our resources.

-TTP's motive of taking benifit of peace settlement with clear objective to 'recover high profile prisioners' rather then peace settlement.

-Complete failure of peace talk.

-Final decision of forces to launch full fledge operation against their safe hideouts.

I wonder that why our civil regime took so much effort to settle peace,they have not done their homework,I will say,that is why I don't trust on sincerity of these hegemoney/power seeking politicans
I thought i am the only "Angry Bird" here,but there are a few :lol:

Foregt @Pak-one
Him and many other Pushtoons here will take sides with terrorists only because most of the terrorists are Trained/Equipped and Belong to Tribal areas and for that reason their "Pukhtaan" Brothers.
Their Blind racist mentality is above being Pakistani.
If terrorist is Pushtoon,they are on their side not on Pakistan's side.

I know many of you wont agree,but the proof is in the pudding..you can judge it from their comments here.
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I thought i am the only "Angry Bird" here,but there are a few :lol:

Foregt @Pak-one
Him and many other Pushtoons here will take sides with terrorists only because most of the terrorists are Trained/Equipped and Belong to Tribal areas and for that reason their "Pukhtaan" Brothers.
Their Blind racist mentality is above being Pakistani.
If terrorist is Pushtoon,they are on their side not on Pakistan's side.

I know many of you wont agree,but the proof is in the pudding..you can judge it from their comments here.

You must have missed Ghilzais comment right? Wake up just because luffy hates all non Pashtuns does not mean you should hate on the Pashtuns 24/7.
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they killed a general so atleast few thousands ttp dogs need to die before talks begin, they need to realise that they ain't fighting the british army. they are fighting the pakistani army backed by allah, and we will conquer them.

How do we know that pak army is backed by Allah?
Pak army never call themeselves mujahideen , neither they have formally declared jihad against TTP. Strangely not a single nishan-e-haider is awarded to any fauji who died while fighting taliban.
Fighting for Allah i.e jihad fil qital has some rules and principles. You dont invade tribal areas on the order of christian and jews of america, about whom Quran has warned us not to make them friends let alone becoming their slaves. You are not fighter of allah when you join american invasion on afghanistan where was sharia. It is against jihad to drop thousands of huge bombs in more than 10000 air strikes by PAF on FATA. Jihad doesnt mean selling your people to FBI for dollars...howm can pak army be Allah's army when its first two army chiefs were british christians...Allah's fighters pray nimaz regularly, they dont clean shave or eat in standing position.
You must have missed Ghilzais comment right? Wake up just because luffy hates all non Pashtuns does not mean you should hate on the Pashtuns 24/7.

You too missed my "careful wordings" i always use "Many Pushtoons" .. and that is not generalization.
For any chance of winning this WOT (although there wont be any winners) this aspect of Pushtoon nationalism has to be addressed..
You cannot Bury your head in the sand like ostrich...
Facts will remain facts..and same as many Support Terrorism on Religious grounds...many do so on ethnic and linguistic Grounds...
this is targetted operation in a hot zone, that is the active battle ground, they do not need permission everytime they launch an offensive, on the other hand, Govt has already given their orders to apprehend the killers of Karachi, they got some bad guys from murree too.


In the current circumstances they do need permission from federal governament to launch any operation against taliban.

On side note ,i was listening to javed ibraheem paracha was hinting that he has been harassed/threatened by ISI on phone calls for last few days.
Faujis are against peace talks and would naturally try to sabotage these peace talks. Allah hum sub pey reham karay.
You too missed my "careful wordings" i always use "Many Pushtoons" .. and that is not generalization.
For any chance of winning this WOT (although there wont be any winners) this aspect of Pushtoon nationalism has to be addressed..
You cannot Bury your head in the sand like ostrich...
Facts will remain facts..and same as many Support Terrorism on Religious grounds...many do so on ethnic and linguistic Grounds...

What are your suggestions and ideas to deal with this 'pashtun terrorism'?
What are your suggestions and ideas to deal with this 'pashtun terrorism'?

If i say.. I will get banned from the thread :lol:
But you know what i will say...
You and me have been locking horns for more than an year now..

First step...identify the ''ethnic factor'' as a valid problem...
Then raise awareness...
Ask pusntoons not to support terrorists because they are Pushtoons.
Ask pushtoons to support pak army because they are not in Tribal areas for fun....they are in tribal areas because terrorists are in tribal areas.

You and me both are aware how much hate is rampant in KPK against Pak army just because Army is conducting operations in ''Pushtoon areas''.
This mentality has to be demoralized. (like i am doing,and have been for some time)

Until and unless you identify a problem as a ''problem'' you cannot find a solution.
Its as simple as that..

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