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Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

Would you care to share your opinion about Kashmir? Something tells me that its not as neutral as your name suggests. ;)

I think he summed it up pretty well, and you should read the report of EU.
Would you care to share your opinion about Kashmir? Something tells me that its not as neutral as your name suggests. ;)

The mention of Hindu areas of Kashmir you mean ?

Even a cursory mention ?
Would you care to share your opinion about Kashmir? Something tells me that its not as neutral as your name suggests. ;)

No real views on Kashmir other than its a beautiful place with lovely orchards and people. Never had a problem with a Pakistani, Indian, Kashmiri for that matter. Love my chelsea and indian food and cobra beer after that. Don't bother much about religion and feel it should be kept at home.

Sorry I have no hidden agenda.

I knew about this report as a local Kashmiri organisation wanted us to write to our local parliamentarian that the report was biased and having visited the Indian side of Kashmir I really like the place. I am sure the Pakistani side is equally beautiful.
One weakness I do have is my love for Chicken Tikas. We British claim to have invented it ? Though the most local indian food joints are run by friendly Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Indians. So if I say I love Indian food I hope that will not make me an Enemy of Pakistan.
I knew about this report as a local Kashmiri organisation wanted us to write to our local parliamentarian that the report was biased and having visited the Indian side of Kashmir I really like the place. I am sure the Pakistani side is equally beautiful.

u made a mistake, there is no such thing as Indian side of Kashmir. Occupied Kashmir sounds much better.
You mean Azad Kashmir !!!

As HRW report and the EU report, the Azad in the Azad Kashmir can only be termed as an term to blind the poor kashmiri's. They sold their land to the chinese and again made it smaller by carving baltistan and northern areas out of it, which is now filled with foriegner's. If you ask me pakistani government took the poor kashmiri's for a ride.
I think all my learned friends must read the latest EU report which actually speaks of ground realities without getting carried away by the propoganda. Its quite an eye opener.

Nicholson's Report seems to have dismantled the ivory tower of the notions of authenticity and credibility established by vibrantly evolving history of European nations. Her 10-page long report with 44 points, containing 3611 words, goes contrary to the aspirations of Kashmiri people and replete with biases against Pakistan. It seems that she didn't go for collecting her data from original sources and put into words whatever was told to her by a group of retired officials of Indian Army (a popular belief about her report). It was natural to call the impartiality of the would-be report into question when the EU Rapporteur sought to visit only pro-Indian Kashmiris (who represent only a negligible minority) and evaded pro-liberation Kashmiri leadership (one that represents Kashmiris' overwhelming majority) for collecting data. The Report has criticized Pakistan-administered Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) as a region where there are enormous deficiencies in rule of law, literacy, healthcare and democratic structures. The facts go quite contrary to the above claim. There is complete calm and peace in AJK and there is no deployment of Pakistan's Armed Forces except a limited number on the Line of Control whereas some 700,000 Indian troops are deployed in Indian- Held Kashmir (IHK), most of them in cities, towns and other populated areas. And not a single day passes without reports of troops' human rights' violations, custodial killings, protests, sit-ins, strikes, illegal detentions or fake encounters. Deplorably, the report was unable to give any reference to the draconian laws that India has enforced in occupied Kashmir to suppress its people. These laws give full impunity to Indian troops for Kashmiris' genocide. In AJK, the literacy rate is around 60% as against IHK's 54%; so is the proportion of healthcare.

Please do read the full report below.

The baroness herself has never had a postion of power in the british govt and no experience in foreign affairs.
Please do check how the report was compiled and you will see for yourself that it is flawed.
Kindly check my reply to Neo on Kashmir on Indian Kashmir thread, dabong before starting to claim 'ground realities etc etc'.

I can challenge you prove me that the so called ground realities are coming form the original kashmiries and not from GOP appointed self serving peoples, not from cross border infiltators and not by transmigration.

There is no legal way you can define ground aspirations of kashmiri people because that calls upon the need of plebicite and transmigration for over 50 years violaties the very basis of plebicite.
Bar On Strike against Human Rights Abuse

Srinagar, July 06 (Online): In occupied Kashmir, the High Court Bar Association boycotted courts, as a mark of protest against human rights violations committed by Indian troops, reports KMS Bar spokesman said that grave human rights violations have been taking place in occupied Kashmir since past 17 years. The youth are being killed under the guise of fake encounters and chastity of women is being violated. The spokesman said that Bar Association has decided to send a memorandum to the United Nations Human Rights wing, with all details of custodial killings, fake encounters and custodial disappearances. The UN body would be urged to impose sanctions against India and also reject its claim of becoming a permanent member of Security Council, the spokesman added. He further said that Kashmir Bar Association has also decided to hold a seminar, in which the prominent human rights activists of India will be apprised about the happenings in occupied Kashmir. The human rights violations shall be highlighted. The world opinion shall be motivated to get the Kashmir issue resolved as per the wishes and aspirations of people of Jammu and Kashmir," the Bar spokesman added .

Kindly check my reply to Neo on Kashmir on Indian Kashmir thread, dabong before starting to claim 'ground realities etc etc'.

I can challenge you prove me that the so called ground realities are coming form the original kashmiries and not from GOP appointed self serving peoples, not from cross border infiltators and not by transmigration.

There is no legal way you can define ground aspirations of kashmiri people because that calls upon the need of plebicite and transmigration for over 50 years violaties the very basis of plebicite.

Lets keep it simple,india claims to be democratic so let the people have the vote on freedom.
What are you worried about, if the indians have been treating the kashmiris so well and they are so much better off under india they will give you the vote wont they?
Lets keep it simple,india claims to be democratic so let the people have the vote on freedom.
What are you worried about, if the indians have been treating the kashmiris so well and they are so much better off under india they will give you the vote wont they?

Why not, clear out Azad Kashmir and the pakistani's there and we will have vote out. There are specific things YOU have to do for that, READ UN RESOLUTION. DO it first, then we wil have the VOTE OUT. you will be suprised
Lets keep it simple,india claims to be democratic so let the people have the vote on freedom.
What are you worried about, if the indians have been treating the kashmiris so well and they are so much better off under india they will give you the vote wont they?

What do you think should the voting options?
Join India
Join Pakistan
Independent nation?
What do you think should the voting options?
Join India
Join Pakistan
Independent nation?

In a perfect world the above would be great.
But i think there would be a problem.The people of pak kashmir i am sure would vote to join pakistan while the people of indian kashmir valley i think would vote for independence and the people of jammu would join india.
My solution is that the people of kashmir have one parliment one police force.The people of pak kashmir are allowed to vote in pak and kashmir elections,and the same for the other side they vote in kashmir and indian elections.
Kashmir consulate is opened in pak and indian embassies around the world.
Kashmir not to have army,both currency pak and indian used through kashmir.
The flag of all three countries is on all govt buildings and schools in all of kashmir.
The president of kashmir is from india and say the highest judge is pakistani or vice versa.
A sense of victory must be given to all three sides or else in the future it will kick off again.
I can keep adding other suggestions bur from my last encounter with some indians on this forum i got a feeling that india does not want to budge one inch on the subject or give any concessions.India is more powerful then pakistan it should make the concessions.

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