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Kaveri-Snecma engine to power AMCA ?

K9 65Kn ???any source here mate
Sorry....it was 70-75 KN

Changes of AMCA requirements:

1) AMCA planed as a strike fighter, similiar to F35 and below FGFA, with 2 x 90kN Kaveri engines
2) AMCA should n ot only be a strike fighter, but fully multi role
3) AMCA should be more stealthy than FGFA, have SC and TVC features
4) AMCA should be even more advanced than FGFA
5) AMCA should have 2 x 100 - 110kN Kaveri - Snecma engines
It is justifiable right now because ADA is doing the feasibility study...after the feasibility study the final requirements will be set...

100KN dry thrust is easily possible in the future, because its a joint venture now with SNECMA.
I don't think the deal is finalized yet...
What happened to the twin engined Kaveri powered LCA?I guess that's not going to be a reality?I was really hoping it would be.
Thank god we are making our things indigenous. AMCA will be twin engined ? It should have kaveri engine with thrust vectoring...

I just love Indian enthusiasm to call everything “indigenous” like failed LCA, and Kaveri engines, now tvsram has announced pronto the slogan of “indigenous” product. But he conveniently forgotten what his colleague sudhir007 actually produced;

GTRE and French for long time wanted to work on a new Kaveri Hybrid based on M-88-3 Eco, but due to GTRE engine already been de-link on LCA Project , French wanted specific commitment on the engine order , now if the news is correct then the joint venture might finally start off .

French wanted specific commitment. So the real work is done by the French, Indians are just tagging along as they did with the Russians for years.

I know, I know, it is indigenous, what is the input of French in scheme of things? Nope it is indigenous all right!!!!

But question remains, if Indians were so advanced why didn’t they sort out the Kaveri problems themselves?

Considering Sudhir007 post also had this gem in it;

Even though Kaveri engine project has been delinked from LCA Project few years back , GTRE is still hope full that current Kaveri engines might power Tejas MK-1 aircrafts when their GE Provided F-404IN engines will come up for replacement.

So why was Kaveri de-link from LCA? We all know about it, so I wouldn’t waste my time on it. F-404IN was selected after rejection of Kaveri. Some optimism, you guys got.

And the best part is hidden in this paragraph.

ADA is taking very similar approach like it did with LCA Project and will roll out first Technological Demonstrators (AMCA TD-1 and TD-2) in next 5 to 6 years and have first flight in next one year after the roll out. Experts believe that ADA might use GE Provided F-414IN engine which has been already selected by ADA to power Tejas MK-2 jets.

We all know what happened to LCA project and how long it took this project to complete and still not fully inducted. What great news, same fate awaiting for AMCA.:bounce:
I just love Indian enthusiasm to call everything “indigenous” like failed LCA, and Kaveri engines, now tvsram has announced pronto the slogan of “indigenous” product. But he conveniently forgotten what his colleague sudhir007 actually produced;

French wanted specific commitment. So the real work is done by the French, Indians are just tagging along as they did with the Russians for years.

I know, I know, it is indigenous, what is the input of French in scheme of things? Nope it is indigenous all right!!!!

But question remains, if Indians were so advanced why didn’t they sort out the Kaveri problems themselves?

Considering Sudhir007 post also had this gem in it;

So why was Kaveri de-link from LCA? We all know about it, so I wouldn’t waste my time on it. F-404IN was selected after rejection of Kaveri. Some optimism, you guys got.

And the best part is hidden in this paragraph.

We all know what happened to LCA project and how long it took this project to complete and still not fully inducted. What great news, same fate awaiting for AMCA.:bounce:

Dude did i mention LCA completely indigenous? Ok dude i agree that LCA project is delayed but what ever it has happened we are inducting 48 of them.
LCA is not a true multi role fighter but jf-17 is a true multi role fighter capable of following properties which other aircraft cant beat.

I agree JF-17 is much cheaper $15million but we know its qualities are also cheap.
Dont just reply . I can show u proof of Tejas Mk1 with external pods , firing missiles etc.
Reply me by showing such a video for Jf-17. There is a thread here for photo shopping jf-17 with pods missiles etc. I pity for that.
Tejas is useful for interception,strike attacks and it lacks air superiority against Typhoons , Mki's and F-22's. Not a best multi role fighter.
Jf-17 is best multi role
1.Useful for training
2.It supports learning for beginners and experts
3.It can used as target for missiles
4.It can be used for practicing interception
5.It can be shown as threat by numerical superiority
6.It can be used for testing ejection seats at high altitudes
7.It can be sold to poor countries
8.Its the worlds best 4-- gen aircraft
9.Its maitainance is low, no spares problem
10. And the most best part of Jf-17 is it makes u confident that it can effectively counter mki's.

I just love Indian enthusiasm to call everything “indigenous” like failed LCA, and Kaveri engines, now tvsram has announced pronto the slogan of “indigenous” product. But he conveniently forgotten what his colleague sudhir007 actually produced;

French wanted specific commitment. So the real work is done by the French, Indians are just tagging along as they did with the Russians for years.

I know, I know, it is indigenous, what is the input of French in scheme of things? Nope it is indigenous all right!!!!

But question remains, if Indians were so advanced why didn’t they sort out the Kaveri problems themselves?

Considering Sudhir007 post also had this gem in it;

So why was Kaveri de-link from LCA? We all know about it, so I wouldn’t waste my time on it. F-404IN was selected after rejection of Kaveri. Some optimism, you guys got.

And the best part is hidden in this paragraph.

We all know what happened to LCA project and how long it took this project to complete and still not fully inducted. What great news, same fate awaiting for AMCA.:bounce:

Designing & developing jet engine is more difficult than developing nukes, even china strugg in this area.
To angel demon 007
It is actually 84 kn with full afterburner.
I am talking about K9 variant which is being tested in Russia on IL-76 testbed...if the answer is the same please share some source... i am sorry to say but my source is wiki...
Dude did i mention LCA completely indigenous? Ok dude i agree that LCA project is delayed but what ever it has happened we are inducting 48 of them.
LCA is not a true multi role fighter but jf-17 is a true multi role fighter capable of following properties which other aircraft cant beat.

What tosh. Atleast you admitted something which other Indians don't, it is not indigenous. If you want to compare your "superior" LCA 30+ years in making, delivered over budget, out dated, rejected by own force, with JF17, then fine present your data and we go from there.

Dude, otherwise writting pure BS is not the answer. My point is simple, you all should come out of this delusion of "Indigenous". Indians have been using borrowed technology for decades, but they still failed to produce one single project on time, on budget and according to the project specifications. :no:

In anyone's else book it is called abject failures. If you want to re-joice your DRDO failures, what can we do? Apart from saying good luck and sweet dreams.:lol:
I am posting two videos made by Abdul, it put to rest most of the boosting done by the Indians. I am not going to worry too much about the narratives or add anything from my side. The videos are self explanatory.

I just want to say one thing; Indians claim LCA is 4.5 generation aircraft. I ask them which 4.5 generation aircraft could have tolerance of 6gs? :bounce:

Enough said, now I am going to watch the Indians dance around coming up with every imaginable excuse to declare LCA is “Indigenous”. Isn’t everything, India produce in defence is “indigenous”? What is a big deal if we borrowed, purchased, Assisted in almost everything from others. No Sir, these are inconsequential details, we proudly proclaim, our products are “indigenous”. :argh:

How? Because we say so, hehehe.:chilli:

1- Video one, on Indigenous nature of LCA.

2. Video two, comparison with JF17, enjoy.

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What tosh. Atleast you admitted something which other Indians don't, it is not indigenous. If you want to compare your "superior" LCA 30+ years in making, delivered over budget, out dated, rejected by own force, with JF17, then fine present your data and we go from there.

Dude, otherwise writting pure BS is not the answer. My point is simple, you all should come out of this delusion of "Indigenous". Indians have been using borrowed technology for decades, but they still failed to produce one single project on time, on budget and according to the project specifications. :no:

In anyone's else book it is called abject failures. If you want to re-joice your DRDO failures, what can we do? Apart from saying good luck and sweet dreams.:lol:
When we dont depend on others in case of emergency for a plane then that product is indigenous ... The last mki and mmrca fighter produced in india will be indigenous and fgfa is indigenous... What ever u say we have those beasts and we dont rely on others for spares like u ask US for f-16 spares... and so u made JV with china on JF-17...
I am posting two videos made by Abdul, it put to rest most of the boosting done by the Indians. I am not going to worry too much about the narratives or add anything from my side. The videos are self explanatory.

I just want to say one thing; Indians claim LCA is 4.5 generation aircraft. I ask them which 4.5 generation aircraft could have tolerance of 6gs? :bounce:

Enough said, now I am going to watch the Indians dance around coming up with every imaginable excuse to declare LCA is “Indigenous”. Isn’t everything, India produce in defence is “indigenous”? What is a big deal if we borrowed, purchased, Assisted in almost everything from others. No Sir, these are inconsequential details, we proudly proclaim, our products are “indigenous”. :argh:

How? Because we say so, hehehe.:chilli:

1- Video one, on Indigenous nature of LCA.

2. Video two, comparison with JF17, enjoy.

The thread shows the fate of Jf-17'sNeed Photoshop experts for Jf-17
Its very shame that u show photoshopped pics and remade videos of Jf-17 when we show live Tejas firing missiles and with various pods...
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I am posting two videos made by Abdul, it put to rest most of the boosting done by the Indians. I am not going to worry too much about the narratives or add anything from my side. The videos are self explanatory.

I just want to say one thing; Indians claim LCA is 4.5 generation aircraft. I ask them which 4.5 generation aircraft could have tolerance of 6gs? :bounce:

Enough said, now I am going to watch the Indians dance around coming up with every imaginable excuse to declare LCA is “Indigenous”. Isn’t everything, India produce in defence is “indigenous”? What is a big deal if we borrowed, purchased, Assisted in almost everything from others. No Sir, these are inconsequential details, we proudly proclaim, our products are “indigenous”. :argh:

How? Because we say so, hehehe.:chilli:

1- Video one, on Indigenous nature of LCA.

Simple Question to you if LCA is not Indigenous effort of India.. then to which country it belongs?? like JF-17 is tagged belong to China
I think if not SNECMA then the Eurojet GmbH.the new EJ-200 will feature an even higher thrust with Thrust Vectoring Nozzles (TVN) and most importantly the Single Crystal Blade Technology but i dont that leaving SNECMA would be a good option.

thanks but dont you think eurojet GmbH would be litte too much for ACMA?We dont need excessive thrust that would make it less fuel efficient thereby reducing its range...If HAL can come up with the turbo thurst boosters within the time frame of this project then we can expect to see Rustom UAV soon in our skies but the SNECMA will have to work arms in arms with ISRO if the deadline is to be met.
Kevari is definitely better than Dhuv and once the TVN's are incorporated in the ejection seat,we will be seeing something really cool...Bajaj and TATA consortiums are still being considered and lets see who wins the contract for Tejas mk-II anti-fog lights....things are going in pretty clear direction..congress hasnt objected to Arjun's fuel consumption and BJP hasnt said a word about ISRO's Paint job on those rockets....If BSF can join in the project i am sure NSG wouldnt object to it:tup:
thanks but dont you think eurojet GmbH would be litte too much for ACMA?We dont need excessive thrust that would make it less fuel efficient thereby reducing its range...If HAL can come up with the turbo thurst boosters within the time frame of this project then we can expect to see Rustom UAV soon in our skies but the SNECMA will have to work arms in arms with ISRO if the deadline is to be met.
Kevari is definitely better than Dhuv and once the TVN's are incorporated in the ejection seat,we will be seeing something really cool...Bajaj and TATA consortiums are still being considered and lets see who wins the contract for Tejas mk-II anti-fog lights....things are going in pretty clear direction..congress hasnt objected to Arjun's fuel consumption and BJP hasnt said a word about ISRO's Paint job on those rockets....If BSF can join in the project i am sure NSG wouldnt object to it:tup:

Are you OK, India is a phobic word for many but the disturbance it caused to you is enormous. :lol:
I am posting two videos made by Abdul, it put to rest most of the boosting done by the Indians. I am not going to worry too much about the narratives or add anything from my side. The videos are self explanatory.

I just want to say one thing; Indians claim LCA is 4.5 generation aircraft. I ask them which 4.5 generation aircraft could have tolerance of 6gs? :bounce:

Enough said, now I am going to watch the Indians dance around coming up with every imaginable excuse to declare LCA is “Indigenous”. Isn’t everything, India produce in defence is “indigenous”? What is a big deal if we borrowed, purchased, Assisted in almost everything from others. No Sir, these are inconsequential details, we proudly proclaim, our products are “indigenous”. :argh:

How? Because we say so, hehehe.:chilli:

1- Video one, on Indigenous nature of LCA.

2. Video two, comparison with JF17, enjoy.

About LCA the question is what is indigenous there and about JF-17 the question is is it better than LCA!!!! Do you know what indigenous in JF-17? lol Do you know LCA and JF-17 have different generation of technologies? Just one example, LCA has a Full authority digital engine control and JF-17 lacks. Happy now?
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