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Kashmir-The Valley Of Tears.

sau baato ki ek baat kashmir was kashmir will be part of india and keep trying hard to sepprate it lolzzz land of the pure has already lost half its portion for there fancy dreams now some one said on this forum that gillgit & balistan is leased to chinese and what US does on daily basis in land of the pure in not a big secret any more keep up with the kashmir raag my paskistani friends but the hard reality is you cant take it back and as for the world opinion pakistan lost all its credebilty and no one bothers about it any more scpecially after Kargil war & OBL Raid :cheers:
Agrees with what ? I don't mind an independent state of Kashmir that includes territories annexed by Pak/CN however Kashmir being a part of either of these entities is simply put unacceptable ! The reason is since this is the issue that has divided the region for the last ~70yrs it'd be better to have an amicable solution to this problem without compromising on our security & what you're suggesting is total B$ cause its not feasible :disagree:
we dont need yr approval either india minds or not its her issue because its she who is an outsider in this issue who is occupying foreign land.

sau baato ki ek baat kashmir was kashmir will be part of india and keep trying hard to sepprate it lolzzz land of the pure has already lost half its portion for there fancy dreams now some one said on this forum that gillgit & balistan is leased to chinese and what US does on daily basis in land of the pure in not a big secret any more keep up with the kashmir raag my paskistani friends but the hard reality is you cant take it back and as for the world opinion pakistan lost all its credebilty and no one bothers about it any more scpecially after Kargil war & OBL Raid :cheers:
:blah: Thats what u think.
we dont need yr approval either india minds or not its her issue because its she who is an outsider in this issue who is occupying foreign land.

:blah: Thats what u think.

well wake up thats what world beleves and chnces of paksiatn getting kashmir are just like china making Tibet a free nation so :cheers:
well wake up thats what world beleves and chnces of paksiatn getting kashmir are just like china making Tibet a free nation so :cheers:

China n tibet is a different issue n a concern for different nation which is also not a disputed area.
The world will only believe that u will show them as of now because u dont allow the same world to enter the valley to see that is the truth.

so Run away.
We do want join Pakistan as a Muslim majority state in accordance to 1947 liberation of Muslim Majority states from india.

Its not we who r brainwashed from reality its u who have seen the truth in that video too by a foreigner n these pics but still deny the truth.

So yeah i believe yr brainwashed term on us suits us best then u.

LOL Now a days no body can communicate with Kashmiris as u people have banned our TV channels n land and Mobile based calls n the Mujahideens that claim that go from Azad Kashmir cant do that as they only do to fight against yr armed forces who oppress the general population there..

No one cares what you want. The land is ours , the people who don't like that are free to go across the border , nothing stopping them. Send as many Mujaheddin as you want. They and their supporters like you will be tortured, then shot dead , and then buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in the forest.
China n tibet is a different issue n a concern for different nation which is also not a disputed area.
The world will only believe that u will show them as of now because u dont allow the same world to enter the valley to see that is the truth.

so Run away.

well running away is not an option for us and we will never ever give kashmir on a platter to any one it was owrs and will be owrs whether you like it or not all your devine PA and its croonies and strategikk assets can do are samall pin prikkins like the recent events and make no mistake if any one tries to be too adventures this time like in 1999 things will get realli ugli not for us but the agressor and this time around world opinion is with India so :cheers:
LOL thats what u think.

That so called Maha raja was appointed by british n he has a non muslim in a majority muslim area which was very anti british n took part in anti british activities in 1830s n 1857. So then brits had appointed him there so that he engage them internally in atrocities.

So the rest of 500+ maharajas and nawabs were all democratically elected? Please stop thinking you are some special kids or chosen people. The rest of your sob story is irrelevant. (which is fabricated, but even if it was true, it is still irrelevant) There were more than five hundred princely states in India. All of them are either part of India or Pakistan. Not a single princely state inside or inbetween India or Pakistan is independent country. And the ruler of that state chose and officially joined India. End of story. Anyone doesn't accept - population exchange.
there r no terrorists in kashmir there r just freedom fighters there as its their brother in religion who committed one of the most brutal war crimes of all times so its obvious that there will be some kicks in their @$$ by the local population and for their support for indian operation n their support for indian army's crimes against Muslims.

Kashmir is a more then 80% Muslim population. So in a democratic way the majority ios the authority.So a minority of hindus n their so called sufferings dont contain any wait.

when Kashmir will be liberated in the Future then like in 1947 the non muslims will be send to india.
So they will be send to join their like minded people for Good.

as india claims to be a Democratic country that too worlds biggest one So she will understand that.

But well as we aw in the video that India herself dont want the Kashmir issue to be Solved so it is As responsible for non muslim so called killings as it is for Muslims.






Based on your logic Pakistan should never have been founded since Muslims were a minority in British India .

Now let me correct your myopic view of democracy. Democracy is meant to foster the freedom of the individual citizen, not of a majority or minority or any collective whole. In a democracy, the rights of any minority can not be held hostage to the whims and fancies of the majority.
So the rest of 500+ maharajas and nawabs were all democratically elected? Please stop thinking you are some special kids or chosen people. The rest of your sob story is irrelevant. (which is fabricated, but even if it was true, it is still irrelevant) There were more than five hundred princely states in India. All of them are either part of India or Pakistan. Not a single princely state is independent country. And the ruler of that state chose and officially joined India. End of story. Anyone doesn't accept - population exchange.
I know they were not n who is talking there side in my comment.

the point is that india has always been against the maha rajas n nawabs thats why it ended feudalism in its country n it was always against them right from the start thats why it calims as strongest democracy But in this particular issue it takes side of a maha raja appointed by british to oppress people under him.

It seems only support the things what suits its stance. Which makes it not a very true Democracy that it always claims.
well running away is not an option for us and we will never ever give kashmir on a platter to any one it was owrs and will be owrs whether you like it or not all your devine PA and its croonies and strategikk assets can do are samall pin prikkins like the recent events and make no mistake if any one tries to be too adventures this time like in 1999 things will get realli ugli not for us but the agressor and this time around world opinion is with India so :cheers:

Nobody is asking u to give anything as for that u have to own it first. And the Kashmir Valley is of Kashmiri people so its they who will decide what they want. Yr only occupying a foreign land and its u who is an outsider.

What u think or say in this regard doesnt hold much wait.

No one cares what you want. The land is ours , the people who don't like that are free to go across the border , nothing stopping them. Send as many Mujaheddin as you want. They and their supporters like you will be tortured, then shot dead , and then buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in the forest.
LOL acutally land only belongs to the people who live there not to them who occupy it.
So its u who is at fault n yrs say will not be taken into consideration.
And for it first it has to happen then it can only be a fact.

BBC links who had lost its credibility and is a NATO country so well done its really believable.

Send link is a ://news.in.msn.com. in it the letters ''I'' and "'N'' is for india just like it is PK in defence.pk. The PK represents Pakistan and IN represents india.

So keeping inview the above its no a neutral n credible source.

Third is a pure indian link.

Indians joining IA will be shown by indian sources.

Do you think any pakistani news agency will show this news and expose that pakistani propaganda have failed big time.

Here is something that your news agencies will never show .

The fate of a separatist in kashmir .

Nobody is asking u to give anything as for that u have to own it first. And the Kashmir Valley is of Kashmiri people so its they who will decide what they want. Yr only occupying a foreign land and its u who is an outsider.

What u think or say in this regard doesnt hold much wait.

LOL acutally land only belongs to the people who live there not to them who occupy it.
So its u who is at fault n yrs say will not be taken into consideration.
ya keep deciding whatever you fancy but ground reality is Kashmir will be owrs as it was always was with us keep on with your fancy dreams good luck
I know they were not n who is talking there side in my comment.

the point is that india has always been against the maha rajas n nawabs thats why it ended feudalism in its country n it was always against them right from the start thats why it calims as strongest democracy But in this particular issue it takes side of a maha raja appointed by british to oppress people under him.

It seems only support the things what suits its stance. Which makes it not a very true Democracy that it always claims.

Again this is not rooted in history at all. Amongst the princely states left untouched were Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan - all predominantly Hindu-Buddhist states. Kashmir too was left untouched - probably because Mountbatten wanted all small northern kingdoms to be buffer states between India and China.

India did not support the Maharaja - you just invaded Kashmir forcing him to sign up with India.
Based on your logic Pakistan should never have been founded since Muslims were a minority in British India .

Now let me correct your myopic view of democracy. Democracy is meant to foster the freedom of the individual citizen, not of a majority or minority or any collective whole. In a democracy, the rights of any minority can not be held hostage to the whims and fancies of the majority.
dude democratic gov means a gov for the people n by the people. and a democratic way which Democratic govs follow is taken by what majority of people say. that yr saying is what it is done in dictatorship as we have seen that in Pak itself so we have better idea about it.

And yes Pakistan was a British creation by Brainwashing Muslims against Hindus.

And 2 Nation Theory is just a Lie there is no place for it in Islam as basic Islamic philosophy is about Peace n unity of Humanity without any level of BS be it in religion, country,class or creed.

And it took us 60 years to realize that n yr curse/anger over State of Pakistan and British is justified. But its the same fault that you r doing in kashmir which is also cant be justified just like Creation of Pakistan in the name of Islam by breaking the Unity of United India.

Indians joining IA will be shown by indian sources.

Do you think any pakistani news agency will show this news and expose that pakistani propaganda have failed big time.

Here is something that your news agencies will never show .

The fate of a separatist in kashmir .


Only indians joining it Not kashmiris. we r separate Identity.





ya keep deciding whatever you fancy but ground reality is Kashmir will be owrs as it was always was with us keep on with your fancy dreams good luck

Yr not having it but actually yr just occupying it.
Lets c How long u can do that
dude democratic gov means a gov for the people n by the people. and a democratic way which Democratic govs follow is taken by what majority of people say. that yr saying is what it is done in dictatorship as we have seen that in Pak itself so we have better idea about it.

And yes Pakistan was a British creation by Brainwashing Muslims against Hindus.

And 2 Nation Theory is just a Lie there is no place for it in Islam as basic Islamic philosophy is about Peace n unity of Humanity without any level of BS be it in religion, country,class or creed.

And it took us 60 years to realize that n yr curse/anger over State of Pakistan and British is justified. But its the same fault that you r doing in kashmir which is also cant be justified just like Creation of Pakistan in the name of Islam by breaking the Unity of United India.

Only indians joining it Not kashmiris. we r separate Identity.

Yr not having it but actually yr just occupying it.
Lets c How long u can do that
That's why I suggested an independent Kashmir state(if all else fails) the thing is you're the only buffer(piece of land) we have against Pak/CN so we can't allow Kashmir to be a part of any of those two! I suggest you vote for me in the next elections as to when I become PM I promise to resolve this longstanding issue between us :tup:
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