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Kashmir | The Geopolitical Implications & its impact on regional peace and security

I think you got the wrong idea. We are wasting time talking peace with India. The only way to get back at India is through proxy war again in Kashmir. Anyway, very soon we will have aconfrontation with India over water rights. So why waste time.
Yeh to is par yeh us par.


Well u r one not so smart indian. I meant no point having peace with india without Kashmir issue. Forget the west coming to aid Kashmiri with their rights. No one is going to help them. We would just have to start sending fighters back and wake up the indians.

This is where you are wrong, the proxies are always there and will be there in Pakistan including their recruitment, training camps and the brainwashing radical fundamental network of madrassahs, so called social charity organizations and the terrorist organizations - what happened for the last decade was you ended up smack in the middle of a war where the whole NATO and their agencies came roaming around inside Pakistan and also the money ran out so Pakistan dropped the terrorism support for the Kashmiri terrorists by 50%.
But this past decade has thrown Pakistan into the spotlight as a state that encourages and runs terrorist networks and its Pakistan thats sending its proxies into its neighboring countries.
And, it wont be easy to do it in Kashmir again because Pakistan has lost its financial backing for running of its various proxy armies and a consequence of that is all those terrorist attacks on the master and thats whats happening in Pakistan, Pakistan is under incredibly tremendous pressure to dismantle its terrorist infrastructure by the international community and this pressure will only increase exponentially. The reason for that being a lot of countries in Asia, Europe and America are getting threatened by the Jihaadi camps, organizations and schools that are operating in Pakistan......

Under this limelight Pakistan is in no position to start sending terrorists again to the same level that they did in the 90's...we will maintain the international pressure to the fullest as well.

This so called water war is BS and you dont have a sound reason to start a war with India - and if you did then forget about any international assistance or support from anyone because we have followed the lopsided IWT to the tee.
Please have a read and share this report with your friends. The struggle of the Kashmiri people must not be forgotten, we all owe the debt of freedom to our folk in the valley.

@Armstrong , @Oscar , @Aamna14 , @Zarvan , @Neptune , @cabatli_53 , @T-123456 , @Yzd Khalifa @Al Bhatti , @al-Hasani @asad71 @Hyperion @Arabian Knight @BLACKEAGLE @Loki , @Serpentine , @Hussein .


I thought India already promised to give Kashmir a referendum, half a century ago?

Now that is a strange bit of hypocrisy. Indians are always going on about Tibet, even though Tibet is not recognized as a disputed region by anyone in the world. And obviously, China is not a democracy, so we don't do referendums.

Whereas India is supposed to be a democracy, and not only that, but they also promised a referendum to Kashmir.

You're just talking through your Chinese Mandarin's Hat there. :laugh:
Read the UN Resolutions terms that need to be complied with BEFORE a Referendum can be initiated. Unfortunately, Pakistan either over-looked reading that bit or was unable to comprehend the English! Or pretends to do both.......
Now that is a subject that @toxic_pus will happily educate you on!!! :-)
And @Joe Shearer; will fill in the gaps; if you cannot understand.

Otherwise; this topic is just great for idle Charlies to resurrect periodically when Life seems just meaningless.
Deja Vu ?
Interesting article.

I never knew that Afghanistan has the potential to impact Kashmir. Why should it?

I don't think that anything pretty would come out of Afghanistan after the Yanks pull out. It is not like one can conjure up a "good" and "stable" country in one day given the history of Afghanistan and what is most certainly to come. Corruption, draconian-style leadership, massive unemployment levels, high-crime, and other untold miseries. That leaves the rulers to rule and the potential for Afghans to become unhappy. Balancing that, and the threat of the Taliban is very tricky. Even the Americans won't be able to. Had it been not by their failure by leaving behind an incomplete war, none of that had to happen.

I think it'd be a waste of time on the part of Kashmiris to give a moment's thought about Afghanistan. And the Afghans better think of how to better themselves (a general suggestion).

As to why there hadn't been due attention given to human rights abuses on the Indian side of Kashmir, I think it is the environment which both sides created. By arming themselves with nuclear weapons, it does make people shut-up more. Hence, the issue is never brought up. It's a sensitive region, and someplace where nuclear war can take place at any time. So, they don't bring it up.

The best way forward is for a peaceful referendum on both sides of the border. Violence and nukes don't solve a problem. It is the Kashmiris alone who should be given the power to determine their destiny. Now if both Pakistanis and Indians are going along with childish jingoism over Kashmir, then frankly, they are the problem.

Let them set up a peaceful referendum and let the Kashmiris decide for themselves. Can both sides ensure that peace and security for all during that referendum process? And most of all, tolerance? If no, then their politicians are all cowards.
So,this means they are afraid of the outcome/results of a referendum ?
I thought India already promised to give Kashmir a referendum, half a century ago?

Now that is a strange bit of hypocrisy. Indians are always going on about Tibet, even though Tibet is not recognized as a disputed region by anyone in the world. And obviously, China is not a democracy, so we don't do referendums.

Whereas India is supposed to be a democracy, and not only that, but they also promised a referendum to Kashmir.

Frankly speaking. After Independence, India was never desperate about Kashmir. The Maharaja wanted Kashmir to become an Independent country but Pakistan wanted it to join them as most of the pakistani rivers originate in Kashmir. So, PA along with a few extremists attacked kashmir and was only a few KM's away from its capital city. So, the Maharaja signed an instrument of accesion with India. Immediately, IA responded and pushed the PA back.

In 1948, When India & Pak approached UN to resolve the Kashmir issue. UN recognized the Instrument of accession as a valid legal document asked Pakistan to withdraw it's troops from Kashmir and instructed India to hold a plebiscite in ENTIRE Kashmir. But Pakistan refused to remove it's troops and after 1971 war, Pakistan signed an agreement saying that Kashmir issue will only be resolved bilaterally with out any International pressure.

Kashmir was a peaceful state till 1980's. Realizing that PA cannot take over Kahsmir in a conventional war. Pakistan started sending insurgents into India(Their own heads of states have confessed to it)

People in J&K elect their own govt. and they have absolute control over all matters except Defence, Foreign Affairs and Communications.
The best way forward is for a peaceful referendum on both sides of the border. Violence and nukes don't solve a problem. It is the Kashmiris alone who should be given the power to determine their destiny. Now if both Pakistanis and Indians are going along with childish jingoism over Kashmir, then frankly, they are the problem.

Let them set up a peaceful referendum and let the Kashmiris decide for themselves. Can both sides ensure that peace and security for all during that referendum process? And most of all, tolerance? If no, then their politicians are all cowards.

The missing thing here is peace - after all the cross border infiltration's, wars and terrorist attacks and hundreds of thousands of deaths that were hoisted on India and after all the sacrifices that the Indian troops and the Indian people have given there is no way that what Pakistan wants for free is going to happen.

If you plead it on humanitarian or emotional grounds then what does India get in return to forget all those sacrifices of life? What is on offer that would make us give away the rightfully owned land?

If one argues that the Kashmiri's want freedom or want to join Pakistan then they are free to do that similar to how millions of Indian Muslims did when they thought that they couldn't live with Hindu's and that is by migrating to the country that was created specifically for the Muslims of India. They too left their lands back and went across and so did the Hindu's who migrated from Pakistan to India.

If you want it settled as per UN resolution or the Shimla agreement then the terms need to be met with first.

The only reason why Nawaz Sharif has started stressing on dialogue on Kashmir today is because the valley has seen snow and the terrorists cannot come across - this topi drama goes on every year and has been going on for some years - during summer time terrorists are sent across the LOC and during winter they talk of dialogue and peaceful resolution.
All of you guys talk about Kashmiri Muslims,but none of you consider lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits,tortured
raped and displaced from their land of kashmir valley before and after for short time of 1948 kashmir war.They tortured ,raped and displaced by pakistani invading forces and tribes like patanis.Now all they live in Jammu and Delhi area.This western lady dont considered that.Presently kashmir valley is majority of muslims because valleys owners kashmiri pandits displaced from there.
all happened after ur army invaded kashmir .. before u attacked muslims and pundits were living peaceful .. muslims have ruled u for 800 years ... we were quite secular ... after ur army invaded kashmir ... may be that is the reason hindu pundits were targeted ,..its a natural reaction
Most of the people masquerading here as kashmiris of pakistan are punjabis and not kashmiris,they cant squeak in the kashmiri language.

Lot of potoharis shout that we are kashmiri.
Interesting article.

I never knew that Afghanistan has the potential to impact Kashmir. Why should it?

I don't think that anything pretty would come out of Afghanistan after the Yanks pull out. It is not like one can conjure up a "good" and "stable" country in one day given the history of Afghanistan and what is most certainly to come. Corruption, draconian-style leadership, massive unemployment levels, high-crime, and other untold miseries. That leaves the rulers to rule and the potential for Afghans to become unhappy. Balancing that, and the threat of the Taliban is very tricky. Even the Americans won't be able to. Had it been not by their failure by leaving behind an incomplete war, none of that had to happen.

I think it'd be a waste of time on the part of Kashmiris to give a moment's thought about Afghanistan. And the Afghans better think of how to better themselves (a general suggestion).

As to why there hadn't been due attention given to human rights abuses on the Indian side of Kashmir, I think it is the environment which both sides created. By arming themselves with nuclear weapons, it does make people shut-up more. Hence, the issue is never brought up. It's a sensitive region, and someplace where nuclear war can take place at any time. So, they don't bring it up.

The best way forward is for a peaceful referendum on both sides of the border. Violence and nukes don't solve a problem. It is the Kashmiris alone who should be given the power to determine their destiny. Now if both Pakistanis and Indians are going along with childish jingoism over Kashmir, then frankly, they are the problem.

Let them set up a peaceful referendum and let the Kashmiris decide for themselves. Can both sides ensure that peace and security for all during that referendum process? And most of all, tolerance? If no, then their politicians are all cowards.

It is easy to give advices? Why not give the same to China on Tibet or to Pakistan on Baluchistan?

But, the reality is World don't functions that way. If every ethnic groups/religions wants separate countries than world will have 20000 countries. Kashmir should be solved, there is no doubts on that, but the solution should be within Indian constitution.

I don't feel like participating in this kind of boring thread any more, for a variety of reasons.
  1. Now that Pakistanis of that inclination have more or less shot their bolts, and had their paper-thin arguments shot to pieces in argument, they have no way 'forward' other than citing pseudo-Kashmiris or supposed foreign authorities. These citations are typically cut and paste jobs out of the columns of Pakistani newspapers, and redolent with the wisdom of those hacks.
  2. There is then a cacophony of support, from several sources.
    1. The sub-teen bred in the US/Australia/Canada fight-to-the-last-Pakistani set;
    2. The religious segment, who fall back on the exploits of the Islamic conquests, the glories of Ottoman Turkey, and finally the resistance of Iraqi terrorists and Afghan fundamentalists to foreign military presence to claim that this too will happen in Kashmir - some day;
    3. The military man, or ex-military man, intent on maintaining esprit de corps, and denying that it was all a waste of time and lives, and bad for the service he came from;
    4. The most egregious breed, the Pakistani revisionist, intent on creating a mythology for Pakistan to replace what he himself does not believe in anymore;
  3. There is a counter chorus of Indians, whom I shall not categorise because it is an equally boring exercise, and one that is a punishment to undertake;
  4. The Chinese, even the responsible Chinese minority, weigh in, with heavy ponderous posts very clearly written out of a sense of duty, rather than any genuine feeling for the subject;
  5. Gridlock is achieved. The purpose is served.
And that is why I do not get into these threads. Sorry, @Capt.Popeye

I managed to read the paragraph titled 'Is Kashmir a bilateral dispute between India and Pakistan?' and I immediately lost any interest in this thread.

As @Joe Shearer said, the Chinese members do what they do, out of their sense of obligation to their BFFs. In matters related to Kashmir, they should be taken as seriously as Bozo the clown.
all happened after ur army invaded kashmir .. before u attacked muslims and pundits were living peaceful .. muslims have ruled u for 800 years ... we were quite secular ... after ur army invaded kashmir ... may be that is the reason hindu pundits were targeted ,..its a natural reaction

Our Army strike pakistanies in kashmir ,after pakistanis brutally kill poor kasmiri pandits and try to defeat kashmir king.Indian Army only entered in Kashmir after Instrument Of Accession.Whole the world know that except you.You are trying to twist historical fact.You Know ,We know and the Whole
World know Indian Army entered int Kashmir after pak army and tribal patanis attack poor kashmiris.
We also have proof.So dont talk like an idiot.:hitwall:.
Muslims ruled us for 800 years,...which muslims? ,may some barbaric central asian muslim invade India, and ruled india for 800 years ,not pakistanies.You are the manifestation of that barbaric rule.
So for progress of India rejecting some barbaric manifestation is necessary.1947 partition is litmus test for that.Muslims love India remain in this country as an Indian.Manifestation of barbaric rules of muslim invaders combined and form country called pakistan. And your country is still in that place.
Pakistanis simply allow west countries for attack in your country.what is reason for that?because you are still governed by UK and US.pathetic:rofl:
all happened after ur army invaded kashmir .. before u attacked muslims and pundits were living peaceful .. muslims have ruled u for 800 years ... we were quite secular ... after ur army invaded kashmir ... may be that is the reason hindu pundits were targeted ,..its a natural reaction

Revisionist history - full of lies and "maybe's" and boring as hell to try and rectify.....Its not the first example....there's hundreds of such fabrications and there will be hundreds more in the future.
Secondly, to a lesser extent, the dispute is analyzed from a humanitarian angle, wherein an outright repression, violation of human rights and strong discontentment amongst the vast majority of Kashmiris indicating a humanitarian crisis within Kashmir, which over the past few decades has reached an unprecedented level.
After reading this part I stopped going any further. It's utter rubbish and nonsense written by some clowns sponsored by the Pakistani Establishment. I wonder how much they were paid for writing this sh!t?

Bottom line: Whatever any self styled analyst may write (Especially those sponsored by the Pakistan Establishment) Kashmir will remain an integral part of India, including those areas under the illegal occupation of Pakistan. Period!

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It is easy to give advices? Why not give the same to China on Tibet or to Pakistan on Baluchistan?

I never said it'd be easy....

Tibet, and Baluchistan are different issues. Cooperation of both sides would be required on the table.

Do folks honestly expect to drag Kashmir forever?
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